Wiwik Rahayu
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Indonesia Kampus UI Depok 16424, Indonesia.

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Tanah Gambut Melalui Uji Triaksial Consolidated Undrained dan Unconsolidated Undrained Rahayu, Wiwik; Lisdiyanti, Puspita; Pratama, Rendy Eka
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 22, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (417.746 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2015.22.3.4


Abstrak. Semakin berkembangnya zaman, membuat pembangunan infrastruktur harus dapat dilakukan di berbagai tempat, begitu juga pada tanah gambut. Akan tetapi, tanah gambut merupakan salah satu jenis tanah yang memiliki kekuatan yang buruk dan kurang baik sebagai dasar konstruksi sipil. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah usaha untuk stabilisasi atau meningkatkan daya dukung tanah gambut, yaitu pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan penambahan mikroorganisme selulolitik pada tanah gambut. Tujuannya adalah untuk menguraikan atau mendekomposisi senyawa organik berupa serat dan selulosa menjadi senyawa anorganik yang lebih sederhana dan padat. Mikroorganisme yang digunakan adalah jenis bakteri, jamur, dan aktinomiset. Volume mikroorganisme yang ditambahkan adalah sebesar 10% dari volume tanah dalam wadah per tahap dari total 2 tahap injeksi dan masa fermentasi selama 65 hari. Pengujian kekuatan tanah yang dilakukan adalah uji triaksial Consolidated Undrained (CU) dan Unconsolidated Undrained (UU). Setelah dilakukan injeksi mikroorganisme dan fermentasi, didapatkan hasil peningkatan parameter kuat geser tanah gambut yaitu, nilai kohesi dan sudut geser. Abstract. As the time goes by, developing of infrastructure must be able to do in various places, even on the peat soil area. However, peat soil is a type of soil that have a poor strength and not good enough to use as base of civil construction. According to that condition, it takes an effort to stabilize or increase the bearing capacity of peat soil, in this study will be use the addition of cellulolytic microorganisms in peat soil. That aims to decompose the fiber and cellulose into solid and simpler organic compounds. The kind of microorganism is bacteria, fungi, and  actinomycetes. Volume of microorganisms that are added is equal to 10% of the total volume of soil in the container per stage of total 2 stages and with fermentation period for 65 days. The soil strength test which is conducted in this experiment is Consolidated Undrained (CU) and Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) triaxial tests. After the injection of microorganisms and 65 days fermentation, the result showed an increasing in shear strength of peat soil parameters, the value of cohesion and friction angle.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 17, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4741.413 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v17i2.2838


Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is generally cultivated at uplands areas. However, for lowlands, technology of innovation related to fertilizing can be considered as the solution. This study was aimed to determine the appropriate fertilizer package, the variety of carrot adapted in rainy season, and sandy clay loam of the lowland areas in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. This study was designed by using a split plot exponential design consisting of main plot consisting of carrot varieties: (V1 = Kirana and V2 = Lokal Batu) and sub-plot, consisting of fertilizer packages (P0 = control, P1 = low. P2 = medium, P3 = High). The results showed that variety of Lokal Batu was more adaptive than Kirana for having higher tuber production. 16.95 g/plant (10.12 t/ha) and 16.33 g/plant (9.80 t/ha). The result showed that the highest production of 18.89 g/plant was obtained in a medium fertilizer package as compared to other fertilizer package. There was no significant interaction between carrot varieties and fertilizer packages. The trend showed that the fertilizer packages of P2 produced the highest yield of total weight of tuber production within each carrot variety of 10.36 ton/ha for Kirana and 12.31 ton/ha for Lokal Batu.
Pengaruh Geopolimer Untuk Meningkatkan Kuat Geser Tanah Gambut Rahayu, Wiwik; Damoerin, Damrizal; Hayyan, Allih
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 25, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (934.568 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2018.25.3.3


AbstrakPembangunan Infrastruktur sangan gencar dilakukan oleh pemerintah saat ini diseluruh Indonesia, sehingga proyek infrastruktur tersebut harus dilakukan diberbagai jenis tanah, termasuk tanah gambut. Tanah gambut yang memiliki daya dukung rendah mengharuskan diadakannya upaya peningkatan kekuatan tanah gambut tersebut. Salah satunya adalah dengan mencampurkan geopolimer pada tanah gambut. Campuran geopolimer sudah banyak diterapkan pada penelitian terhadap beton sebagai pengganti semen karena sifatnya yang bisa mengikat. Persentase campuran geopolimer yang ditambahkan pada tanah gambut adalah 10% dari berat kering tanah gambut, dengan variasi waktu peram yang berbeda. Pengujian yang dilakukan padasampel tanah gambut setelah dicampur dengan geopolimer adalah uji triaksial Consolidated Undrained (CU). Hasil yang didapat menunjukan adanya peningkatan nilai parameter kuat geser pada tanah gambut yang telah distabilisasi.AbstractInfrastructure Development has been intensively carried out by the current Indonesian government, so that infrastructure projects must be carried out in various types of soil, including on peat soil area. However, peat soils has low strength capacity for civil construction, so that it takes an effort to increase the bearing and shear strength capacity of peat soil, for example by mixing the geopolymer mixture with peat soil. The geopolymer has been widely applied to research on concrete as a substitute for cement because of its binding nature. The percentage of geopolymer mixture that added to peat soil is 10% of the dry weight of the peat soil, and is carried out with different water content and ripening time. Testing of peat soil samples after mixing with 10% geopolymer was done by triaxial Consolidated Undrained (CU) test. After added 10% geopolymer in 10 days plague time, the result showed an increasing of some shear strength parameters of the sample.
Studi Karakteristik Aliran Tanah Terlikuefaksi Berdasarkan Uji Viskositas Wiwik Rahayu; Widjojo Adi Prakoso; Anisya Purwandari; Dian Sih Pusporini; Natasha Gilbert
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 30 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2023.30.1.6


Abstrak Gempa bumi di Kota Palu sebesar 7,5 Mw pada tahun 2018 menyebabkan likuefaksi di Desa Lolu dengan pergerakan lateral tanah hingga 150 meter. Pergerakan ini terjadi akibat perilaku mencairnya tanah atau disebut likuefaksi. Beberapa peneliti telah membuktikan bahwa perilaku tanah terlikuefaksi dapat dianalisis dengan cara mensimulasikan tanah sebagai cairan yang memiliki kekentalan (viscous fluid). Perilaku pergerakan tanah pada saat likuefaksi terjadi dapat dipelajari melalui karakteristik aliran tanah. Karakteristik aliran tanah terlikuefaksi dianalisis dari nilai viskositas terhadap gaya yang diberikan. Dilakukan pengujian di laboratorium menggunakan alat rotational rheometer untuk mendapatkan nilai viskositas. Terdapat 6 (enam) sampel tanah uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, yaitu 3 (tiga) sampel dari area aliran dan 3 (tiga) sampel dari area terdampak. Tanah dari area aliran terdiri dari silty sand, coarse sand, dan fine sand. Sementara tanah dari area terdampak terdiri dari sand gravel, sand gravel boulder, dan silty sand. Seluruh sampel tanah uji menunjukkan karakteristik aliran tanah terlikuefaksi Non-Newtonian, yaitu shear thinning. Variasi kadar air dan suhu yang diterapkan pada seluruh sampel tanah uji menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai kadar air dan suhu, maka semakin rendah nilai viskositas yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan komposisi tanah, semakin besar persentase butir halus yang terkandung maka semakin besar nilai viskositas atau dapat dikatakan tanah mengalir dengan lebih lambat. Kata-kata Kunci: Likuefaksi, rotational rheometer ,   laju geser viskositas, kadar air suhu. Abstract An earthquake in Palu City of 7.5 Mw in 2018 caused liquefaction in Lolu Village with lateral ground movement up to 150 meters. This movement occurs due to the behavior of melting soil, called liquefaction. Several researchers have proven that the behavior of liquefied soil can be analyzed by simulating the soil as a viscous fluid. The behavior of soil movement when liquefaction occurs can be studied through the characteristics of soil flow. The characteristics of liquefied soil flow were analyzed, from the value of the viscosity due to the applied force. Laboratory tests were carried out using a rotational rheometer to obtain the viscosity value. There were 6 (six) soil samples used in this study, namely 3 (three) samples from the flow area and 3 (three) samples from the affected area. The soil of the flow area consists of silty sand, coarse sand, and fine sand. The soil from the affected area consists of sand gravel, sand gravel boulders, and silty sand. All of the tested soil samples showed non-Newtonian soil flow characteristics, namely shear thinning. Variations in water content and temperature applied to all tested soil samples indicate that the higher the water content and temperature values, the lower the resulting viscosity value. Based on the composition of the soil, the greater the percentage of fine grains contained, the greater the value of viscosity, or it can be said that the soil flows more slowly. Keywords: Liquefaction, rotational rheometer, viscosity shear rate, temperature water content