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Perbedaan Morfologi Kelenjar Mammae Dan Jaringan Ikat Pada Kanker Payudara Dan Fibrokistik Di Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Triana Intan Sari; Saffa Hasanah; Muhammad Arsyad; Nunung Ainur Rahmah; Yulia Suciati
Majalah Sainstekes Vol 9, No 1 (2022): JUNI 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Universitas YARSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1011.722 KB) | DOI: 10.33476/ms.v9i1.2650


Kanker payudara adalah keganasan yang berasal dari epitel duktus maupun lobules di jaringan payudara. Di sisi lain, penyakit fibrokistik adalah benjolan teraba di payudara dan terkait dengan siklus menstruasi. Karena gejala awal yang mirip, pada pemeriksaan klinis, penyakit fibrokistik sering salah didiagnosis sebagai kanker payudara. Oleh karena tingginya kasus kanker payudara di Indonesia, penentuan stadium klinis dan pemeriksaan histopatologi diperlukan untuk menentukan diagnosis dan tata laksana lebih lanjut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perbedaan kepadatan jaringan ikat dan perbedaan luas sel pada kanker payudara dan penyakit fibrokistik.Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah blok paraffin pasien kanker payudara dan penyakit fibrokistik di Rumah Sakit Islam Cempaka Putih Jakarta. Pengumpulan data ini dilakukan dengan data primer sediaan biopsi eksisi atau mastektomi pasien kanker payudara dan penyakit fibrokistik dan diolah menjadi sediaan slide menggunakan pewarnaan masson’s trichrome dan Hematoxylin Eosin. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan uji komparatif dua sampel yang tidak berpasangan dan distribusi tidak normal dengan uji Kolmogorov Smirnov.Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rerata luas morfologi kelenjar pada kanker payudara lebih besar dibandingkan penyakit fibrokistik (226,324 um : 60,522 um). Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik antara luas morfologi kelenjar pada kanker payudara dan penyakit fibrokistik. Semenetara jumlah jaringan ikat pada fibrokistik lebih banyak dibandingkan kanker invasif payudara. Kepadatan rata-rata jaringan ikat pada fibrokistik payudara sebesar 52%. Sedangkan kepadatan rata-rata jaringan ikat pada kanker payudara sebesar 29,17%. Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis Kolmogorov Smirnov didapatkan hasil yang signifikan secara statistik antara variabel kepadatan jaringan ikat pada kanker payudara dan penyakit fibrokistik (p kurang dari 0.05).Terdapat perbedaan bermakna jaringan ikat antara kanker payudara dengan penyakit fibrokistik. Sementara luas morfologi kelenjar pada kanker payudara lebih besar dibandingkan penyakit fibrokistik
Clinical Manifestation and Diagnosis of Cryptosporidiosis in Adult Infected with HIV Nunung Ainur Rahmah; Ening Krisnuhoni; Ari Fahrial Syam
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3, December 2003
Publisher : The Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24871/43200396-99


Cryptosporidiosis is a rare infection caused by a coccidian parasite, Cryptosporidium, which could cause diarrhea in humans, especially those who are immunocompromised Cryptosporidiosis could cause self- limited diarrhea infection in immunocompetent hosts, but in immunocompromised hosts, especially those with AIDS, the diarrhea can be chronic and severe. To date, no known effective therapeutic agents have been identified. The following is one case report of cryptosporidiosis of a 27 year-old male admitted with chronic diarrhea since 2 months. Endoscopy of the ileum and colon showed hyperemia, erosion and edema, and biopsy was performed. Histopathological examination of ileum showed an atrophic villous and atypical degeneration. There was a number of circular cryptosporidium lining up along the surface of epithelium. There was inflammatory cell infiltration, consisting of lymphocytes, eosinophils and a few neutrophils in the lamina propria. Serological examination revealed an HIV-positive result. Keywords: Cryptosporidiosis, HIV, diarrhea
Hepatocellular Carcinoma in an Infant due to HBV Vertical Transmission Nunung Ainur Rahmah; Wirasmi Marwoto; Vera Yuwono; Ening Krisnuhoni; Diah Rini Handjari; Darmawan Kartono; David Handojo Muljono
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1, April 2009
Publisher : The Indonesian Society for Digestive Endoscopy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24871/101200929-32


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the common tumors in the world. The incidence of HCC generally increases with age in all population but there is a tendency of decreasing incidence in the elderly and it is very rare in children. This is a case report of HCC in a 9-month-old boy, who was admitted to the hospital with palpable abdominal mass in the right upper quadrant. Imaging modality by ultrasonography could not adequately demonstrate definite findings demonstrating that the tumor was derived from liver, and the diagnosis was neuroblastoma. Intra-operatively, the tumor mass appeared to be derived from the surface of the posterior edge of the liver, so it was a pedunculated tumor. The histopathological examination revealed a pedunculatedhepatocellular carcinoma grade 3. The Victorian blue staining and immunohistochemical staining were done afterward, which showed HBsAg positive result as found in non-tumor lesion as well as inneoplastic lesion of liver tissue.Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, pedunculated HCC, infant HCC, occult hepatitis B virus infection
The Influence of Anxiety Levels Facing Medical Exams to Urinary Incontinence in YARSI University Medical Students Class of 2019 and 2020, and A Review Through Islamic Perspectives Muhammad Achmad Yani; Nunung Ainur Rahmah; Citra Fitri Agustina; Firman Arifandi
Junior Medical Journal Vol 1, No 7 (2023)
Publisher : Junior Medical Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33476/jmj.v1i7.3206


Background: Urinary incontinence is the involuntary excretion of urine at any given condition. Medical exams experienced by medical students could induce anxiety, which could lead to urinary incontinence. Through an Islamic viewpoint, individuals suffering from urinary incontinence are constantly unclean and require certain ways to practice worship. This study aims to determine the relationship between anxiety levels and age; anxiety levels and gender; the correlation between anxiety levels and urinary incontinence; identifying anxiety levels; and the severity of urinary incontinence symptoms within YARSI University Medical Students Class of 2019 and 2020, as well as how to pray and ablute for individuals with urinary incontinence.Method: This study is qualitative research done as an analytical observational study with cross-sectional study design. The research instrument used the Urogenital Distress Inventory questionnaire (UDI-6) and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS). The research was conducted on YARSI University Medical Students Class of 2019 and 2020 with a sample size of 209 participants. Data analysis utilized Kruskal Wallis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, and Spearman Correlation statistical tests.Results: The level of anxiety experienced by most students is a mild level of anxiety. The highest severity of urinary incontinence symptoms was experienced by students with moderate to severe anxiety levels. No significant relationship was found between age and gender with anxiety levels. There is a positive correlation with moderate strength between the level of anxiety and urinary incontinence.Conclusion: No relationship was found between anxiety levels facing medical exams with age nor gender and a positive correlation with moderate strength was found between anxiety levels medical exams and urinary incontinence within YARSI University Medical Students Class of 2019 and 2020.