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Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi dan sains Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Rekayasa, Teknologi, dan Sains
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jrets.v6i1.5304


ABSTRAK Konstruksi basement pada proyek pembangunan Gedung B Rumah Sakit Umum Muhammadiyah Metro terdiri dari tahap persiapan, bored pile dinding penahan tanah, galian tanah basement, bored pile gedung utama, pile cap, tie beam/sloof, lantai basement, dan dinding basement. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya dan menentukan pengendalian serta pencegahan pada pekerjaan konstruksi basement proyek pembangunan Gedung B Rumah Sakit Umum Muhammadiyah Metro. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya yaitu menggunakan metode Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Total potensi bahaya pada konstruksi basement ini yaitu sebanyak 93 potensi bahaya. Analisa tingkat risiko pada konstruksi basement ini terdiri dari 27 risiko rendah, 61 risiko sedang, dan 5 risiko tinggi. Pada upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian potensi bahaya pada konstruksi basement ini terdapat faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi basement untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan kerja yaitu menggunakan APD lengkap sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan, memahami fungsi dan cara penggunaan peralatan kerja (tools work) yang akan digunakan, pada beberapa pekerjaan tertentu membutuhkan pekerja dengan skill khusus, mematuhi rambu-rambu K3, dan terjalin komunikasi yang baik antara perusahaan dengan para pekerja. Dari hasil perhitungan TCR untuk mengetahui Implementasi K3 pada proyek pembangunan Gedung B RSU Muhammadiyah Metro diperoleh 16 kategori sangat baik dan 5 kategori cukup baik dari total 21 instrumen dengan 5 variabel. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk menerapkan Job Safety Analysis (JSA) yang sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada sehingga dapat dilakukan identifikasi potensi bahaya dan menentukan pengendalian serta pencegahan pada pekerjaan konstruksi basement proyek pembangunan Gedung B Rumah Sakit Umum Muhammadiyah Metro. Kata Kunci : kecelakaan kerja, potensi bahaya, implementasi K3, job safety analysis (JSA), basement ABSTRACT Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Basement Construction In The Building B Construction Project Of Muhammadiyah Metro General Hospital, Lampung Province. Basement construction in the construction project of Building B of Muhammadiyah Metro General Hospital consists of the preparation stage, bored pile retaining wall, basement excavation, main building bored pile, pile cap, tie beam/sloof, basement floor, and basement wall. The purpose of this study is to identify potential hazards, determine control and prevention in basement construction work for the construction project of building B Muhammadiyah Metro General Hospital. The method used to identify potential hazards is using the JSA method. The total potential hazard in this basement construction is 93 potential hazards. Analysis of the level of risk in this basement construction consists of 27 low risk, 61 medium risk, and 5 high risk. In efforts to prevent and control potential hazards in basement construction, there are factors that need to be considered in the implementation of basement construction to prevent work accidents, namely using complete APD in accordance with the work being carried out, understanding the functions and how to use work equipment (tools work) that will be used. used, certain jobs require workers with special skills, comply with OHS guidelines, and good communication is established between the company and the workers. From the results of the TCR calculation to determine the implementation of OHS in the construction project of Building B RSU Muhammadiyah Metro, 16 categories were very good and 5 categories were quite good from a total of 21 instruments with 5 variables. Keywords: work accident, potential hazard, OHS implementation, job safety analysis (JSA), basement
Identification of Bird Diversity in the Campus Landscape of Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) As an Approach for Sustainable Campus Planning and Development Anggi Mardiyanto; Bambang Prasetio
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Science, Engineering and Social Science Series
Publisher : Penerbit Kemala Indonesia

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Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) is a campus that has the concept of developing a forest campus. Campus landscape which is quite extensive has the potential as the lungs of the city, supports the academic atmosphere and provides a comfortable space for campus residents. A healthy campus environment was characterized by a high level of biodiversity. One indicator of environmental health was the presence of birds. Birds are indicator species that are easily observed. The diversity of birds in the campus landscape illustrates the level of campus environmental health. This research aims to identify the diversity of birds in the ITERA campus landscape. This research has obtained 27 species of campus birds. The results of this study are expected to provide recommendation for sustainable campus planning and development.
The Impact of Community Attitudes on Environmental Sanitation Conditions in the Settlements of Mount Pala (Case Study in Mount Pala, Keteguhan Village, Teluk Betung Timur District, Bandar Lampung City) Arif Setiajaya; Bambang Prasetio; Aulia Annas Mufti; Erlina Kurianingtyas; Nova Sari
Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Science, Engineering and Social Science Series
Publisher : Penerbit Kemala Indonesia

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The environment, people's attitudes, and socioeconomic traits that have an impact on the physical state of the environment are the variables that have the biggest impact on the community's health status. Sanitation factors in efforts to enhance people's welfare in areas including health, way of life, settlement environmental conditions, and level of comfort. The research aims to identify characteristics; Analyze environmental sanitation conditions; Analyze the impact of behavior; and provide recommendations to the community regarding environmental sanitation conditions. The research location is Jalan Laksamana RE Martadinata, Keteguhan Village, Teluk Betung Timur District, Bandar Lampung City. This research method is quantitative descriptive with a method based on the philosophy of positivism. The results of the study are (1) Based on the results obtained on the socio-demographic characteristics of the community, it consists of 6 characteristics, namely gender, age, educational strata, type of work, income, and length of residence. (2) the results of the reliability test in the measurement instrument are categorized as high reliability, stating that the sanitation conditions in the settlement have very high problems. (3) The results of moderate reliability state that some people care, and some don't care about the environment. (4) Based on the results of field observations obtained a recommendation that can be carried out for the community, namely recommendations in the form of short-term socialization and long-term counseling related to the importance of maintaining clean sanitation and fostering a sense of care for the environment.