Hartono Hartono
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Published : 5 Documents Claim Missing Document
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The Performance Form of Dzikir Saman, Banjarsari Lebak Banten Teguh Hartomi; Restu Lanjari; Hartono Hartono
Catharsis Vol 12 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/catharsis.v12i1.67712


Arts is always considered to be related to culture, which becomes a feature. One of the performing arts that continues to exist and develop in Banten is Dzikir Saman. The Dzikir Saman performance is closely related to religious overtones, and thanksgiving is given with aesthetic wrapping. Therefore this research aims to examine the form of Dzikir Saman performances in Banjar Sari, Lebak Banten. This research used qualitative approach and data collection techniques, with observation, interviews, and documentation. From the results of data collection and data analysis, it can be seen that the Dzikir Saman art is divided into three performance structures, the first being tawasul, asyrokol, and saman, which contain elements of performance, such as performers, costumes, music, make-up, property of place and time. Keywords: Form of performance, arts, Dzikir Saman,
Peranan Orang Tua dalam Membentuk Kedisiplinan Anak Mengerjakan Tugas Kajian Kasus Anak PAUD RA Muslimat Kertijayan Rofiatun Rofiatun; Kurotul Aeni; Hartono Hartono
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Abstrak: Orang tua .mempunyai fungsi.penting dalam.mengawal perkembangan.dan pembentukan sikap anak., terutama dalam kedisiplinan mengerjakan tugas. Akan tetapi fakta dilapangan terkadang orang tua sibuk dengan aktifitas karir sehingga lupa akan tanggung jawabnya dalam melaksanakan peran pendampingan. Tujuanadariapenelitian.ini auntuk.menganalisis peranaorang tuaadalamamembentuk kedisiplinanaanak. mengerjakan tugas. Jenis penelitian ini. merupakan. field.researh. metode. penggalian.data wawancara, observasi dan .dokumentasi. Keabsahanadataamenggunakan. teknikatrianggulasi..Analisisadata…menggunakan.teori.millesdan.huberman.Hasil.penelitianaPeranan orangatua.dalam membentuk kedisiplinan anak mengerjakan tugas menjalinakomunikasiayangabaikadenganaguru., mengaturadan.membuat jadwal belajaraanak.di rumah, menyiapkan tempat dan peralatan belajar, menghindarkan anak dari benda-benda yang mengganggu, memberikan contoh di depan anak, memberikan pujian terhadap tugas yang telah dikerjakan. Kendala orang tua adalah kesibukan, waktu, pengaruh lingkungan. mengatasi kendala mengatur. waktu.belajaraanakadiarumah, memberikanapenghargaan dna perhatian.yangabaik saat. anak belajaradi rumah, mendampingiaanakadalamamengerjakanapekerjaanarumahayangadiberikanaolehaguru. Abstract: Parentsahaveaan.aimportantaroleain. overseeingathe.development and formationaofachildren's attitudes, especially inathe discipline ofadoing tasks. However, the facts in the field are sometimes parents are busy with career activities so they forget their responsibilities in carrying out their mentoring role. Theapurposeaof athisastudy was to. analyze the .roleaof aparents in. shapingachildren’s.discipline in.doing assignments. This typeaofaresearch.isafieldaresearch,amethodsaof.extracting interviewadata, observationaandadocumentation..Theavalidityaofatheadataausingatriangulation.techniqu. Data.analysis. used the.theory of. Milles and Huberman. The.results of the study The. role.of parents.in shaping children’s. discipline in.carrying out the task of establishing good communication with teachers, arranging and making children's study schedules at home, preparing places and learning equipment, preventing children from disturbing objects, setting examples in front of children, giving praise to the tasks that have been done. Parental constraints are busyness, time, environmental influences. Overcoming obstacles in managing children's study time at home, giving good appreciation and attention when children study at home, assisting .children in doing. homework givenaby theateacher
Analisis Keterampilan Berargumentasi Mahasiswa Calon Guru IPA dari Aspek Keilmiahan dan Kelengkapan Organ Siswanto Siswanto; Hartono Hartono; Bambang Subali; Masturi Masturi
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pascasarjana Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Keterampilan berargumentasi sangat penting untuk dilatihkan kepada mahasiswa calon guru IPA, sehingga perlu didesain sebuah aktivitas pembelajaran untuk melatihkan keterampilan berargumentasi. Sebelum dilatihkan, perlu dilakukan pemetaan capaian keterampilan berargumentasi sebagai langkah awal untuk mengidentifikasi kekurangan yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memetakan keterampilan berargumentasi mahasiswa calon guru IPA. Pemetaan dilakukan pada dua kategori, yaitu kategori keilmiahan argumentasi dan kelengkapan organ argumentasi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode survey kepada 83 mahasiswa calon guru IPA di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa capaian keterampilan berargumentasi mahasiswa calon guru IPA, baik dari aspek keilmiahan maupun kelengkapan organ yang disusun masih perlu dikembangkan melalui proses pembelajaran. Dari aspek keilmiahan, keterampilan argumentasi didominasi oleh miskonsepsi mahasiswa, sedangkan pada aspek kelengkapan organ, didominasi pada level 2.
Physics Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in Developing Content Representation (CoRe) on the Topic of Classical Mechanics Muhammad Miftakhul Falah; Hartono Hartono; Sunyoto Eko Nugroho; Saiful Ridlo
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to describe physics teachers' ability to represent their content knowledge and pedagogy on classical mechanics concept using a CoRe framework in teaching practice, and to figure out their ability to develop the CoRe according to the length of teaching experiences, educational levels, and gender. The data were collected by reviewing the CoRe documents created by 40 high school physics teachers in Central Java and the Yogyakarta Special Region as a part of in-service training activities. The RASCH model was employed to analyze the research data, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study revealed that teachers were able to develop the CoRe with high qualification (76,1%). There was no teacher with poor and even fail categories. The ability to develop the CoRe will support them in designing a classroom learning. The aspect that requires improvement is the statement about outlining the material structures that will be delivered to students based on their mastery levels. The findings employing the DIF analysis showed that the length of teaching experiences had an effect on differences in the ability to develop the CoRe on the aspects of big idea development, material choices and sequences of delivery. Nevertheless, the ability of male and female teachers to develop CoRe is relatively similar. Meanwhile, physics teachers with master degree have better identification skills and procedures for the significance of big idea development than those with bachelor degree do.
Analysis Of The Form Of Working On Make-Up, Clothing, And Properties Of The Lilin Shiva Dance In Palembang City Rully Rochayati; Muhammad Jazuli; Hartono Hartono; Wahyu Lestari
International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology Vol. 9 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study was to examine the role of make-up, clothing and dance properties in Lilin Shiva dance in the city of Palembang. The Lilin Shiva dance is an important part of Palembang culture, and has a rich history and cultural significance. This study will investigate how makeup, clothing, and dance props are used to enhance the beauty and grace of the Lilin Shiva dance, and how they contribute to the overall performance. Qualitative research methods will be used, and data will be collected through observation and interviews with artists, choreographers and make-up artists. It is hoped that the findings of this study will provide insight into how makeup, clothing, and dance props can be used to enhance traditional dance forms, while staying true to their cultural roots. This research is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the importance of preserving and promoting local culture. The result of this analysis is that the form of cosmetology, fashion and dance props used in each Lilin Shiva dance performance is a blend of Palembang culture which is still maintained today. The changes in the form of karya are not too obvious and can be adapted to the development of the era, both within the scope of traditional performances and in the context of contemporary dance performances.