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Journal : Jurnal Mudarrisuna: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam

Reformulasi Kurikulum Dalam Peningkatan Kompetensi Lulusan Prodi PAI FTK UIN Ar-Raniry Safrina Ariani; Elviana Elviana
Jurnal Mudarrisuna: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jm.v4i2.292


Advances in science and technology education foreshadowed today sejalandengan the development and progress of society. This is a challenge in improving the quality, relevance and effectiveness of education are significantly implicated in the school curriculum, not to mention the Islamic Religious Education Studies Program (PAI) in the Faculty of MT and Teaching LPTK Ar-Raniry UIN. One effort that can be done to meet these demands is to organize the curriculum reformulation planned, directed, and sustainable. Based on the researchers formulate research questions is how the match between the curriculum department of PAI with the competencies required by the user of graduates and the needs of the market? This research is a field, and in the elaboration using qualitative descriptive analysis. The data and information obtained from the field described qualitatively. Data collection techniques using triangulation technique that combines the results of (1) interviews with faculty experts in the field of curriculum PAI and stakeholders, (2) the results / response to a questionnaire given to users of alumni and alumni Prodi PAI and (3) study the documentation. Sampling using purposive sampling technique, namely sampling aims. Qualitative data analysis using a model of Miles and Huberman. The results obtained are: curriculum PAI comprehensive study program in accordance with the competence of graduates, ie core competencies is good only on competencies that support needs to be improved further; competence of graduates are in accordance with the needs of the market, but there is still a skill that needs to be improved as operate equipment technology, upgrading Arabic and English, deepening the practice of worship and entrepreneurship. Abstrak Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi turut mewarnai dunia pendidikan dewasa ini sejalandengan perkembangan dan kemajuan masyarakat. Hal ini merupakan tantangan dalam peningkatan mutu, relevansi dan efektivitas pendidikan yang berimplikasi secara nyata pada kurikulum sekolah, tak terkecualiProgram Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) pada LPTK Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Ar-Raniry. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut adalah dengan mengadakan reformulasi kurikulum secara terencana, terarah, dan berkesinambungan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut peneliti merumuskan pertanyaan penelitian yaitu bagaimana kesesuaian antara kurikulum prodi PAI dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh pengguna alumni dan kebutuhan pasar? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan, dan dalam penjabarannya menggunakan Analisis Deskriptif Kualitatif. Data dan informasi yang diperoleh dari lapangan dideskripsikan secara kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi yaitu memadukan hasil (1) wawancara dengan dosen ahli di bidang kurikulum PAI dan Stakeholder, (2) hasil/respon angket yang diberikan kepada Pengguna alumni dan alumni Prodi PAI dan (3) studi dokumentasi. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, yaitu pengambilan sampel bertujuan. Analisis data kualitatif meng-gunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu: kurikulum prodi PAI secara komprehensif sesuai dengan kompetensi lulusan, yaitu kompetensi utama sudah baik hanya pada kompetensi pendukung yang perlu ditingkatkan lagi; kompetensi lulusan sudah sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar, namun masih ada keterampilan yang perlu ditingkatkan seperti mengoperasikan peralatan teknologi, peningkatan kemampuan Bahasa Arab dan Inggris, pendalaman praktek ibadah dan entrepreneurship. Kata Kunci: Kurikulum PAI, Kompetensi Lulusan
Jenis dan Faktor Disrupsi di Kelas, Pencegahan dan Penanganan Guru Siti Khasinah; Elviana Elviana
Jurnal MUDARRISUNA: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 12, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jm.v12i2.14786


This study aims to determine the types of disruptive behaviors of students in school classroom and the factors which cause them, as well as teachers’ intervention in preventing and intervening the disruption. All data in this qualitative descriptive study were obtained from interviews with 7 teachers from SMKN 1 Kota Banda Aceh, Lhoksemawe, and Langsa. The results showed that there were various types of disruptions made by students with various factors causing them. It was also found that teachers provided varied interventions in preventing and overcoming disruptive behavior in their classes. Interventions are given according to the disruption that occurs such as extinction, verbal reprimand, punishment, and referrals to outside resources such as other teachers, homeroom teachers, parents, school principals and counseling teachers.
Need Analysis dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum Siti Khasinah; Elviana Elviana
Jurnal MUDARRISUNA: Media Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 12, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jm.v12i4.17208


This article describes the importance of need analysis or need assessment in the development of a curriculum in educational institutions considering that the success of an educational program is highly dependent on how effectively the curriculum can be implemented. This article is expected to help provide understanding to teachers, lecturers, or certain parties who contribute to curriculum development activities related to the implementation of needs analysis. For this reason, two main issues are the focus of this paper, namely curriculum development and needs analysis. Matters relating to needs analysis begin with definitions, objectives, focus, and implementation procedures supported by several references such as books and research results.