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Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding the Use on Spacer Among Parents of Bronchial Asthmatic Children Admitted in the Pediatric Wards in Different Hospitals Midhu Kurian; Livana PH
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.077 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v2i2.76


Use of spacer among bronchial asthmatic children presents a different set of challenges for their parents. Use of spacer in asthmatic children consider being successful, it requires an accurate understanding by the parents of asthmatic children admitted in the pediatric ward to have adequate skills regarding the use of a spacer. The present study “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding the use of spacer among parents of Bronchial Asthmatic children admitted in the pediatric wards in Different Hospitals, Uttarakhand”. The Objective evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on the use of a spacer among parents of bronchial asthmatic children by comparing pre and post-test knowledge The nature of the study was pre-experimental. The study was conducted in Different Hospitals, Uttarakhand. The research design used for the study was one group pre-test and one group post-test design. Data collected using non-probability convenient sampling. The pilot study was conducted with a constructed tool with which it as found reliable respectively. The data were collected to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding the use of spacer among 30 parents of bronchial asthmatic children. The data collected were analysed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Major findings of the study are the highest percentage (53.3%) and the lowest percentage (10%) of the child had suffered from asthma. There is the highest percentage of children 53.3% in the age group of more than 14 years. The education of parents reveals that the highest percentage of 33.3% of mothers and 40% of fathers had secondary education. Pre-test analysis revealed that 90% of parents are having inadequate knowledge and 10% of the parents are having moderate knowledge regarding the use of spacer and that can cause the problems of an asthma attack in children. It can be concluded that pre-test knowledge score was less among parents on asthmatic children. After implementing a structured teaching program the knowledge score was increased. So it was effective in increasing knowledge. Keywords: knowledge; use of spacer; parents; bronchial asthmatic; children
Assess Different Forms of Domestic Violence During Pregnancy and Maternal Outcome Amel Dawod Kamal; Amen Mustafa; Ahmed Ramadan; Mohamed Rashad; Bedor Fathey; Mustafa Mohammed; Livana PH
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 2 No 3 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.468 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v2i3.162


Domestic violence is Violence during pregnancy as violence or threat of physical, sexual or psychological (emotional) violence against pregnant women. The present study aims to:- Assess different forms of violence that women are exposed to by their partners during pregnancy Explore consequences of domestic violence on pregnant women out come. A descriptive exploratory research design was adopted in this study to achieve the stated aim. Postpartum units were selected from at El-manial maternity hospital, this hospital is a university-affiliated hospital which providing free health care service topostpartum women and their newborn. Structured interviewing questionnaire, domestic violence assessment tool, and maternal pregnancy outcome tool. Indicated that age of woman ranged from 15-45 years with mean 31.65 +/- 6.79. 42% of sample living in urban areas, while 58% living in rural areas. Percentage of domestic violence according to total domestic violence scale 82% suffer from different type of domestic violence, regarding the maternal outcome20% of cases have bleeding during delivery , 24% exposed to premature rapture of membrane, and 30% exposed to menstrual problems. Women are exposed to different forms of domestic violence during pregnancy. These forms of violence have an impact on the pregnancy outcomes such as abortions, bleeding during delivery, premature rapture of membrane, and menstrual problems others.
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding the Use on Spacer Among Parents of Bronchial Asthmatic Children Admitted in the Pediatric Wards in Different Hospitals Midhu Kurian; Livana PH
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.136 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v2i2.76


Use of spacer among bronchial asthmatic children presents a different set of challenges for their parents. Use of spacer in asthmatic children consider being successful, it requires an accurate understanding by the parents of asthmatic children admitted in the pediatric ward to have adequate skills regarding the use of a spacer. The present study “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding the use of spacer among parents of Bronchial Asthmatic children admitted in the pediatric wards in Different Hospitals, Uttarakhand”. The Objective evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on the use of a spacer among parents of bronchial asthmatic children by comparing pre and post-test knowledge The nature of the study was pre-experimental. The study was conducted in Different Hospitals, Uttarakhand. The research design used for the study was one group pre-test and one group post-test design. Data collected using non-probability convenient sampling. The pilot study was conducted with a constructed tool with which it as found reliable respectively. The data were collected to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding the use of spacer among 30 parents of bronchial asthmatic children. The data collected were analysed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Major findings of the study are the highest percentage (53.3%) and the lowest percentage (10%) of the child had suffered from asthma. There is the highest percentage of children 53.3% in the age group of more than 14 years. The education of parents reveals that the highest percentage of 33.3% of mothers and 40% of fathers had secondary education. Pre-test analysis revealed that 90% of parents are having inadequate knowledge and 10% of the parents are having moderate knowledge regarding the use of spacer and that can cause the problems of an asthma attack in children. It can be concluded that pre-test knowledge score was less among parents on asthmatic children. After implementing a structured teaching program the knowledge score was increased. So it was effective in increasing knowledge. Keywords: knowledge; use of spacer; parents; bronchial asthmatic; children
Assess Different Forms of Domestic Violence During Pregnancy and Maternal Outcome Amel Dawod Kamal; Amen Mustafa; Ahmed Ramadan; Mohamed Rashad; Bedor Fathey; Mustafa Mohammed; Livana PH
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 2 No 3 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.468 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v2i3.162


Domestic violence is Violence during pregnancy as violence or threat of physical, sexual or psychological (emotional) violence against pregnant women. The present study aims to:- Assess different forms of violence that women are exposed to by their partners during pregnancy Explore consequences of domestic violence on pregnant women out come. A descriptive exploratory research design was adopted in this study to achieve the stated aim. Postpartum units were selected from at El-manial maternity hospital, this hospital is a university-affiliated hospital which providing free health care service topostpartum women and their newborn. Structured interviewing questionnaire, domestic violence assessment tool, and maternal pregnancy outcome tool. Indicated that age of woman ranged from 15-45 years with mean 31.65 +/- 6.79. 42% of sample living in urban areas, while 58% living in rural areas. Percentage of domestic violence according to total domestic violence scale 82% suffer from different type of domestic violence, regarding the maternal outcome20% of cases have bleeding during delivery , 24% exposed to premature rapture of membrane, and 30% exposed to menstrual problems. Women are exposed to different forms of domestic violence during pregnancy. These forms of violence have an impact on the pregnancy outcomes such as abortions, bleeding during delivery, premature rapture of membrane, and menstrual problems others.
Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Implikasi Senam Kaki Diabetes di Dusun Kebak Desa Kebak Kecamatan Kebakkramat Kabupaten Karanganyar Hanung Hanung; Joko Tri Atmojo; Ahmad Syauqi Mubarok; Selvia Anggitasari; Livana PH; Aris Widiyanto
Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat: Juni 2022
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/jpm.v4i2.1164


Menurut International Diabetes Federation (IDF), prevalensi DM diperkirakan mencapai 424,9 juta di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2017 dan 628,6 juta pada tahun 2045. Jumlah penderita DM akan mencapai 10,3 juta. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2045 jumlah ini akan terus bertambah menjadi 16,7 juta. Angka kejadian diabetes pada tahun 2015 mencapai 415 juta di seluruh dunia dan diperkirakan mencapai 642 juta pada tahun 2040. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan pendidikan umum dan senam kaki diabetes, Dengan peserta (lansia) dengan pendampingan tim pengabdian masyarakat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan diawali dengan pemeriksaan fisik yang meliputi pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan kadar gula darah secara terus menerus. Pelatihan diberikan melalui media video, ceramah dan praktik (praktik langsung senam kaki diabetik). Adapun kegiatan pengabmas untuk senam kaki diabetik adalah: Pemeriksaan kesehatan, pendidikan (makna, penyebab, tanda, gejala, komplikasi, upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah hiperglikemia). Media yang digunakan adalah lembaran bolak balik dan LCD untuk menampilkan power point serta disampaikan dengan ceramah, kemudian dilanjutkan senam kaki diabetes. Pendidikan kesehatan yang diberikan dipahami dengan baik oleh peserta kegiatan yang dibuktikan dengan interaksi aktif selama pelaksanaan, memberikan umpan balik, peserta mampu mengartikulasikan makna, penyebab, tanda, gejala, dan komplikasi diabetes. Latihan kaki diabetes: peserta bisa lakukan senam kaki diabetes dengan gerakan kaki dengan bantuan tim pengabdian masyarakat. Peserta (lebih tua) antusias mengikuti kegiatan, bisa meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang diabetes, peserta (lansia) dapat melakukan senam kaki diabetik secara mandiri, kegiatan senam kaki diabetik dapat diadakan 2 kali seminggu dengan durasi 15-25 menit.
Understanding Patients' Knowledge of Risk Behavior in Managing Emotional Control Dona Yanuar Agus Santoso; Livana PH
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 5 No 4 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v5i4.2846


Mental health remains an ongoing concern within both global and national contexts, with schizophrenia standing out as a significant manifestation marked by a spectrum of symptoms, including both positive and negative behavioral manifestations, such as violent tendencies. The propensity towards violent behavior signifies a facet of anger expression, often demonstrated through threats, self-inflicted harm, or harm towards others. This study endeavors to evaluate the emotional regulation capabilities of patients affected by this condition. Employing a descriptive research design, the study sample comprises 20 participants selected through purposive sampling methods. Data collection procedures encompassed observational techniques alongside structured interviews. Analysis of the gathered data employed univariate techniques, particularly through frequency distribution analysis. The findings underscore a prevalent tendency among patients to employ techniques such as deep breathing and physical engagement with pillows or mattresses as mechanisms for emotion regulation.