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Design and Development of Supporting Applications “E-MPKK” For Leraning Media of Midwife and Enterpreneurship Managament Clinic Practice Yuseva Sariati; Ningrum Paramita Sari; Harun Al Rasyid; Suryo Ediyono
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i1.887


Learning Center for Midwifery Service Management and Entrepreneurship to manage management reports, proposals, and role plays. The first purpose and benefit of this research is to design and build a prototype software application "E-MPKK" as a Learning Media for Clinical Practice Management of Midwifery and Entrepreneurship Services for Midwifery Department Students, FKUB so that the learning process is more effective and efficient, including easy access to reporting, monitoring student assignments, and the effectiveness of the duration of clinical guidance between lecturers and students. With this software application, students are expected to be able to analyze the correct information with the right method and time. The right time is meant to shorten the time to work on data collection, problem analysis, and making strategic plans. the process of storing the resulting soft file. assessment, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. With this software application students can analyze the correct information with the right method and time. storage of soft files of assessment results, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. by assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of working on reports with software applications. With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application students can analyze the correct information with the right method and time. storage of soft files of assessment results, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. by assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of working on reports with software applications. With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application students can analyze the correct information with the right method and time. storage of soft files of assessment results, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. by assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of working on reports with software applications. With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage.
Pendayagunaan Guru Sekolah Luar Biasa Idayu Malang dalam Deteksi Dini Gangguan Bicara dan Bahasa pada Anak Nurdiana Nurdiana; Ni Luh Putu Herli Mastuti; Astri Proborini; Yuseva Sariati
Journal of Dedicators Community Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34001/jdc.v5i2.1418


The increase prevalence of speech and language disorders, which greatly affects the quality of life of a child. The role of educational institutions, especially teachers, is needed in early detection of these disorders. Early detection abilities must be based on the ability to understand a child's speech and language development. Community Service Activities are carried out at the Idayu 2 Malang Special School, by providing training to teachers on speech and language development and early detection methods. The method used is the provision of material followed by an examination of the students status growth ad development. There was an increase in the teacher's ability after the activity was carried out, which was marked by an increase in the average pretest and postest results: 61.15 to 86.54. On examination of the student's growth status, the nutritional status of the majority of students was found to be good nutrition (61%), but the short stature rate was also quite large (49%). The condition of children with special needs with physical limitations greatly affects their growth and development, so that the role of the environment is needed for optimal development, including parents and educational institutions.
Jurnal Ilmiah Bidan (JIB) Vol 1 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Ibu primipara biasanya mengalami rasa kecemasan yang tinggi dalam menghadapi proses persalinan, hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kekuatan kontraksi ibu untuk mendorong janin keluar selama proses persalinan. Persalinan dapat berjalan lancar jika ibu mampu menyelaraskan antara pernafasan dengan kontraksi uterus yang dirasakan, hal tersebut dapat dilakukan jika ibu dalam kondisi yang rileks. Aplikasi hipnosis dalam obstetri saat ini menjadi trend, khususnya dalam merencanakan persalinan yang fisiologis tanpa disertai gangguan psikologis seperti cemas yang berlebihan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengaruh Hypnobirthing terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu bersalin dan lama persalinan di Bidan Praktek Mandiri wilayah Kabupaten Malang. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain postest only control group design. Jumlah sampel seluruhnya dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 ibu primipara yang dibagi dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu 15 ibu bersalin dengan hypnobirthing dan 15 ibu bersalin tanpa menggunakan hypnobirthing. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2015 sampai dengan Desember 2015. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji Mann Whitney dengan p value 0,05. Hasil: Ibu bersalin dengan hypnobirthing sebanyak 11 orang (73,3%) tidak mengalami gejala kecemasan dan 8 orang (53,3%) dalam katagori lama persalinan normal (4-8 jam). Sedangkan ibu bersalin tanpa hypnobirthing sebanyak 6 orang (40%) termasuk dalam katagori gejala kecemasan sedang dan 6 orang (40%) dengan proses persalinan normal. Hasil analisis dengan mann whitney terhadap lama persalinan signifikasi sebesar 0,229. Dan nilai signifikasi terhadap tingkat kecemasan sebesar 0,001. Karena nilai signifikasi < 0,05 sehingga dapat dinyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada tingkat kecemasan antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan: Tingkat kecemasan pada ibu bersalin dengan hypnobirthing lebih rendah dari pada tanpa hypnobirthing, namun tidak ada perbedaan terhadap lama persalinan
Design and Development of Supporting Applications “E-MPKK” For Leraning Media of Midwife and Enterpreneurship Managament Clinic Practice Yuseva Sariati; Ningrum Paramita Sari; Harun Al Rasyid; Suryo Ediyono
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i1.887


Learning Center for Midwifery Service Management and Entrepreneurship to manage management reports, proposals, and role plays. The first purpose and benefit of this research is to design and build a prototype software application "E-MPKK" as a Learning Media for Clinical Practice Management of Midwifery and Entrepreneurship Services for Midwifery Department Students, FKUB so that the learning process is more effective and efficient, including easy access to reporting, monitoring student assignments, and the effectiveness of the duration of clinical guidance between lecturers and students. With this software application, students are expected to be able to analyze the correct information with the right method and time. The right time is meant to shorten the time to work on data collection, problem analysis, and making strategic plans. the process of storing the resulting soft file. assessment, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. With this software application students can analyze the correct information with the right method and time. storage of soft files of assessment results, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. by assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of working on reports with software applications. With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application students can analyze the correct information with the right method and time. storage of soft files of assessment results, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. by assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of working on reports with software applications. With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application students can analyze the correct information with the right method and time. storage of soft files of assessment results, analysis results, and planning to be better, structured, and measurable. by assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of working on reports with software applications. With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage With this software application, it is expected that Midwifery Service Management reporting will be more effective; and reporting time is shorter, storage is also better and safer and reduces paper usage.