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Journal : MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal

Efektivitas Baby LED Weaning Terhadap Kejadian Picky Eater pada Bayi Usia 7-12 Bulan Iis Sopiah Suryani; Lina Marlina; Rikky Gita Hilmawan
MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal Vol 3, No 12 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 12 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mahesa.v3i12.12649


ABSTRACT One indicator of achieving health development is the nutritional status of children under 5 years of age (toddlers). This phase is known as the golden period, where development and growth take place very rapidly, so that children's nutritional needs must be met. At this time, toddlers are very vulnerable to experiencing malnutrition, one of which is stunting.1 In Indonesia, stunting is a serious concern because according to RISKESDAS 2018, although the prevalence of stunting has reached the expected target in the 2019 RPJMN, namely 32%, it has not yet reached the target set by WHO of 20%. So the stunting rate in the province and in the city/district is still high. As the child gets older, the texture of the food given becomes rougher, such as chopped food or food that the child can hold (finger foods). To determine the effectiveness of the baby led weaning method for babies who are picky eaters. The method used in this research is a quasi experiment with one group pretest post test. Pre-post test one group design is a cause and effect relationship involving a control group. Researchers observe before the intervention is carried out, then observe again after the intervention. Causal testing is carried out by comparing the results of the pre-test and post-test.7. The intervention consists of feeding techniques for babies aged 7-12 months using baby-led weaning. After carrying out the Wilcoxon test, the result was P Value = 0.000, which means P Value < α (0.005). So it can be concluded that H1 is accepted, meaning that the BLW (Baby Led Weaning) method is effective in treating babies who are picky eaters. The Baby led weaning method is effective in overcoming baby eating problems, one of which is picky eaters. It is hoped that parents who are picky eaters will use the baby-led weaning method in feeding their babies Keywords : Baby Led Weaning, Picky Eater  ABSTRAK Salah satu indikator pencapaian pembangunan kesehatan merupakan status gizi anak usia dibawah 5 tahun (balita). Fase ini dikenal dengan periode emas (golden period) dimana perkembangan dan pertumbuhan sangat berlangsung dengan pesat, sehingga kebutuhan gizi anak harus terpenuhi. Pada masa ini, balita sangat rentan mengalami kekurangan gizi salah satunya stunting.1 Di Indonesia stunting menjadi perhatian yang serius karena menurut RISKESDAS 2018 Prevalensi stunting walaupun sudah mencapai target yang diharapkan pada RPJMN tahun 2019 yaitu 32% namun belum mencapai target yang ditetapkan oleh WHO sebesar 20%. Sehingga angka stunting di Provinsi maupun di Kota/Kabupaten juga masih tinggi. Seiring bertambahnya usia anak, tekstur makananyang diberikan menjadi lebih kasar seperti makanan yang dicincang atau makanan yang dapat dipegang oleh anak (finger foods).  Untuk mengatahui efektivitas metode baby led weaning terhadap bayi yang mengakami picky eater. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi exsperimen dengan one group pretest post test. Pre-post test one group design merupakan hubungan sebab akibat yang melibatkan satu kelompok control. Peneliti mengobservasi sebelum dilakukan intervensi, kemudian dilakukan observasi lagi setelah intervesi. Pengujian sebab akibat dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan hasil pre test dan post test.7. Intervensi berupa teknik memberi makan kepada bayi usia 7-12 bulan dengan cara baby led weaning. Setelah dilakukan uji wilcoxon Didapatkan hasil P Value = 0,000 yang berarti P Value < α (0,005). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa H1 diterima, artinya Metode BLW (Baby Led Weaning) efektiv dalam menangani  bayi  yang mengalami picky eater. Metode Baby led weaning efektiv dalam mengatasimasalah makan bayi salah satunya yaitu picky eater. Bayi yang mengalami picky eater diharapkanpara orang tua menggunakan metode baby led weaning dalam memberi kan makan kepada bayi nya Kata Kunci: Baby Led Weaning , Picky Eater