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The Concept of Character Learning: A Comparative Study of Al-Ghazali and Thomas Lickona’s Perspectives Syamsul Huda; Muhamim Sarifudin; Munifah Munifah; Anis Humaidi; Saifullah Idris; Mawardi Mawardi
DAYAH: Journal of Islamic Education Vol 5, No 1 (2022): DAYAH: Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jie.v5i1.11974


The main goal in character education is to achieve noble character to create a harmonious human life, helping each other, being fair, and having a balanced relationship in social life. Because of that, instilling character in students is fundamental so that when they grow up, they can become the next generation of solid character. This study uses library research that compares the concept of learning the character of al-Ghazali and Thomas Lickona. The research method carried out in this study was carried out with several steps, such as collecting qualitative data based on reputable data sources and analyzing data to obtain final results. The study results show that Al-Ghazali's educational method is a traditional nuanced method of "lecture and uswah hasanah". Furthermore, Al-Ghazali's educational materials are all forms of teachings contained in the Islamic religion. More clearly and concretely, the concept of education initiated by Al-Ghazali contains two elements: transcendence (rububiyyah: divine) and humanization. Meanwhile, the concept of character learning initiated by Thomas Lickona formulates character learning that involves all components in the education process, both family, school, and community. In addition, the character learning process, according to Thomas Lickona is an effort that involves three aspects of intelligence, including cognitive through moral knowing, affective through moral feeling, and psychomotor through moral acting as follows: The purpose of character learning is to help students become intelligent and good in manners.
Pesantren In Social Construction Perspective (The Educational Orientation Of The Sidogiri Pesantren) Try Heni Aprilia; Agus Harisuddin Masrof; Anis Humaidi
TARLIM : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM Vol 5, No 2 (2022): TARLIM Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/tarlim.v5i2.7903


Pesantren has been considered a model of educational institution that has advantages both from the aspect of scientific tradition and the internalization of the morality of Muslims. Pesantren are very good at dialectical with conflicting cultural theses and give birth to a synthesis of new social constructions. Pesantren is also the most creative and innovative social institution. Because of its philosophy: al-muhafadhu 'alal qadimis sholeh wal akhdu bil Jadidil Ashlah. The purpose of this study is to find out the general description of the orientation of education in the Sidogiri Pesantren with the various challenges of social change that occur in society. This research is important because it tries to reveal how the Sidogiri Pesantren carries out its roles to the expectations and needs of the community who require services from the Sidogiri Pesantren related to religious services, education, and other social roles. By using a case study at the Sidogiri Pesantren, data was collected through a documentation study by tracking related literature sources, documents or archives, and observations. Among the findings are: 1) The change in the form of the education unit managed by the Sidogiri pesantren is essentially a change from the non-formal education system to the formal education system, in the form of madrasah education units. However, the Sidogiri Pesantren still maintains its salafiyah education system; 2) The Pesantren is always innovating and adapting; 3) The independence of the Sidogiri Pesantren in the economic field is very beneficial for both the students.
Kaderisasi Ulama Melalui Sistem Pembelajaran Pada Madrasah Aliyah Program Keagamaan (MAPK) MAN 4 Jombang Niswah Qonitah; Anis Humaidi; Munifah Munifah
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan Vol. 20 No. 2 (2022): EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v20i2.1151


Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh upaya madrasah dalam meningkatkan mutu dan daya saing lulusan melalui pembekalan keagamaan untuk menyiapkan kader ulama berwawasan keislaman, keindonesiaan dan kemoderenan di tengah arus globalisasi, radikalisme, dan liberalisme. MA Program Keagamaan sebagai pusat pendidikan Islam diselenggarakan melalui sistem pembelajaran yang terpadu untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik secara optimal sebagai kader ulama di masa mendatang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Pertama, merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran meliputi tujuan pendidikan nasional tertuang pada UU RI No.20/2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional tentang fungsi dan tujuan pendidikan,  tujuan institusional tercemin pada slogan "mencetak ulama yang cendekia, cendekia yang ulama", dan tujuan kurikuler yang merefleksikan pada standar kompetensi lulusan. Kedua, pembekalan materi kaderisasi ulama berbasis kurikulum standar nasional, kitab kuning, keterampilan bahasa asing, tahfidzul qur'an dan tahfidzul hadits, keterampilan pengembangan diri mencakup literasi, pengembangan softskill berbasis IT, bahtsul masail, talkshow, muhadhoroh, diba'iyah, khutbah jum'at, kegiatan ekstrakulikuler, dan pengabdian santri. Ketiga, metode pembelajaran kaderisasi ulama berbasis saintific approach, sorogan, bandongan, maknani, syawir, ilqoul mufrodat, talaqqy, murojaah, dan ziyadah. Keempat, evaluasi pada pembelajaran formal menggunakan kurikulum standar nasional.
Upaya Pesantren Mempersiapkan Kemandirian Ekonomi Santri di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0: Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Ar-Risalah Lirboyo Kota Kediri Anis Humaidi
Al-Idaroh: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Maret
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian (LP3M) STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54437/alidaroh.v7i1.788


This article discusses the breakthroughs made by Islamic boarding schools in order to equip students in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era so they are not left behind in the economic field. Although the Ar-Risalah Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School still adheres to salafiyah teachings, this pesantren prepares its students to be able to survive in today's era. This paper will discuss the background of efforts to prepare student economic independence, the implementation of student independence preparation programs, and student readiness to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type. In this study, data were obtained from two sources, namely humans and non-humans. Humans as informants in this study were caregivers, teacher, and students. While non-humans are documentation of Islamic boarding schools. The results of this study are caregivers who have a far-reaching vision to empower their students to live in their era. This vision is then realized by equipping students with IT teaching and mastery of foreign languages ??in the form of Arabic, English, Mandarin and Japanese. Apart from IT, students are also provided with life skill training. Ar-Risalah Islamic boarding school students are very ready to compete in the global world because they have mastered technology and foreign languages.
Analisis Perbedaan Proses dan Hasil Pendidikan Pesantren Salafiyah dan Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam (PTKI) Untuk Merumuskan Model Pendidikan Islam Transformatif Anis Humaidi; Najihatul Fadhliyah
EDUKASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Edukasia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
Publisher : Ma'arif NU Janggan Magetan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


One of the aims of establishing Islamic boarding schools and religious colleges (PTKI) is to produce a cadre of ulama' (experts in Islamic science). These two institutions have their own ways and processes in realizing their goals. Because of the differences in methods and processes, the results are also different. This article reveals the process of education at Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools and education at Islamic religious colleges. This article also reveals the results of Islamic boarding schools and education from Islamic religious universities. This research approach is qualitative, interviews and observation are the main instruments for data collection. The results of this research are that, in the educational process at Islamic boarding schools, almost all of the teaching materials come from the classical book. The methods are bandongan, sorogan and deliberation. The results of education from Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools are that graduates have more mastery of religious texts but lack contextual courage. Meanwhile, in the PTKI religious higher education process, the teaching materials come from various sources, both classical books and modern literature, the learning method mostly uses the discussion method. PTKI Education Results More contextual courage but most do not master religious texts in depth. Each of the two institutions, both Islamic boarding schools and PTKI, has weaknesses and strengths.