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Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh Ibu Dengan Kejadian Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah di RSUD Wonosari Gunungkidul Mutiara Fatinah; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Heni Puji Wahyuningsih
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 11 No. 1 (2017): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Low birthweight is a baby who is born weighing less than <2500 gram. Low birthweight is one of the most causes of the neonatalmorbidity and mortality in Indonesia. The highest incidence of low birthweight in DIY province was happened in Gunung Kidul district(7.33%). Low birthweight is caused by many factors such as the mother's nutrition status. Body Mass Index (BMI) is one ofindicators to measure the nutrition status on adults. In Indonesia, the ideal body weight of a woman during her first trisemester is 45-65 kg, while mother's weight >45 kg can possibly have low BMI. The objective of this study is to know the correlation between thebody mass index of mothers and the incidence of low birthweight. The design of this study used case control. Total sample was 326newborn babies which consisted of 163 babies in the case group and 163 babies in the control group who had fulfilled the inclusiveand exclusive criteria. The data was collected from the medical records since January-December 2015 with purposive samplingtechnique. The data analysis used chi-square, OR and logistic regression. The result of bivariat analysis showed the variableswhich were correlated with the incidence of low birthweight i.e. BMI of mothers (p=0.000, OR: 2.4), age (p=0.028, OR: 1.6) andanemia TM III (p=0.017, OR: 1.7), while the parity variable was not correlated with the incidence of low birthweight (p=0.0912, OR:1.02). The result of multivariate analysis showed that BMI of mothers was the most correlated variable with the incidence of lowbirthweight (p=0.000, OR: 2.8). Mothers with low BMI was 2,8 times at risk of having babies with low birthweight than mothers withnormal BMI. This study concluded that there was a correlation between mothers' BMI, age and anemia TM 3 with the incidence oflow birthweight. Low BMI was the most risked variable for mothers to bear babies with low birthweight. Low BMI increased theincidence of low birthweight.
The correlation abortion history with LBWI Ika Septiana Cahyaningtyas; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Wafi Nur Muslihatun
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018): July
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v12i1.91


Low Birth Weight Infant (LBWI) are one of the causes of infant mortality. LBWI is a condition where babies born with a body weight less than 2500 grams.The prevalence of LBWI in Special Region of Yogyakarta or DIY in the last three years has fluctuated. Kulon Progo Regency is one of the districts in DIY with the highest prevalence of LBWI and there was also an increase from previous year. One of the risk factors LBWI is abortionhistory. This study was to know the correlation between abortion history with LBWI in Wates General Hospital in 2017. This study was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling.Samples in this study were 177 subjects who had inclusion and exclusion criteria.The data analysis used chi square. The result of this study showed that LBWI in mothers with a history of abortion (38.6%) was greater than LBWI in mothers with no history of abortion (21.8%). Based on chi square test known p value = 0,045 with prevalence ratio 1.809 (CI 95% 1,085-4,701). There was a correlation between abortion history with LBWI in Wates General Hospital in 2017.
Factors influencing to the incidence of teenage pregnancy Diana Novitadewi Budiharjo; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Hesty Widyasih
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v12i2.150


highest adolescent births during the last four years compared to other districts. Teenage pregnancy has a negative impact on mother and baby. According to WHO, girls aged 10-14 years have a five times greater risk of dying in cases of pregnancy and childbirth than women aged 20-24 years. The aim of this study was to know the factors related to the incidence of teenage pregnancy in adolescent girls in Saptosari Health Center working area in 2017. This research used a cross-sectional study design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with 67 girls in the working area of Saptosari Public Health Centre. The research instrument was in form of the questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using the Chi-Square test. Respondents in this study were at most 14-16 years old with age 11-15 year menarche and high school parent’s education level. The results of the Chi-Square test showed that factors significantly related to teenage pregnancy adolescent behavior were the level of knowledge p = 0.032 and the role of parents p = 0.036. Attitudes toward teenage pregnancy (p = 0.081) and peer roles (p = 0.100) were factors that not related to the incidence of teenage pregnancy factors influencing the incidence of teenage pregnancy among teenage girls in Saptosari. Factors related to teenage pregnancy were knowledge of teenage pregnancy and parent’s role.
Eklamsia sebagai faktor prognosis untuk mortalitas maternal pada pre eklamsia berat Idhah Lestari; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Margono Margono
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v5i1.167


Maternal mortality in eclampsia in global is about 50,000 per year. This case relates to an increase in maternal mortality in developed countries that is around 0% -1.8% and a high increase reaching 15% occur in developing countries. In the period 2008-2012, the maternal mortality due to preeclampsia in RSUD KRT Setjonegoro Wonosobo increased into 47.92%. Along with an increase in maternal mortality due to preeclampsia, eclampsia is also increased from 13.64% to 18.57%. Objective: to know the risk of eclampsia to maternal mortality in severe preeclampsia in RSUD KRT. Setjonegoro Wonosobo. Research Methods: Survey Research Methods with Case Control design. Subjects are pregnant women with severe preeclampsia in RSUD KRT. Setjonegoro, the data is taken by purposive sampling technique. There are 35 sample cases and 175 control samples. Characteristics comparison test for the research subjects uses independent t-test and chi square. Hypothesis test uses chi square, logistic regression and Mantel-Haenszel test. Results: The incidence of maternal mortality in severe preeclampsia women who had eclampsia is 54.3%. Eclampsia related significantly increases the risk of maternal mortality about 92.37 times the p-value of 0.000 (95% CI 20.58 to 414.63). Other prognostic factors that affect the increase in maternal mortality in severe preeclampsia is heart failure p-value of 0.000 (OR 77.5 95% CI 11.09 to 541.27), renal failure p-value 0.002 (OR 74.34 95% CI 4.58 to 1206.22), pulmonary edema p-value of 0.000 (OR 29.54 95% CI 4.75 to 183.63) and HELLP syndrome p-value of 0.030 (OR 8.35 95% CI 1.23 - 58.96). Conclusion: Eclampsia increases the risk of maternal mortality in severe preeclampsia.
Gambaran status ekonomi dan tingkat pendidikan orang tua terhadap status gizi balita Anita Wijayanti; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Anita Rahmawati
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 8 No. 2 (2015): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v8i2.216


Yogyakarta city has a highest malnutrition coverage than another district regency in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Prevalence of infant malnutrition in four districts in Yogyakarta province have appropriate expectations, that is <1%, meanwhile in Yogyakarta city still 1.35%. Themost malnutritions problemhas discovered in sub-districtGondokusuman accupation zoneGondokusuman's public health center. Malnutrition appear result by many environmental factors, which are caused by economic status and education level.The education level parents also determined a nutritional status of children because education most affects a person to know and receive information about nutrition. That's known there are 30.8% poor household concerning inhabitant quantity in Gondokusuman's district. In public health center Gondokusuman 1, Demangan village has the highest percentage of poor families. The highest incidence of malnutrition also exist in the Demangan village. This research aims to describe the economic status and education level parents on nutritional status of children. Amethod used in this research are descriptivemethod with cross sectionaldesign. Data analysis are using descriptive analysis techniques with statistical tests used proportions. Results showed that the economic status of parents who have toddlers entirely enough good nutritional status. Meanwhile a parents with lack economic status is having a toddler with a diverse nutritional status are many kind nutritional status, decrease, and more. Parents who have a great education will have a good nutritional status of children. Parents are the primary and secondary education has nourished toddlers also varies.
Gambaran tingkat risiko kehamilan dengan skrining KSPR pada ibu hamil Lusiana Anggraeni; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Heni Puji Wahyuningsih
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 8 No. 2 (2015): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/kia.v8i2.221


Maternal mortality due to inadequate handling delivery complications, deaths can be prevented and be avoided. Early detection isimportant for predicting pregnancy complications that may occur, so it can be caught early risk factors evolve furthergestation.Maternal deaths at Sewon II PHC in 2013 increased and was ranked the fifth most pregnant women with complications inBantuI This study aims to describe the level of risk of pregnancy by screening KSPRin Sewon II onApril 2015. This type of research isdescriptive. Data in the form of primary data that is collected by direct questionnaire, and the results are expressed as a percentage(%). Subjects were 60 pregnant women at PHCof Sewon II onApril 2015. Fromthis study themajority ofmothers classified HRP andthere is potential for an obstetric emergency. Pregnant women at high risk in mothers with low education /no school, no work, poorpregnancy spacing is <2 years, while pregnant women in the age ?35 years, gave birth to more than four times, once a caesareansection, and mothers with diabetes are very risky high. From pregnancy screening results indicate that the majority of high-riskmothers need areferral systemand proper planning of deliveries for pregnantwomen at Sewon II.
Pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan dan keputusan menggunakan kontrasepsi pada unmet need keluarga berencana di Umbularjo Kota Yogyakarta Rahmawati Rahmawati; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Dyah Noviawati Setya Arum
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The growth of the population in Indonesia was always increasing, by a growth rate of 2.6 deaths per year. Family planning has been able to reduce the population growth rate from 2.4% to 1.9% in a rational way. Based on RISKESDAS/ Basic Medical Research in 2010, the use of family planning is known only 53.9% in married women age 19 years. Nationally, there were still 19% of married women during reproductive age who did not use Family planning to prevent or delay pregnancy, and there were 27.1% who previously used family planning but now did not use it after then was nationally detected by 14% in which they needed it but could not be met (unmet need). Objectives: To determine the effect of health education by demonstration method and video playback media in enhancing knowledge and decision making to use contraception in the unmet need family planning. Methods: The study design was using pre-experiment with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling which found a sample of 46 unmet need women of reproductive age. Before and after getting health education by demonstration method and video playback media were given questionnaires about their knowledge level and 2 weeks after then were given interviewed to determine their decision to use contraception. The data analysis to find out the effect of health education by demonstration method used paired t-test and the data analysis to find out the decision making to use contraception used chi-square test. Results: the test results in enhancing knowledge obtained paired t-test count value of -7.8375, Cl g5% (2,730501 to -1,610962) and -2.170732 mean of the differences (p-value 0.000). the results in decision making to use contraceptionobtained chi-square value of 4.1938 and CI 95% 0,081 to 0,310, (p-value 0,1228).
Hambatan pelaksanaan KIE HIV/AIDS dalam pelayanan ANC oleh bidan di Puskesmas di Kota Yogyakarta Sari Hastuti; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Sri Hendy Lianawati
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 1 No. 1 (2012): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Indonesia has entered into a concentrated epidemic level since 2000, namely the high-risk groups, HIV/AIDS prevalence exceeds 5%. City of Yogyakarta is one area that comes into the accelerated program of 105 districts/cities in Indonesia and has been providing HIV testing services at the clinic. AIDS prevention commission province of Yogyakarta reported since the year 2009 in 2003-2008 was 23 positive children with HIV, in 2005-2008 recorded a pregnant woman gave birth to HIV-positive and 10 peoples. PMTCT package integrated with maternal and child health and family planning services so that midwives in each clinic to get the socialization of PMTCT. Objectives: to determine the inhibiting factors of Communication, information and Education on HIV /AIDS in the antenatal care services by midwife in supporting PMTCT programs in health centers city of Yogyakarta. This type of research is qualitative research field. The research location was taken in 13 health centers in the city of Yogyakarta, the main respondent are midwives in the outpatient maternal and child health services, each clinic taken a midwife who has got the socialization and training of PMTCT programs with in-depth interviews. Additional respondents are policy makers and clients. Analysis of data using content analysis of data while checking the validity of the method triangulation methods and sources. Results: the results of in-depth interviews found eight categories of theme as inhibiting factors.
Hubungan faktor ibu dan faktor janin dengan kejadian asfiksia neonatorum di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Wates Ulfatuni'mah Ulfatuni'mah; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Anita Rahmawati
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 2 No. 2 (2012): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The main cause of perinatal mortality aged 0-6 days were respiratory (37%). Asphyxia neonatorum caused by several factors, including maternal and fetal factors during pregnancy and childbirth. Objective: To determine the association between maternal factors (Preterm Rupture of membranes, long first stage, long second stage. chronic hypertension, hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia, birth pathological, hemorrhagic ante partum, and maternal infection) and fetal factors (pregnancy preterm, pregnancy post term, Gemelli, low birth weight, and congenital anomalies) and the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum. the research carried out by the cross-sectional design. Research location in Hospital Wates Kulon Progo District Yogyakarta. The study population was all women birthing in hospitals Wates Kulon Progo in January to December of 2011 amounted to 2246 mothers. Samples were taken by simple random sampling technique with 350 samples and the number of samples that have complete medical records as many as 336 samples. Data retrieved secondary data from medical records of patients. Analysis of the data using bivariate R.2.9.0 program with significance level 0,05. Results: maternal factors that have a significant association with the incidence of neonatal asphyxia are premature rupture of membranes the (p-value 0.00), long first stage (p-value 0.00). long second stage (p-value 0.00), and labor pathological (p-value 0.00). Fetal factors that have a significant association with the incidence of neonatal asphyxia are premature pregnancy (p-value 0.00) and low birth weight (p-value 0.01). While chronic hypertension, hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia, Hemorrhagic ante partum, infectious diseases, pregnancy post term, gemelli and congenital abnormalities have no significant association with the incidence of neonatal asphyxia. Conclusions: There is a significant association between maternal factors (premature rupture of membranes, long first stage, long second stage. and labor pathological) and fetal factors (premature pregnancy and low birth weight) with the incidence of neonatal asphyxia
Kecenderungan melakukan unsafe abortion pada perempuan dengan kehamilan tidak diinginkan di Yogyakarta Farida Nur Aini; Endah Marianingsih Theresia; Yuliasti Eka Purnamaningrum
Jurnal Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013): Juli
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Annually in Indonesia millions of women had an unplanned pregnancy and often looking for help to an abortion through nonmedical personnel who use the ways that endanger to abort the pregnancy. To describe the tendencies of unsafe abortion on women with unwanted pregnancies. This research uses qualitative phenomenological methods with respect to unsafe abortion phenomenon that occurred in Yogyakarta. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta city. Informants surveyed is female between 15-34 years with pregnancy undesirable who performs unsafe abortion to end her pregnancy and companion of the women (husband or fiends). The sampling technique used was snowballing sampling using the gatekeepers. Methods of data collection using in-depth the interview, observation unstructured, and methods of the documentary. Data analysis using life history analysis. Informant A, D, and I perform unsafe abortion because of unwanted pregnancy. Methods used variously, ranging from young pineapple juice mixed drink beer with stomach massage and takes the pill purchased from advertising late menstruation that is much found in the streets. Informants tend to do unsafe abortion because lt is the fastest ways in terminate a pregnancy by relatively cheap and affordable cost. Women with unwanted pregnancies tend to do unsafe abortion because it proved effective enough to terminate the pregnancy and cheap and easy to reach.