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Al-Majaalis : Jurnal Dirasat Islamiyah Vol 1 No 1 (2013): AL-MAJAALIS : JURNAL DIRASAT ISLAMIYAH
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37397/almajaalis.v1i1.9


Determine specific legal for a problem must be based on the arguments or reasons that support it. In determining the law, al-Quran and al-Sunnah is often used by the scholars. But in turn, the second source of law is sometimes deemed not sufficient to determine the law on any issue, it is caused due to a variety of new problems are always popping up along with the times. The scholars are trying to find solutions to any problems that arise. Then counterposed the variety of methods that necessarily all of them can not be separated from the corridor shari'ah, such as Ijma', Qiyas, Istihsan, 'urf, Maslahah mursalah, Shar 'Man Qablana, qawl Sahabiy, Istishab and so on.In this short paper, the author will discuss about Istishab as one method of determining the law. Starting from Istishab meaning, pillars, conditions, their types, the rules that appear in it as well as its position in determining the particular law.
IJTIHAD HAKIM Misbahuzzulam
Al-Majaalis : Jurnal Dirasat Islamiyah Vol 1 No 1 (2013): AL-MAJAALIS : JURNAL DIRASAT ISLAMIYAH
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37397/almajaalis.v1i1.10


الأيام تمر والمشاكل في هذه الدنيا تتجدد، فما من يوم إلا وحدثت فيهمشكلة بل مشاكل. والشاهد على ذلك تلك المحكمات التي امتلئت بالناس الذينيقدمون إليها قضاياهم ومشاكلهم الأسرية أو الاجتماعية. وهذا مما يؤكد أهميةالمحكمات، حيث إن الناس يفزعون إليها ليجدوا قرارا يعجز الخصم عنمعارضته. والحاكم ينبغي أن يكون من أهل الاجتهاد، لأنه قد يعرض الناس عليهمسائل لم يجد حكمها مكتوبا في القرآن العظيم ولا في السنة النبوية بعينه. فإذاواجه مثل هذه الحالة، كان الاجتهاد في تقرير الحكم سبيلا إلى حل تلكالمسائل. ولا يلام الحاكم المجتهد إذا أخطأ في اجتهاده، لأنه قد ثبت الإذن لهبالاجتهاد من النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، بل إنه عليه الصلاة والسلام قدأخبرنا أن الحاكم المجتهد يثاب أجرا واحدا إذا أخطأ.ومما يجب أن يتنبه عليه الحاكم أنه إذا عرض عليه قضاء فلا يجوز لهأن يقضيه وهو في حالة اضطراب النفس، كأن يكون في الغضب الشديد، أوالجوع الشديد أو غيرهما مما يحصل به اضطراب النفس. لأن اضطرابالنفس يؤدي إلى تشعب الفكر ونقصان الوعي وانتفاء الانصاف كثيرا،فيقضي وهو على غير وعي.
Al-Majaalis : Jurnal Dirasat Islamiyah Vol 2 No 1 (2014): AL-MAJAALIS : JURNAL DIRASAT ISLAMIYAH
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37397/almajaalis.v2i1.24


Tawasssul merupakan salah satu bentuk pendekatan diri seseorang kepada Allah dengan suatu perantara, baik itu berupa amal shalih yang pernah dilakukannya atau dengan yang lainnya. Semua kaum kuslimin sepakat akan bolehnya jenis tawassul dengan nama Allah, sifat Allah dan amal shalih, namun perselisihan di antara mereka terjadi pada jenis tawassul yang lain, yaitu seperti tawassul dengan kedudukan dan fisik.Di antara mereka ada yang membolehkannya secara umum dan ada yang membaginya menjadi tawassul yang disyari'atkan dan tawassul yang tidak disyari'atkan. Pembagian inilah yang tepat, karena didukung oleh berbagai h}ujjah yang kuat, serta istida>l yang tepat. Dalam tulisan ini, argument-argument yang digunakan oleh pihak yang berpendapat bolehnya tawassul dengan kedudukan disebutkan beserta kritik terhadap argument trsebut. Tentunya argument-argument yang ditulis di sini adalah sebatas yang ditemukan penulis. Sehingga bisa saja ada argument lain yang tidak tertulis di sisni karena penulis tidak menemukannya.
Al-Majaalis : Jurnal Dirasat Islamiyah Vol 6 No 2 (2019): AL-MAJAALIS : JURNAL DIRASAT ISLAMIYAH
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37397/almajaalis.v6i2.114


Marriage is a fitrah for every human being, marriage is a door for the meeting of two hearts in the shade of social life that lasts for a long time, in which there are various rights and obligations that must be carried out by each party to get a decent, happy life. harmonious, and get offspring. In Surat Al-Nisa' verse 34, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala explains how to build an ideal household life. This study focuses on (1) the interpretation of Surat Al-Nisa' verse 34, (2) the ideal household concept according to experts, and (3) the correlation between Surat Al-Nisa' verse 34 and the ideal family concept. The approach in this study is to use a qualitative approach. While the type of this research is library research, the techniques in data collection are first, tracing the interpretation of Surat Al-Nisa' verse 34 in several commentaries. Second, explore the ideal family concept according to experts. Third, analyze and find a correlation between Surat Al-Nisa' verse 34 and the ideal family concept. The result is that Surat Al-Nisa' verse 34 with the ideal family concept is interrelated. The importance of maintaining the rights and responsibilities of each family member is the most important thing in forming an ideal family, as stated in the verse.
Al-Majaalis : Jurnal Dirasat Islamiyah Vol 7 No 1 (2019): AL-MAJAALIS : JURNAL DIRASAT ISLAMIYAH
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Dirasat Islamiyah Imam Syafi'i Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37397/almajaalis.v7i1.123


Seeing the development of increasingly advanced technology and influencing children's development, it is necessary to have a concept for parents in maintaining the nature of their children, therefore the concept of Maqashid Al-Sharia in safeguarding the child's nature, is expected to be a solution for educators, especially parents. The method used in this study is a qualitative non-interactive analytical concept method, which is a study that explains the meaning of a concept, by describing the general or important meaning, different meanings, and usage according to the concept. Researchers also explained the nature of the Al-shariah maqashid, namely to realize the benefit in the world and the hereafter. While the benefits based on the level of needs are divided into three categories, namely; dharuriyyat (primary benefit), hajiyyat (secondary benefit) and tahsiniyyat (tertiary benefit). The primary types of children are classified into eight types, eight of them are the nature of the faith, the nature of learning and reasoning, the nature of talent and leadership, the nature of development, the nature of sexuality and love, the nature of aesthetics and language, the nature of individuality and sociality, the nature of physical (physical and sensory). In this study, it will be linked between maqashid Al-sharia with the nature of children. Then the researchers form the concepts created in the form of tables and charts, which will be known estuaries from the concept, which all lead to parents.