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Dampak Putaran Uruguay terhadap Industri Minyak Nabati Wayan Reda Susila
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 15, No 1-2 (1997): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v15n1-2.1997.35-43


The succes of the Uruguay Round was projected to have positive impacts on the edible oil industries although the impacts are not proportionally distributed. Edible oil procedures in Asia Pasific countries were projected to enjoy most of the gains,while most African countries which are net importers will suffer form prices increase. Commitments related to edibe oil trade in Uruguay Round will induce the incerase in price, production , consumption , and trade of edible oils 4.0 , 3.4 , 3.8 , and 11.6 percent , respectively. Moreover,palm oil producers such as Indonesia, was projected to be most beneficial from the trade liberalization of the edible oils.
Effect Of Trade Liberalization and Growth on Poverty and Inequity: Empirical Evidences and Policy Options Wayan Reda Susila; Robin Bourgeois
Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol 26, No 2 (2008): Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi
Publisher : Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/fae.v26n2.2008.71-81


IndonesianPenelitian-penelitian yang menganalisis hubungan antara liberalisasi perdagangan, kemiskinan, dan pemerataan berujung pada perdebatan. Dampak dari pasar terbuka dan pengurangan kemiskinan menghasilkan pandangan yang pro (Anderson, Jha et al., dan Bhattasali et al.). dan kontra (Coller and Dollar, Twyford, Medeley, and Abbotts) secara tajam. Di sisi lain, dampak pasar terbuka terhadap distribusi pendapat bersifat lebih konklusif. Kesimpulan ini berlaku juga untuk kasus Indonesia. Dua kelompok kebijakan disintesa dari studi ini yang mencoba mensinergikan liberalisasi perdagangan dan pertumbuhan dengan kemiskinan dan pemerataan untuk wilayah Asia dan Pacific. Kelompok kebijakan pertama adalah liberalisasi perdagangan yang berpihak pada pengurangan kemiskinan yaitu 1) mengoreksi ketidak-seimbangan; 2) meninjau ulang tentang timbal-balik kebijakan; 3) perlakuan yang spesial dan berbeda serta fleksibelitas; dan 4) isu-isu perdagangan yang menjadi kepentingan khusus negara berkembang. Kelompok kebijakan kedua berkaitan dengan kebijakan domestik yang berpihak kepada orang miskin yaitu 1) memperbaiki ketidak-seimbangan penguasaan asset/lahan; 2) perbaikan infrastruktur di pedesaan; 3) menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif; 4) mendorong penciptaan lapangan kerja yang berpihak pada orang miskin; dan v) meningkatkan penelitian dan pengembangan bidang pertanian. EnglishStudies assessing the link between trade liberalization, poverty and equity come up with debatable results. The effect of open markets on poverty alleviation is usually divisive between pros (Anderson, Jha, et. al., dan Bhattasali et al.) and cons (Coller and Dollar, Twyford, Medeley, and Abbotts), while effect on equity is more conclusive. These conclusions are also true for Indonesia case. Two policy insights are derived from studies review to reconcile the benefits of trade liberalization and growth with poverty alleviation and equity improvement in Asia and the Pacific. The first one relates to pro-poor trade liberalization through 1) rectifying imbalances; 2) rethinking reciprocity; 3) special and differential treatment and flexibility; and 4) trade issues of special interest to developing countries.  The second is related to pro-poor domestic policies that include 1) reducing assets/land inequity, 2) promoting rural infrastructure, 3) creating conducive investment climate, 4) promoting pro-poor employment, and v) promoting agricultural research and development.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 4, No. 1 Februari 2004
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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As one of the traded goods and important sub-sectors in Indonesia, estate-crop subsectorcannot avoid various strategic business environment changes, mainly related to tradeliberalization issues. These changes have been perceived to have significant impacts on thesub-sector. In line with this issue, the main objective of this paper is to assess the likelyimpacts of trade liberalization with emphasizing on the Indonesian estate crops sub-sector.The results of the study indicates that impacts of the trade liberalization on the subsectorin the international markets have been varied, due to the different level of marketdistortions, level of commitments to reduce distortion, and consistency in implementing thecommitments. In general, trade liberalization is expected to lift international prices, while theimpacts on production, consumption, and trade have been varied, depending on the crops andcountries. Moreover, Indonesia estate crops sub-sector will benefit from this tradeliberalization if some conditions to promote efficiency and to fair trade in international marketcould be realized.