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Menafsirkan Ulang Riwayat Ken Angrok dan Ken Děděs dalam Kitab Pararaton Agus Aris Munandar
Manuskripta Vol 1 No 1 (2011): Manuskripta
Publisher : Masyarakat Pernaskahan Nusantara (The Indonesian Association for Nusantara Manuscripts, Manassa)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1422.328 KB) | DOI: 10.33656/manuskripta.v1i1.2


Kitab Pararaton merupakan karya anonim yang ditulis dalam bahasa Jawa tengahan. Kitab tersebut menguraikan kehidupan Ken Angrok serta raja-raja Singhasari dan Majapahit. Tulisan ini berusaha menjelaskan latar belakang mengapa cerita mengenai Ken Angrok itu mendapat porsi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan cerita mengenai kehidupan raja-raja yang lain. Melalui telaah tekstual terhadap Kitab Pararaton dan telaah terhadap bukti-bukti arkeologis terkait, terlihat bahwa cerita Ken Angrok dalam kitab tersebut merupakan simbol penyatuan dua agama besar yang dianut oleh masyarakat Jawa Kuno: Hindu Saiwa dan Budha Mahayana. Simbolisasi Agama Hindu-Saiwa itu terlihat dari uraian mengenai sosok Ken Angrok sebagai penjelmaan dari tiga dewa: Brahma, Siwa, dan Wisnu, sementara simbolisasi agama Budha Mahayana itu terlihat dari uraian mengenai sosok isteri Ken Angrok, yaitu Ken Děděs, sebagai putri tunggal Mpu Purwa, seorang pendeta Budha Mahayana. Sebagai implikasi dari penyatuan dua agama besar, beberapa candi yang mengandung semangat penyatuan tersebut, yang dikenal dengan candi Syiwa-Budha, dibangun pada masa Kerajaan Singhasari. Bentuk candi tersebut jelas tidak pernah terbayangkan ada sebelum masa Singhasari.
Estoria: Journal of Social Science and Humanities Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Estoria: Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (960.592 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/je.v2i1.597


During the Majapahit era, the Nagarakrtagama book in the form of kakawin (Old Javanese poetry) was composed by Mpu Prapanca, the kakawin was completed in 1365 AD. no longer exist because it collapsed or the location is not yet known. Using an archaeological-historical approach, this study discusses several sacred buildings mentioned in the Nagarakrtagama whose existence can still be known archaeologically. The analysis was carried out by combining the written data from Nagarakrtagama with archaeological data in the form of temples on the site, to then review some of the features of the temple building. Through the analysis carried out, it can be seen that during the Majapahit era there were at least 3 types of religious buildings based on their religious background, namely Hindu-saiwa, Bauddha, and Shiva-Buddha. The most sacred buildings erected are Hindu-saiwa, it seems that in general, the Majapahit population embraces this religion. There is also a two-religious temple, namely Shiva-Buddha and a pendharmaan temple building that was erected to glorify a deceased figure, while a rare Bauddha sacred building is found in Majapahit. It seems that Buddhism did develop on a limited basis at that time.Key words: Majapahit, Hinduism, Buddha, temple, Mahameru, gods
Underwater Archaeological Museum: Utilization of Karimunjawa Sites St. Prabawa Dwi Putranto; Agus Aris Munandar
Proceeding ISETH (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity) 2016: Proceeding ISETH (International Conference on Science, Technology, and Humanity)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Indonesia is located in a strategic location between Indian and Pacific Ocean. Indonesia has water territory more than land territory with approximately 3:2 in ratio. In that vast area, there are many cultural heritages from old history, both in land and underwater. Cultural heritages found in both locations have a connection. Until recently, the government has attempted to reveal the past from underwater cultural heritage through survey and exploration. Many invaluable cargoes were salvaged from the underwater wreckages. Exploration and salvage are done by private company with the permit from the National Committee for Salvage and Utilization of the Valuable Object of the Sunken Ship (PANNAS BMKT). However, illegal exploration and salvage persists in the practice. Conservation efforts that include protection, development and utilization to the underwater cultural heritage had not been maximal; therefore, salvage, pilferage, and vandalism still occur. This paper would try to give an alternative for the utilization of underwater cultural heritage through a maritime museum in its natural state (in-site conservation). Museum is one institution that protects, develops and utilizes cultural heritages, and communicates them to the visitor.
Makna Atribut Istimewa pada Arca Perwujudan Tokoh-tokoh Perempuan Majapahit: Kajian Arkeologi Religi Hindu-Buddha Nabila Mega Permata; Agus Aris Munandar; Evan Gavriel Harazaki
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): HERITAGE OF NUSANTARA
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1282.671 KB) | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v11i2.662


Attributes of the sculpture are one of the most important aspects of the sculpture iconography, as some embodiment sculptures have special attributes as the identity of the figure being depicted. The embodiment sculptures discussed in this study are the embodiment sculptures of the Gayatri, Tribhuwanatunggadewi, and Suhita. This study aims to reveal the meaning of the embodiment sculptures’ special attributes and the relationship between these meanings and the figures depicted. Peirce’s semiotic study was employed in this study. Based on the semiosis on the sculpture attributes, it is found that Tribhuwanatunggadewi is a Shiva-Buddhist queen regnant. It is also found that Suhita implemented government politics and cultural policy during her reign, as well as strengthening information regarding the role of Gayatri and Tribhuwanatunggadewi as Makalamanggalya. This study contributes a novel finding which complements pre-existed studies on iconography. It also contributes a methodology novelty in that semiotic approach could be used to provide comprehensive data in archaeological study.
Jakarta Toba Batak Subject Position in Toba Batak Mangongkal Holi Discourse: Laclau Discourse Analysis Suzen Tobing; Agus Aris Munandar; Lily Tjahjandari; Tommy Christomy
Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya Vol 38 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31091/mudra.v38i3.2328


A secondary burial practice known as Mangongkal Holi originated in the Toba Batak people. For hundreds of years, the Toba Batak tribe has incorporated this ceremony completely. Mangongkal Holi, unlike other Indonesian burial customs that have been successful in attracting tourists like the Ngaben and Rambu Solo celebrations, is going through an existential crisis, as evidenced by the somewhat less intense manner in which it is currently being practiced. The purpose of this study is to examine how the discourse around the Mangongkal Holi rite contributes to the development of Toba Batak cultural identity. In-depth interviews with Toba Batak tribal members served as the source of the research's data, along with a literature review. This study uses Ernesto Laclau's insight analysis as its analytical framework. According to the findings, the Mangongkal Holi ritual was articulated into four nodal points: reverence for ancestors, indifference to other religions, prestige, and unity. Based on the subject position analysis, the individuals from Jakarta Toba Batak demonstrate that there is a contingency of identity for Jakarta Toba Batak in the Mangongkal Holi discourse brought on by the individual's involvement with traditional institutions. The Mangongkal Holi rite seeks to promote clan harmony among those Jakarta Toba Batak people who have a close relationship with adat. It is no longer relevant to the social reality of Jakarta, which stresses efficiency in all aspects of life, such as time and money efficiency, for Jakarta Toba Batak people who are far from the Mangongkal Holi ceremony.