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Analisis Penolakan Isbat Nikah Perspektif Studi Hukum Kritis Rika Nur Laili; Lukman Santoso
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v3i1.566


This research is based on the problem of isbat nikah request which was rejected by the Ponorogo Religious Court through a determination with case number 402 / Pdt.P /2018/PA.Po. The purpose of this research focuses on the study of the legal interpretation paradigm of judges for rejection of marriage wives which is then analyzed based on the perspective of critical legal studies. This type of research is normative legal research which includes library research with descriptive analysis method. While the data collection technique is a documentation analysis study. The findings of this study: first, the legal interpretation used by the panel of judges in this determination is a systematic interpretation. Meanwhile, the method used by the panel of judges in this case used grammatical interpretation. This can be seen from the basis of legal considerations that the judge rejected the request for marriage is the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad regarding the existence of a marriage guardian as narrated by Ibn Hibban, Article 20 and Article 23 KHI, Article 1 paragraph (2) PMA No. 30 of 2005, Article 2 paragraph ( 1) Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Second, from the perspective of critical legal studies, the panel of judges uses a posivistic paradigm, namely not making any legal breakthroughs. This happens because the law is deemed capable of answering cases, the judge then does not grant marriage requests in order to prioritize the value of legal certainty over the value of justice and the value of benefit. This judge's decision contradicts Gustav Radbruch's standard priority theory, which is the first priority order of justice, second benefit and third legal certainty. Penelitian ini berangkat dari problem permohonan isbat nikah karena menikah siri yang ditolak oleh Pengadilan Agama Ponorogo melalui Penetapan dengan nomor perkara 402/Pdt.P /2018/PA.Po. Tujuan penelitian ini memfokuskan kajian pada paradigma interpretasi hukum hakim atas penolakan isbat nikah yang kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan perspektif studi hukum kritis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang termasuk studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data adalah studi analisis dokumentasi. Temuan dari penelitian ini: pertama, Interpretasi hukum yang digunakan majelis hakim dalam penetapan ini adalah Interpretasi sistematis. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan majelis hakim dalam perkara ini menggunakan interpretasi gramatikal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari dasar pertimbangan hukum hakim menolak permohonan isbat nikah adalah hadis Rasulullah tentang harus adanya wali nikah yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Hibban, Pasal 20 dan Pasal 23 KHI, Pasal 1 ayat (2) PMA No 30 Tahun 2005, Pasal 2 ayat (1) UU No 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan. Kedua, Dilihat dari perspektif studi hukum kritis, majelis hakim menggunakan paradigma posivistik yaitu tidak melakukan terobosan hukum. Hal ini terjadi karena undang-undang dianggap telah mampu menjawab kasus, hakim kemudian tidak mengabulkan permohonan isbat nikah demi mendahulukan nilai kepastian hukum daripada nilai keadilan dan nilai kemanfaatan. Keputusan hakim ini berseberangan dengan teori prioritas baku Gustav Radbruch yang dengan urutan prioritas pertama keadilan, kedua manfaat dan ketiga kepastian hukum.
Jurnal Yudisial Vol 12, No 3 (2019): LOCI IMPERIA
Publisher : Komisi Yudisial RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29123/jy.v12i3.331


ABSTRAKPerkawinan dalam masa iddah secara hukum tidak dapat dilaksanakan sebelum masa iddah-nya habis. Berbeda halnya dengan Putusan Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung Nomor 287/Pdt.P/2017/PA.TA tentang pencabutan surat penolakan perkawinan dalam masa iddah. Penelitian terhadap putusan ini dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan, dengan pendekatan yuridis dan analisis kualitatif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa, dasar hukum yang digunakan majelis hakim yaitu Pasal 153 ayat (2) Huruf b KHI, QS. At-Thalaq ayat 4, serta Pasal 53 KHI, yang diketahui dengan menggunakan metode penemuan hukum (rechtvinding), di antaranya: pertama, metode interpretasi sistematis dan metode istimba’th digunakan untuk mengetahui bahwa masa iddah W (pemohon) bukan iddah hamil akan tetapi iddah qurû’; kedua, metode a contrario (argumen a contrario) terhadap Pasal 153 ayat (2) huruf c KHI, untuk mengetahui siapa pria yang menghamili W (pemohon), sekaligus sebagai dasar untuk mencabut surat penolakan perkawinan dari KUA tersebut; dan ketiga, silogisme terhadap Pasal 53 KHI, untuk mengetahui bahwa di antara W (pemohon) dengan S (calon suami) tidak ada halangan untuk melangsungkan perkawinan.Kata kunci: surat penolakan perkawinan; masa iddah; penemuan hukum. ABSTRACT No marriage is allowed for a woman during the period of iddah. This guidance is different from the substance of Tulungagung Religious Court Decision Number 287/ Pdt.P/2017/PA.TA that has revocated the marriage rejection letter during the iddah period. The research on this decision was carried out with a literature study with a juridical approach and qualitative analysis. The legal basis used by the panel of judges is Article 153 Paragraph 2 letter b KHI, QS. At-Thalaq verse 4 and Article 53 KHI. The judges also made some judicial lawmaking (rechtsvinding) that can be inferred as follows. First, the use of a systematic interpretation method and istimba’th method for the conclusion that the iddah of the applicant (W) in this case, is not iddah pregnant but iddah quru. Second, the use of the a-contrario argument against Article 153 Paragraph 2 letter c KHI to find out the man who has impregnated the applicant.This argument is also the logical basis for revoking the marriage rejection letter from the KUA. Third, the use of syllogism against Article 53 KHI to make sure there is no obstacle of marriage between the applicant and her prospective husband (S). Keywords: marriage rejection letter; the iddah period; judicial law-making.
Implikasi Pemekaran Daerah Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung Pasca Reformasi Lukman Santoso
Al-Daulah: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Prodi Siyasah (Hukum Tata Negara) Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.288 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/ad.2017.7.1.250-278


Abstract: This article discusses implication of regional expansion of with the creation of Pesawaran Regency, the Province of Lampung, which was legally created based on the Law No. 33/2007 and officially promulgated on 2nd of November 2007. Before becoming a separate regency, Pesawaran was part of South Lampung Regency. There are both positive and negative implications of this expansion. Among positive implications are more effective control, available positions in bureaucracy for locals, better service delivery, fiscal distribution to newly created regency for development and infrastructures. Whereas negative implications include dispute in the site of regency office, shortage in budget allocation, infrastructure limitation, worsening public services and deteriorating relationship among key regional executives. Abstrak: Artikel ini mengkaji tentang implikasi pemekaran daerah Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung pasca reformasi. Terbentuknya Kabupaten Pesawaran berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 33 tahun 2007 yang memekarkan diri dari Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, dan diresmikan pada 2 November 2007. Terdapat implikasi positif dan negatif yang timbul dari pemekaran kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung. Di antara implikasi positifnya adalah rentang kendali pemerintahan semakin dekat, terbukanya jabatan-jabatan (peluang kerja) baru untuk sebagian kecil masyarakat asli dan sekitar, terutama dalam sektor pemerintahan kabupaten, akses pelayanan publik semakin dekat, dan adanya distribusi fiskal ke daerah otonom baru sebagai upaya pembangunan dan penunjang struktur dan infrastruktur baru. Adapun implikasi negatifnya adalah terjadinya silang sengkarut lokasi kantor pemerintah kabupaten, keterbatasan anggaran sehingga terbengkalainya pemilukada perdana, keterbatasan infrastruktur, pelayanan publik yang semakin buruk, dan hubungan kerja yang kurang harmonis antar pimpinan dan pejabat daerah.
Konstruksi Model Wakaf Perusahaan Dalam Negara Hukum Indonesia Lukman Santoso; Miftahul Huda
Al-Daulah: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundangan Islam Vol. 9 No. 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Prodi Siyasah (Hukum Tata Negara) Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.159 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/ad.2019.9.2.222-249


This study aims to explore the model of management and development of company waqf assets in Malaysia and Singapore, and their relevance to the development of company waqf construction in accordance with Indonesian waqf law and the wisdom of traditions that have developed. By using an interpretive explorative type qualitative approach, this research resulted in the finding, that the construction of the management model and development of corporate waqf assets in Indonesia in accordance with the context of Indonesian waqf law and traditional wisdom are business entities, banks, universities, foundations, hospitals, cooperative. So as to realize the strengthening of the holistic corporate waqf model in Indonesia, it is necessary to strengthen the regulatory stakeholders as well as an integrative and holistic understanding among scholars.
Problematika Implementasi Perjanjian Dalam Kerjasama dan Bagi Hasil Di Bengkel Las Semoyo Jaya: Sebuah Tinjauan Hukum Islam Lukman Santoso; Devi Indah Lestari
Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.94 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/invest.v1i1.2631


A cooperation is an agreement between two or more people to do business and achieve common goals. Cooperation can be necessary for human life, considering that humans are social creatures who need each other. People in various circles have practiced cooperation in various fields. In various cooperation practices, there are often deviations from the agreement when initially making cooperation. This article explores the problems of implementing the cooperation agreement at the Semoyo Jaya welding workshop in a review of Islamic law. By using a qualitative approach and field research methods. Meanwhile, for data collection, using observation and interview techniques. This research concluded that the implementation of the cooperation agreement at the Semoyo Jaya welding workshop was not following the principles and elements of the agreement, namely, not fulfilling any of the rights and obligations contained in the contract. Meanwhile, the profit-sharing does not meet one of the syirkah inan requirements because one party is arbitrary in providing profits to the other party. This research can contribute practically to the parties that carry out cooperation to fulfill the agreement's terms based on Islamic legal values.
Karakteristik Nusyuz Suami Perspektif Usul al-Fiqh Miftaqurrohman Miftaqurrohman; Lukman Santoso
Sakina: Journal of Family Studies Vol 7 No 4 (2023): Sakina: Journal of Family Studies
Publisher : Islamic Family Law Study Program, Sharia Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jfs.v7i4.6206


Nushu>z suami dalam fikih klasik belum terelaborasi secara memuaskan. Ulasannya yang kurang konseptual menjadikan polemik tersendiri, dan eksistensinya dalam nas}s} al-Qur’an, 4:128 yang tidak terakomodasi secara eksplisit ke dalam regulasi positif menimbulkan kontroversial. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan legalitas maupun validitas atas nushu>z suami lewat identifikasi karakteristik-karakteristiknya dalam nas}s} tersebut perspektif us}u>l al-fiqh. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan memaknai nushu>z suami dalam konteks tuntutan kesetaraan gender. Hal tersebut terkait dengan bahwa muatan us}u>l al-fiqh adalah keadilan yang muara awal dan akhirnya adalah kemaslahatan. Penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif yang berbentuk library research dengan metode content analysis yang melibatkan cara berfikir deduktif, induktif, dan komparatif sebagaimana terakomodasi dalam us}u>l al-fiqh ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa legalitas dan validitas nushu>z suami didasarkan pada al-Qur’an, 4: 128. Nushu>z yang terjadi pada suami tidaklah sama persis dengan nushu>z pada istri. Perbedaan tersebut disebabkan di antaranya oleh faktor karakteristik nushu>z suami itu tersendiri, dan perbedaan dalam aspek kategorisasi terhadap hal-hal yang dapat merugikan istri. Dengan memahami karakteristik nushu>z suami tersebut, tampak bahwa agama -dalam hal ini hukum Islam- telah mendudukkan suami-istri sebagai bagian dari relasi gender secara proporsional sesuai posisi dan karakternya masing-masing semenjak dari awalnya.
Tradition, Wisdom and Negotiating Marriage and Inheritance Disputes on Javanese Muslim Miftahul Huda; Agus Purnomo; Abdul Mun'im; Lutfi Hadi Aminuddin; Lukman Santoso
AL-ISTINBATH : Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 9, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jhi.v9i1.9887


This study aims to find a negotiation model in the tradition of Javanese Muslim communities in resolving disputes regarding marriage and inheritance restrictions. When the reality of resolving marriage and inheritance disputes impacts family and community strife, this becomes crucial. The qualitative paradigm was used to construct this research, which included a series of observations and in-depth interviews with the disputed families and focus group discussions with informants in the East Java community. This research discovers three models for resolving the tradition of avoiding marriage and inheritance disputes in Javanese Muslim society with social components in a heterogeneous society. 1) negotiating the traditional cum theology model, 2) negotiating the tradition and law model, and 3) negotiating the traditional wisdom model. Furthermore, when many cultural traditions fade, the growing negotiation model can serve as the foundation for policy for local governments in generating variants of the nation's cultural traditions.