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Journal : TEKTAN

Modifikasi Pengepingan Skema Leap Frog dalam Penentuan Karakteristik Profil Aliran Sungai dalam Mendukung Pemetaan Wilayah Banjir (Penelitian Awal) Andy Eka Saputra; Didik Kuswadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 5 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v5i3.811


In this study carried out by modifying the method LeapFrog split with The split the regulator equation St. Venant 1 dimensions. The factors used are data stream land cover and slope/contour. Rain put a lateral discharge equation while the discharge from upstream continuity included as a boundary condition on the grid points of the river. The final goal in future studies to produce an split which can be used to determine the flow profile characteristics of a river, so as to support the handling of flooding in the area desired nonstructure From the results of research conducted a few things that can be described Modifications made split Leap Frog has been successfully split the continuity equation and momentum with the results split. The split results for the continuity equation The split above results in the early stages this research in trying to in Microsoft Fortran programs running on 6.5 and at this early study tested a simple case of the trapezoidal cross section of the river as well as data supporting data retrieved from the data Sekampung river as an example the case for programs to run and found that the results are already responding injection split discharge Q Nakayasu Sekampung well with characteristic output the shape of the profile of the river flow and results split with Microsoft Fortran 6.5 program that is in use is generally obtained water discharge (Q) outputs the same program with a discharge Q Nakayasu with repeated time 50 years of segment 0 m at the river until 21 hour simulation model has the same result as shown in Table 4 (table discharge results of running the program), so that the program is appropriate and can be running on the characteristics of the next river.Keywords: leap frog, st venant, flood modelling, lateral discharge, boundary conditions, nakayasu
Simulasi Koefisien Parameter DAS dalam Membangkitkan Debit Sintesis dengan Metode Nreca (Studi Kasus pada DAS Sekampung Propinsi Lampung) Andy Eka Saputra; Kelik Istanto; Iskandar Zulkarnain
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 4 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v4i1.823


This study aims to create a simulation of watershed parameters in the coefficient generating discharge data by the method of synthesis of NRECA at watershed Sekampung. The research was conducted at Polytechnic Lampung in August and November 2011. Search the data using charts NRECA created four stages of simulation, of the four simulations have started to show a trend following observations have been made. From the results of the simulation parameters to manufacture-4 is closer to a state of observation and calculation. This is shown by - average number of discharges with the same observation. Visually, the graph is closer to the observation that the model parameters can be used to predict the amount of discharge, especially in watershed areas compatriot Lampung Province. The best simulation on the simulation of the four obtained values of model parameters correlation coefficient Qobs Vs Qsim of 0.27 with the watershed parameters Sinitial: 50, Gwinitial: 50, SNOM: 100, Krech: 0.85, 0.63 K Base and CF: 0.72. included in watershed characteristics that have characteristics of watersheds with high permeable aquifers and discharge the small mainstay. Keywords: NRECA, model parameters, DAS, discharge synthesis
Analisis Model Pondasi Bangunan Air di Atas Tanah Rawa Berbahan Lokal Kelik Istanto; Andy Eka Saputra
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 5 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v5i3.846


The research was distributed by foundation failure that supportted the waterworks on swamp soil which caused it collapsed. The objectives of this research were (1) Define foundation model on swamp soil using local material that suitable to swamp soil characteristic, (2) Generate foundation model that give efficiency value more than or equivalence to 70%, and, (3) Predict the bearing capacity of foundation model to support waterworks load. The proposed foundation models were pile group using gelam (melaleuca cajuputi sub sp.cumingiana) had 12 cm in diameter which plugged upright (M1), two-fifths in each row were plugged oblique with 15o to center line of waterworks (M2), and four-fifths in each row were plugged oblique with 15o to center line of waterworks (M3). Furthermore, it performed by computing the bearing capacity of each foundation model based on physical and mechanical properties of swamp soil in single pile, pile group, and block failure system. The research results shown that 40 cm in space between piles (Eg=70,3%), the foundation models produced the same bearing capacity to support waterworks load. Whereas, which 50 cm in space (Eg=76%), 60 cm (Eg=79,9%), and 70 cm (Eg=82,7%), each model produced different bearing capacity to support waterworks load and could describe by QM1<QM2<QM3. The maximum waterworks load could be supported by foundation model was 1,208.83 kg, it was happened in the third model with 70 cm in space. Keywords:  swamp soil, local material, pile group efficiency, and bearing capacity
Kajian Hidrolis Rencana Tanggul Pengendali Banjir Sungai Batanghari Kecamatan Bungur Kabupaten Lampung Timur Bagas Arya Hermuda; Didik Kuswadi; Andy Eka Saputra
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 6 No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v6i3.854


Hydraulic embankment design done to solved flooding problems that it caused by damage  the catchment area, sedimentation, and the capacity of the river was not able to cover the stream during a peak discharge. The purpose of this research were (1) determined the flood discharge design, and (2) made hydraulic embankment design. Steps of research activities were the preparation, survey and topographical measurements, collected hydrological data,  processed of topography and hydrology data, counted the design maximum discharge, designed embankment river. The results showed that (1) the existing discharge was 479,745 m3/s, (2) the result of hydraulic design of Batanghari River embankment were the design discharge of  return period 50 years was 938,339 m³/s, the base width of the channel (b) by 35,5 m, the depth of flow (h) by 6,5 m, the slope embankment (1:m) by 1:1, height of freeboard by 1.0 m, wide embankment by 4,0m. Keywords: hydraulic embankment design, the river, flooding, the discharge
Peningkatan Uji Kuat Tekan Paving Block Dengan Bahan Limbah Andy Eka Saputra
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 11 No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v11i3.1467


The research will be carried out at the Soil and Water Engineering Laboratory and the Lampung State Polytechnic Agricultural Mechanization Laboratory for 6 months. In the results of each manufacture of Paving blocks for each sample, the compressive strength value is quite stable and continues to increase starting from day 1 to 28. Cement as a binding material succeeded in binding fly ash and bottom ash perfectly due to the fly ash and bottom ash content reaching optimum laboratory standard density with dry content weight of 1.47 gr/cm3 with the addition of 3000cc water at a ratio of 1: 4 making a determinant of the strength of the paving block by achieving average maximum strength of 192 kg/cm2 or K 190 and 214 kg / cm2 or K 200 at 28 days old, and included in the class B katogari SNI 03 -0691-1996, with these results showing a high increase in class D quality in research previously increased to quality B with SNI standards. Keywords: paving blocks, fly ash, bottom as.,
Optimasi Luas Petak Distribusi Irigasi Terputus-Putus Untuk Padi Sawah Pada Daerah Irigasi Air Tanah Dangkal Muhammad Idrus; I Gde Darmaputra; Andy Eka Saputra
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v12i1.1669


The research was conducted in rainfed paddy  field at Cisarua Village, Natar  Sub District, Lampung Selatan Region to find out the area of plot distribution irrigation water to obtained the maximum area will be irrigated and the maximum net income. The treatment of intermittent irrigation are the intermittent irrigation with area plot distribution of water irrigation of 1,000 m2, 2,000 m2, 3,000 m2, 4,000 m2, and  5,000 m2. Preparation of seedling for the intermittent irrigation treatment using paddy field.   The treatment the intermittent irigation were using transplanting of 1 young seedling (18 days after seeding) at wider space 22 cm x 22 cm with range legowo 5:1. The results of these research showed that the total amount water application for plowing, harrowing, and leveling namely 656 m3/ha, but for growing paddy plant namely 626 m3/ha for each apply water irrigation.  Icreasing the area plot distribution of water irrigation so that the area paddy field will be irrigated also increase with the same of pumping discharge.  The maximum area paddy field can be irrigated with pumping capacity of ground water of 1,243 l/dt namely 1.1 ha with combination 2 plot distribution water irrigation with size 4.000 m2 each and 1 plot distribution water irrigation with size 3,000 m2 per planting season and obtained the maximum net income of Rp 19,414,333.   The average paddy prodcution obtained 7,366.7 kg/ha with amount water irrigation application 3.782 m3/ha. The Water irrigation productivity and the total water productivity of 1.95 and 0.91 kg/m3 repectively. Keywords: irigasi intermittent irrigation, amout water irrigation application, maximum area can be irrigated, maximum net income, production and water productivity.
Modifikasi Alat Kuat Tekan Paving Block Sebagai Alat Cetak Hidrolik Andy Eka Saputra
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan Vol 12 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/tektan.v12i1.1671


The Paving Block industry is one of the important industries, as a driving force for the economy of an area, one of which is in Bandar Lampung, especially in the Rajabasa district. The problem that is often faced by consumers is the low quality of the paving that is used, which is often cracked, broken and brittle so that it interferes with all the activities carried out in the paving block application in use, this is due to the quality of the materials that do not meet standards and the manufacturing process is not quite right. The objectives of this research are to test the performance of the modified molding tools and test the paving blocks produced using the tools before modification with those that have been modified. Based on the results of research conducted at the Lampung State Polytechnic in 2019 for 6 months, it shows that the compressive strength of paving block molded steel plates with a side length of 20 cm, a width of 6 cm and a height of 8 cm with a plate thickness of 5 mm can withstand existing leaks and can be used. with hydraulic molding equipment modified on the CTM machine. In the print results with a pressure of 50 kg / cm2, no leaks were found on the printing machine and at a pressure of 100 kg/cm2, the printing press was still able to withstand the leak, so it could be used as a printing tool in the modification of hydraulic molding devices on the CTM machine. Modification of paving block formers provides paving block results with class B quality according to the Indonesian National Standard Agency, 1996. Keywords: paving block, modified compressive strength, steel plates