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Indonesian Research Institute for Biotechnology and Bioindustry

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Propagasi in vitro tanaman kurma (Phoenix dactylifera L.) pada bioreaktor dengan perendaman sesaat Rizka Tamania SAPTARI; Masna Maya SINTA; Imron RIYADI; . PRIYONO; . SUMARYONO
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 88, No 2 (2020): Oktober,2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/


The cultivation of date palm in Indonesia has increased since the last decade. However, the superior date palm seedlings are still limited and most of them are imported from other countries. The mass supply of superior date palm seedlings can be provided by in vitro propagation in the bioreactor. Therefore, the research was conducted to develop a protocol of date palm in vitro propagation by using Temporary Immersion Bioreactor (TIB). The in vitro propagation was carried out through somatic embryogenesis technique using meristematic tissues isolated from offshoots of date palm female clone cv. Zambli as explants. The explants were sterilized and then cultured to produce embryogenic calli and somatic embryos. Afterwards, somatic embryos germination and plantlets formation were conducted in TIB with treatments of immersion period: 3, 10, and 30 minutes every 6 hours, with 8 replications, The results showed that the optimal somatic embryo germination in TIB was with the immersion period of 30 min every 6 h, resulting in the most formation of shoots and fresh biomass weight increment up to nearly threefold in 6 weeks. Thereafter, plantlets formation in TIB with immersion period of 10 min and 30 min every 6 h exhibited similar performances in producing more plantlets with higher total fresh weight and better vigor than those of 3 min every 6 h. However, there were more rooted plantlets in the TIB with immersion period of 10 min every 6 h. Based on the results, an in vitro propagation protocol via somatic embryogenesis in TIB has been successfully developed for mass propagation of date palm cv. Zambli, which produced plantlets with good vigor and rooting.
Kriteria planlet kelapa kopyor yang siap untuk diaklimatisasi [Criteria of kopyor coconut plantlets ready to be acclimatized] . SUMARYONO; Imron RIYADI
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 84, No 1: Oktober 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.94 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/


Kopyor coconut is a special coconut grown in Indonesia. Nuts of kopyor can not be used as a source of planting material due to its endosperm damage; therefore in vitro embryo rescue technique is applied to propagate kopyor coconuts. Acclimatization is a critical stage during in vitro culture of kopyor coconut. Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of plantlet initial conditions prior to acclimatization on survival and growth in ex vitro conditions. Five replications of 50 plantlets of tall variety of kopyor coconut with different shoot and root conditions were used in the acclimatization process. The coconut plantlets were planted on plastic pots containing a mixture of soil, sand and dung manure, and then placed inside a closed plastic tunnel.  The tunnel was opened gradually after 3 months and the plants were transferred to the nursery after 4.5 months. Survival frequency and growth (plant height, leaf number and shoot diameter) of the plantlets were observed after 6 months of acclimatization period. Research results show that the initial plantlet height and initial root length affected significantly the survival rate and growth of the plantlets of kopyor coconut during acclimatization. Other parameters of plantlet initial conditions such as leaf number, stem diameter, primary root number, and the existence of secondary roots did not influence the survival rate and growth of the plantlets.  In order to obtain high survival rate (84.7%) and good growth of plantlets during acclimatization, the plantlet height must be at least 20 cm prior to acclimatization.  Differences in root length on plantlets with the height of 20 cm or more, did not affect survival percentage of the vitroplants.  
Modifikasi sistem kultur in vitro untuk meningkatkan vigor planlet stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.) [Modification of in vitro culture system to increase the vigor of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.) plantlets] Rizka Tamania SAPTARI; . SUMARYONO
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 84, No 2 (2016): Desember 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.96 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/


 Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.), a sweetener plant, has been mass propagated by tissue culture technique. Optimal conditions to increase vigor of stevia plantlets are needed to support the sustainability of in vitro plantlet stocks and increase plantlet survival rate during acclimatization. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of different media, culture vessel sizes, and vessel closure types on the vigor of stevia plantlets. The plant material was derived from apical shoot cuttings of sterile stevia plantlets grown on WP medium without growth regulator. Several treatments used in this study were solid or double layer media; short or tall culture vessel; and polypropile screw cap or plastic film closures.  Growth of plantlets was determined after 3 weeks of culture. Temperature and light intensity inside the vessels were also observed. The results showed that the best treatment to increase the vigor of stevia plantlets was a double-layer medium in a tall culture vessel (diameter 7 cm and height 11 cm) with either screw cap or plastic film. It was exhibited by significantly bigger stem diameter, more and bigger leaves, longer roots, and higher biomass fresh weight than those of other treatments. Higher temperature was observed on tall culture vessel, whereas all treatments did not significantly affect light intensity inside the vessels.[Keywords: stevia, plantlet vigor, double-layer medium, culture vessel size, vessel closure]AbstrakStevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bert.), tanaman pemanis, telah diperbanyak melalui teknologi kultur jaringan. Kondisi kultur optimal untuk meningkatkan vigor planlet stevia masih diperlukan untuk mendukung keberlanjutan tanaman stock in vitro dan untuk meningkatkan daya hidup planlet ketika diaklimatisasi. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh penggunaan jenis media, ukuran botol kultur, dan jenis penutup botol yang berbeda terhadap vigor planlet stevia. Material tanaman yang digunakan didapat dari potongan tunas apikal plantlet stevia steril yang ditumbuhkan pada media WP tanpa zat pengatur tumbuh. Perlakuan jenis media terdiri atas media padat dan media dua-lapis (double-layer), ukuran botol pendek dan tinggi, serta jenis tutup ulir berbahan polipropilen dan lembaran plastik transparan. Pengamatan pertumbuhan planlet dilakukan setelah 3 minggu, juga dilakukan pengamatan terhadap suhu dan intensitas cahaya di dalam botol kultur. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik untuk meningkatkan vigor planlet stevia adalah dengan menggunakan media dua-lapis dalam botol kultur (diameter 7 cm, dan tinggi 11 cm), baik dengan tutup ulir maupun plastik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari diameter batang lebih besar, daun lebih banyak dan besar, akar lebih panjang, serta bobot segar biomassa lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Suhu lebih tinggi terukur pada perlakuan botol tinggi, sedangkan semua perlakuan tidak mempengaruhi secara nyata intensitas cahaya di dalam botol kultur.[Kata kunci: stevia, vigor, media dua-lapis, ukuran botol kultur, tutup botol]
Pengaruh periode perendaman air dan komposisi media tumbuh terhadap keberhasilan aklimatisasi planlet sagu (Effect of water immersion period and growing media composition on acclimatization success of sago palm plantlets ) . SUMARYONO; Imron RIYADI
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 85, No 2 (2017): Oktober 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1553.389 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/


Sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) is a carbohydrate-producing crop, commonly propagated by suckers.  The availability of planting materials in a large quantity hinders the development of commercial sago plantations.  Sago propagation by tissue culture via somatic embryogenesis has been developed to provide superior planting materials of sago palm.  One of the major problems faced in tissue culture of sago palm is the low survival rate of plantlets during acclimatization period. The objective of this research was to increase the acclimatization success of sago plantlets in term of survival rate and growth at ex vitro conditions.  The experiments were conducted using a randomized block design with two factors i.e. water immersion period and growing media composition.  The water immersion periods used were without immersion, immersion for 2 days with 1 day intermittent period, immersion for 1 day with 1 day intermittent period, immersion for 1 day with 2 days intermittent period, and continuous immersion.  The growing media used were consisted of top soil, sand, dung manure, and cocopeat at different compositions.  Sago plantlets were planted on small plastic pots and placed inside a closed plastic tunnel for 12 weeks.  Research results showed that continuous water immersion and mixed composition of soil, sand, and cocopeat (1:1:2 v/v) was the best conditions for acclimatization of sago plantlets with the survival rate of 70% after 12 weeks.  The survived plants had good leaves and roots, ready to be transferred to big plastic bags in the main nursery. [Keywords: Metroxylon sagu, sago palm, acclimatization, immersion, media composition]  AbstrakTanaman palma sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) termasuk tanaman penghasil karbohidrat yang umumnya diperbanyak dengan anakan (suckers).  Ketersediaan bahan tanam dalam jumlah besar merupakan hambatan pengembangan perkebunan sagu komersial.  Kultur jaringan tanaman sagu telah dikembangkan melalui teknik embriogenesis somatik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan tanam unggul sagu.  Salah satu masalah utama dalam kultur jaringan sagu adalah rendahnya daya hidup planlet pada tahap aklimatisasi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan keberhasilan aklimatisasi planlet sagu yang meliputi daya hidup dan pertumbuhan bibit pada lingkungan ex vitro.  Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan dua faktor yaitu perendaman air dan komposisi media. Perlakuan perendaman air adalah tanpa perendaman, perendaman 2 hari diselang tanpa perendaman 1 hari, perendaman 1 hari diselang tanpa perendaman 1 hari, perendaman 1 hari diselang tanpa perendaman 2 hari, dan perendaman terus menerus.  Komposisi media tumbuh yang digunakan berupa perbandingan volume penyusun yaitu tanah, pasir, pupuk kandang dan cocopeat.  Planlet ditanam di pot kecil dan diletakkan di dalam sungkup plastik tertutup selama 12 minggu.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan perendaman terus menerus dan media tumbuh campuran tanah, pasir, cocopeat (1:1:2 v/v) merupakan kondisi terbaik pada aklimatisasi planlet sagu dengan daya hidup mencapai 70% setelah 12 minggu.  Bibit yang dihasilkan memiliki daun dan perakaran yang baik, siap untuk dipindahkan ke pot plastik besar di persemaian utama.[Kata kunci:  Metroxylon sagu, sagu, aklimatisasi, perendaman, komposisi media]
Embriogenesis somatik dari pucuk tunas tanaman kurma (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Somatic embryogenesis from shoot tip of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)) Rizka Tamania SAPTARI; . SUMARYONO
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 86, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.41 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/


 Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is the most important crop in the dry areas of the Middle East and North Africa. This palm has been introduced to many countries but has not been grown commercially in Indonesia. Date palm propaga-tion by seeds is easy but its progenies are varied and a half of them are male trees that will not produce fruits. Meanwhile, the propagation by offshoots is impractical and technically difficult. Tissue culture makes it possible to massproduce of genetically identicalsuperior date palms. This research aimed to develop somatic embryogenesis (SE) of date palm using shoot tipand young leaves of date palm seedling as explants. Steps on somatic embryogenesis are explant sterilization, callus initiation and proliferation, somatic embryos induction and maturation, and plantlets matura-tion and rooting. Calli emerged from shoot tip explants after  9 weeks of culture in a modified MS medium supplemented with 10 mg/L 2,4-D, 1 mg/L or  3 mg/L 2-iP, and 1.5 g/L active charcoal. The callus was able to bear somatic embryo in the modified MS medium without hormones. Somatic embryos then developed into plantlets, and roots of plantlets were effectively initiated in the medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L NAA and 1 mg/L IBA.[Keywords:sterilization,  callogenesis, somatic embryo induction, plantlet rooting, clonal propagation]. Abstrak  Tanaman kurma (Phoenix dactyliferaL.) merupakan tanaman terpenting di wilayah kering Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara. Palma ini telah menyebar ke banyak negara, namun belum ditanam secara komersial di Indonesia. Perbanyakan kurma dengan biji sangat mudah tetapi turunannya sangat beragam dan setengahnya merupakan tanaman jantan yang tidak berbuah. Perbanyakan dengan anakan (offshoots) secara komersial tidak praktis dan relatif sulit. Kultur jaringan memungkinkan untuk dihasilkan secara massal bibit tanaman kurma varietas unggul yang secara genetik seragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan embriogenesis somatik menggunakan eksplan pucuk tunasdan daun muda dari bibit tanaman kurma. Pengembangan embriogenesis somatik terdiri dari tahap sterilisasi eksplan, inisiasi dan proliferasi kalus, induksi dan maturasi embrio somatik, serta pembesaran dan pembentukan akar planlet. Kalus terbentuk dari eksplan pucuk tunassetelah 9 minggu dikultur pada medium MS modifikasi yang ditambahkan 2,4-D 10 mg/L,  2-iP 1 mg/L atau 3 mg/L, dan arang aktif 1,5 g/L.Kalus berhasil diinduksi menghasilkanembrio somatik pada medium MS modifikasi tanpa penggunaan hormon. Embrio somatik kemudian berkembang hingga menjadi planlet, dan akar planlet secara efektif terinisiasipada medium yang ditambahkan NAA 0,5 mg/L dan IBA1 mg/L.  [Kata kunci :sterilisasi,  kalogenesis, induksi embrio somatik, pengakaran planlet, propagasi klonal].