Jonata Witabora
Bina Nusantara University

Published : 4 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Kinetic Sculpture Joneta Witabora; Jonata Witabora
Humaniora Vol. 5 No. 1 (2014): Humaniora
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/humaniora.v5i1.3038


Kinetic Sculpture was born from a long process of searching new approach in sculpture. The artists tried to escape from 'static' paradigm and tried to implement movement into their works: a sculpture that is mobile. Movement is always a fascinating phenomenon to eyes. Kinetic sculpture strength lies in its unique character in combining science and art. Kinetic Sculptures are really interesting pieces of art. It succeeds to fascinate human everytime. 
Ilusi Optis dalam Dunia Seni dan Desain Jonata Witabora
Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 2 (2012): Humaniora
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/humaniora.v3i2.3409


Visual is everything to do with vision. The ability of our brain to interpret visual is what we call visual perception. In the development of art and design, many artists and designers study visual perception and embody it in their works. One part of visual perception which attracts artists and made as the base on their work is optical illusion. This, in turn creates new streams in the world of art and design. Optical illusion is an anomaly in visual perception, a deceiving experience occurs beyond the control of the observer. Article maps out what optical illusions is, and identify a variety of optical illusions and their application in art and design. 
Usability, Design, and Content Issues of Mobile Apps for Indonesia Cultural Art Promotion: A Balinese Mask Jonata Witabora; Kadek Satria Adidharma; Laura Christina Luzar; Meilani Meilani; Nick Soedarso
Humaniora Vol. 7 No. 4 (2016): Humaniora
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/humaniora.v7i4.3596


Various ways had been taken to promote the Indonesian culture in conventional media such as magazines, books, and even articles. The receiver generation who had lived in the abundance of technological world of digital media was the next target of inheritance and one way to do it was with the mobile application technology. So, it would be nice if the society started to take a big step to be more focused in the dissemination of culture and pass it following the development of the time, of course, without losing national identity. One of many interesting Indonesian Culture was Topeng Bali (Balinese Mask). Through observation and field research, knowledge about the art of Balinese mask was gathered, and later present it in form of mobile application. This research used the qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative research was done by collecting data sampling from some of the selected target markets in limited quantities, while quantitative research was done by spreading the questionnaires that will be created and distributed to the main target market but not in the number and selected resource persons. This research finds that the mobile application is deemed appropriate to be one medium that can distribute effectively and efficiently in promoting one of Indonesia culture, Balinese mask. 
Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Dimensi DKV Seni Rupa dan Desain
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1082.636 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jdd.v3i2.3611


AbstractPotential Action 1A – Ecological Art Exploration with Salt as Art Material. With continuous development in work of science, the mysteries of life and nature are unfolding one step at the time. This gives us more understanding how nature works and how we connected with each other. In art, the subject of nature is become more and more prominent. For many artists, nature becomes the new canvas that opens new possibilitiesand new imagination. Salt is one of the main substances of life. It is a substance that could be found in many aspects of life, it’s in our food, in our bodies, in the oceans, in the rocks and in every living creature. Not just that, salt also have important role in human civilization development. It is a philosophical mineral that play a big role in our life. This research works in artistic research method that centered in experimental practice. Through this installation artworks, salt is seen through new perspective, whichin result open up to a different perspective and new experience in seeing salt.   AbstrakPotensial Aksi 1A – Eksplorasi Seni Ekologi dengan Garam Sebagai Materi Seni. Dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, sedikit demi sedikit misteri kehidupan dan alam semakin terkuak. Hal ini membuat kita semakin sadar dan paham akan posisi dan relasi kita dengan alam. Dalam dunia seni, kehidupan dan alam tidak lagi hanya menjadiinspirasi belaka tapi menjadi objek realita yang direspon secara langsung. Pendekatan ini membuka ruang-ruang pemahaman dan imajinasi baru yang segar. Garam merupakan salah satu unsur penting bagi kehidupan. Garam ada di dalam tubuh kita, di luar, di lautan,bebatuan dan di dalam setiap makhluk hidup. Selain itu, garam juga merupakan salah satu komoditas penting bagi perkembangan peradaban manusia. Garam adalah sebuah material filosofis, sebuah esens, garam adalah kehidupan. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode penelitian artistik yang berpusat pada praktek bereksperimen. Melalui karyainstalasi ini garam dilihat dengan perspektif yang berbeda, yang mungkin membuka potensi-potensi baru ke depan, membuat pengalaman baru dalam memahami garam.