Juniardi Nur Fadilah
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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Implementasi Metode Path Finding dengan Penerapan Algoritma A-Star untuk Mencari Jalur Terpendek pada Game “Jumrah Launch Story” Ghani Mutaqin; Juniardi Nur Fadilah; Fresy Nugroho
Walisongo Journal of Information Technology Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Walisongo Journal of Information Technology
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wjit.2021.3.1.7042


Teknologi semakin berkembang dari waktu ke waktu seperti saat ini, khususnya perkembangan teknologi game. Pengembangkan teknologi dalam game agar game bisa menjadi seperti layaknya di dunia nyata. Untuk membuat game yang realistis tentunya mengimplementasikan artificial intelligence atau kecerdasan buatan pada perilaku NPC (non player character) / agen cerdas dalam game. Salah satu perilaku yang umum kita ketahui pada agen cerdas dalam game adalah path finding. Path finding merupakan salah satu konsep dasar algoritma yang digunakan untuk menggerakkan karakter dalam game. Dengan menggunakan metode path finding, agen cerdas bisa bergerak dengan cerdas layaknya dunia nyata. Hal ini lah yang membuat game bisa menjadi menjadi lebih menarik. Namun yang menjadi masalah adalah bagaimana agen cerdas dalam game bisa mencari jalur terpendek dari rute yang akan dilalui yang efisien. Pada penelitian ini kami menerapkan algoritma A-Star melalui metode path finding pada perilaku NPC didalam game. Hasil dari penelitian ini kami membuat game yang berjudul "Jumrah Launch Story". 
2D Game “Omar’s Adventure” design using the Finite State Machine Method Fresy Nugroho; Puspa Miladin Nuraida Safitri Abdul Basid; Firma Sahrul Bahtiar; Raihan Nafal Zuhdi Simamora; Rashad Fathin Kurniawan; Geovanni Azam Janitra; Juniardi Nur Fadilah
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jite.v6i1.6327


A video game is a game that has rules in it that must be obeyed when the game takes place so that the video game ends either in a win or a loss, played with a device / console. Video games themselves consist of various kinds, one of which is 2D video games. A 2D game is a game that only has 2 spaces or 2 axes, namely the X and Y axes. This research was conducted with the aim of incorporating Islamic elements into a video game so that players can recognize and learn Islamic elements through more interesting media. The result of the research is a 2D game called "Omar's Adventure" which was designed using the Unity game engine, and applied the Finite State Machine (FSM) method in making the game. The FSM given in this game will make several NPCs move / react according to the player's movements to add interactivity in playing it. The resulting game contains the adventure of Omar, where he needs to pass the levels or obstacles that prevent him from his goal in the form of the path of goodness
Pembuatan Simulasi Perang Zaman Pertengahan dengan Metode Pose to Pose Menggunakan Software Blender Annisa Rizkiana Putri; Seta Murdha Pamungkas; Ikhwata Andy Pratama; Naila Nahdiyah; Cahya Wulandari; Juniardi Nur Fadilah; Fresy Nugroho
JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Januari 2021
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1547.661 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/jiska.2021.61-01


The animating process is a process in making animation. Many animations seem less clear in delivering messages to the audience. This is because the images and motion of the animation are less real. In making animations, methods are needed to produce quality movements. The method of making animated motions varies depending on the animation pattern you want to create. This research will discuss the Pose to Pose method and will be implemented in the process of making 3D animation that tells the second crusade. The process of warfare involving many people will be in this animation. This method is used in basic human movements in the story. So that the animation looks more real. In making this animation utilizing Blender software starting from the initial stage of manufacture to completion.