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Publisher : STAIN Pamekasan

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Semua muslim bercita-cita untuk maju dengan identitas seorang Muslim dan Indonesia yang baik. Upaya yang dilakukan selama ini dengan mengadopsi pemikiran dan model pendidikan Barat yang dianggap modern dan maju. Namun, hasil pendidikannya memiliki kelemahan, seperti munculnya perilaku amoral, pemalas, korup, hedonis, dan materialis. Berbeda dengan pendidikan Barat, pendidikan profetik menjadikan sosok Nabi sebagai acuan pengembangan pendidikan Islam.  Berdasarkan pada filsafat profetik, pendidikan Islam digerakkan untuk maju secara integratif dan tidak menyisakan problem dan mampu membentuk peserta didik yang religius dan kreatif serta membentuk komunitas terbaik (khair ummah) di lingkungannya masing-masing. 
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 3 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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This paper will discuss woman’s politic role, political leadership viewed as difficult task, and womandeemed as incapable. At this point, ICT or multimedia can effectively help woman’s political task. Sophisticated andenhanced information technology and communication can simplify leader task and duty. Through ICT, leader cangive commando, dividing task, motivate, and giving punishment quickly and easily. ITC make everything easy,fast, with high quality. Computerization and digitalization positioned woman equal with man, as long as knowledgeand technological capability equal too. Physical constraint is not a problem for one that technology-literate. The lastquestion is about quality, only depend on it man and woman have equal chance to success and leading the world
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 5 No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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marrying the child in time means respecting the rights of children, propose marriage at an early age children will take thechildren to play and study time at the same time not giving a chance for children to prepare themselves to be truly ready and mature.Likewise, if a delay marriage will cause problems for the rights of the child for the two brides who marry late because he'll also have kids whoneed attention and education. If he was old and weak, then the efforts become less maximal. Preparation for marriage levels are important.Preparation steady without doubts and fears that Muslim youth are ready and have been married at the right time is not too early and nottoo late.
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 1 No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1102.147 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v1i1.781


Harmony and dynamics in Da’wa activities should be continually developed in order to achieve Islam ’s mission as rahmatan lil’ alamin. Persistence, maturity, and sincerity should also be committed in creating fresh and peaceful Da’wa activities that people need. Harmony and dynamics in da ’wa activities should start from every individual and accustomed in the family to make it religious, academic, and morally respectful. Starting from the closest environment, such a da ’wa is expected to be widely spread out. People who have the need of da ’wa will be highly motivated to find it. Approaches, strategies, and cooperation with various elements need to be applied to reach such condition. In this case, harmony and dynamics should be the basic elements in achieving the goals of da ’wa activities.
Pendidikan Seks pada Anak Usia Dini Roqib, Moh.
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 13 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2257.682 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v13i2.298


Today, we have to be more alert because media and technology tend to facilitate free sex behavior, that more sophisticate and easy to access. One example is via cellular phone, with parent and government more permissive to it. Giving sex education early is because human basic character forming is at children age. Psychoanalyst shows that early years of children growth giving effect to children basic character growth. Wrong education can affect and became cause of sexual deviation on their next phase of life. Early age sex education can became mean of undeviating sexual apprehension and act, positively.
Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam Roqib, Moh.
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 14 No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1433.14 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v14i1.316


Educator obliged to have skill to develop learning strategy that enjoyable (edutainment) so that student motivated to learn continuously. In that happy situation, educator can apply active and creative learning strategy to shape good character. This effort has made Islamic education developed and attracts people’s interest for its quality. Islamic educator and institution as madrasah and PTAI (Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam—higher Islamic college) known as education plus because combine science and religion with trusted quality. Therefore, some important key concepts are method, strategy, and learning technique that have dynamic character and based on Islam’s perspective.
Dari Iqra’ sampai Quantum: Upaya Kreatif Pengembangan Strategi Pembelajaran Roqib, Moh.
INSANIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Alternatif Kependidikan Vol 14 No 3 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1398.698 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/insania.v14i3.363


There are many efforts from Islamic education expert and practitioner to make student happy and easy to learn. From several strategy, Iqra’ model and quantum get much attention in Indonesia. Electivity and efficiency of this strategy have been acknowledged. Therefore, innovation has always been supported without abandon past learning strategy or classical strategy that has been practiced by pesantren and school. From Islamic education perspective, this article supposed to thrust enthusiasm to all to create and apply other creative innovation. .
Ijtihad sebagai Sarana Merajut Nilai Kemaslahatan dan Keadilan Umat Roqib, Moh.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 1 No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3110.685 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/mnh.v1i1.3716


Islam is prominent and actual in every occation, however problrms are always rising. To handle those problems, ijtihad or a process to obtain operational Islamic law is considered by some Moslem scholars as one solutions. Ijtihad which is relative and tentantive is used for gaining the shari’a’s aim (maqasid al-shari’a), society peaceful (maslahah ‘ammah).
Konsep Pendidik dalam Paradigma Profetik untuk Menghadapi Era Society 5.0 Mar'ah, Fatkhatul; Roqib, Moh.
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Vol 22 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/jpa.v22i1.2021.pp139-152


Pious people who have skill on technology are needed to be an educators in the face of society 5.0. This era requires educators to be innovative both in presenting the learning material and in interacting with students in the class. This paper aims to analyze the concept of teachers from the prophetic paradigm to face the era of Society 5.0. The use of technology will occur universally in this era. It means humans life are closer related to technology, including in education field. This research used descriptive qualitative methods with library research as an approach. Data is obtained by collecting some literature that has links to needs of educator characteristics from prophetic paradigm in society 5.0 either from books, journals, and magazines. This paper founded educators in prophetic paradigm is who imitate prophet characteristics and behavior, so that increase their skill in teaching. Creative, innovative and smart are prophet characteristic should be there in teacher to face the era of society 5.0. Some innovations that can be applied by teachers include: religious literacy, the use of HOTS (High, Order, thinking, skills) questions in everyday life, prophetic communication, creating educational content, increasing teachers competence, education for all groups and using the internet for positive things.
Criticizing Higher Education Policy in Indonesia: Spiritual Elimination and Dehumanisation Roqib, Moh.; Sarah, Siti; As Sabiq, Agus Husein; Sobirin, Mohamad; Harimi, Abdal Chaqil
Nadwa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : FITK UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/nw.2021.15.2.8579


The Ministry of Education and Culture's policy on “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom of Learning) seeks to enable students to master different valuable disciplines to access the work field (link and match). This article investigates Freedom of Learning policy direction and unpacks freedom of learning from the viewpoint of prophetic education theory. This research employs a literature review process. The information was gathered by studying the Ministry of Education and Culture legislation and laws, literature, and compiled references of the policy. The findings suggested that the Freedom of Learning policy's trajectory accommodates data in the material domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor), yet it lacked spirituality. The principle of prophetic education is to move humans to be decent (righteous), to achieve the great humans (insān kāmil), and to improve (muṣliḥ) the world into an ideal environment or society (khaira ummah) capable of bridging the gap the means. Professional education continues to carry out a constant, creative mechanism to get citizens closer to God (transcendence) through digitally increasing human ideals and avoiding harmful stuff (liberation). Competence in the policy of independent learning is maintained by prophetic education.