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Journal : Al-Ahkam

AL-AHKAM Volume 23, Nomor 1, April 2013
Publisher : AL-AHKAM

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sinkronisasi secara horisontal maupun vertikal peraturan perundang-undangan tentang perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian hukum normatif, yang diproyeksikan untuk meneliti harmonisasi peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai perkawinan beda agama. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach). Teknik pengumpul­an data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka terhadap bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Teknik analisa data dilakukan melalui sinkronisasi secara horisontal dan vertikal. Adapun temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: pertama, secara horisontal terjadi ketidak­sinkronan antara UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dan UU No. 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan. Menurut UU Perkawinan, perkawinan beda agama dilarang, sedang dalam UU Administrasi Ke­pendudukan, hal itu diperbolehkan. Kedua, secara vertikal antara UU Perkawinan dengan PP No. 9 Tahun 1975 dan Inpres No. 9 Tahun 1991 sudah terdapat sinkronisasi yaitu melarang perkawinan beda agama. Tetapi dengan Peraturan Perkawinan Campur­an No. 158 Tahun 1898 terjadi ketidaksinkronan. UU Perkawinan melarang perkawinan mereka yang berbeda agama, sedangkan menurut Peraturan Perkawinan Campuran, perbedaan agama bukan penghalang melangsungkan per­kawinan.***This research aims to know the horizontal and vertical synchronization of legislation on interfaith marriage in Indonesia. This study is a part of normative legal research which is projected to examine the harmonization of legislation regarding interfaith marriage. The current approach of this research is legislation approach (statue approach) in which the data was collected by reciting the literature of primary and secondary legal materials. The next to analysis the data, the researcher examined them through horizontal and vertical synchronization.  And the last, the finding outs are: the first, it horizontally occurs discrepancies between the regulation No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and the regulation No. 23 of 2006 on Demographic and Civic Administration. According to the marriage regulation, interfaith marriage is prohibited meanwhile Demographic and Civic Adminis­tration regulation allows it. The second, vertically, between the Marriage regulation of the Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975 and Presidential Decree No. 9 of 1991 already contained synchronization that prohibits interfaith marriage. However, the Cross Marriage Regulation No. 158 of 1898 occurred discrepancies in where Marriage regulation prohibits people to do the interfaith marriage, meanwhile according to the Cross Marriage Regulation, interfaith is not a barrier to marry.***Keywords: sinkronisasi horisontal, sinkronisasi vertikal, peraturan perundang-undangan, perkawinan beda agama
Al-Ahkam Volume 23, Nomor 1, April, 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Shariah and Law, State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.443 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2013.23.1.70


This study aims to know the horizontal and vertical synchronization of legislation on interfaith marriage in Indonesia. This study is a part of normative legal research which is projected to examine the harmonization of legislation regarding interfaith marriage. The current approach of this research is legislation approach (statue approach) in which the data was collected by reciting the literature of primary and secondary legal materials. The next to analysis the data, the researcher examined them through horizontal and vertical synchronization.  And the last, the finding outs are :  the first, it horizontally occurs discrepancies between the regulation No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and the regulation No. 23 of 2006 on Demographic and Civic Administration. According to the marriage regulation, interfaith marriage is prohibited meanwhile Demographic and Civic Administration regulation allows it. The second, vertically, between the Marriage regulation of the Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975 and Presidential Decree No. 9 of 1991 already contained synchronization that prohibits interfaith marriage. However, the Cross Marriage Regulation No. 158 of 1898 occurred discrepancies in where Marriage regulation prohibits people to do the interfaith marriage, meanwhile according to the Cross Marriage Regulation, interfaith is not a barrier to marry.
Al-Ahkam Volume 23, Nomor 1, April, 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.443 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ahkam.2013.23.1.70


This study aims to know the horizontal and vertical synchronization of legislation on interfaith marriage in Indonesia. This study is a part of normative legal research which is projected to examine the harmonization of legislation regarding interfaith marriage. The current approach of this research is legislation approach (statue approach) in which the data was collected by reciting the literature of primary and secondary legal materials. The next to analysis the data, the researcher examined them through horizontal and vertical synchronization.  And the last, the finding outs are :  the first, it horizontally occurs discrepancies between the regulation No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and the regulation No. 23 of 2006 on Demographic and Civic Administration. According to the marriage regulation, interfaith marriage is prohibited meanwhile Demographic and Civic Administration regulation allows it. The second, vertically, between the Marriage regulation of the Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975 and Presidential Decree No. 9 of 1991 already contained synchronization that prohibits interfaith marriage. However, the Cross Marriage Regulation No. 158 of 1898 occurred discrepancies in where Marriage regulation prohibits people to do the interfaith marriage, meanwhile according to the Cross Marriage Regulation, interfaith is not a barrier to marry.