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Journal : ILTIZAM Journal of Sharia Economic Research

ILTIZAM Journal of Shariah Economics Research Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Iltizam Journal of Shariah Economic Research
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.319 KB) | DOI: 10.30631/iltizam.v4i1.575


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Destination Image Terhadap Motivasi Berkunjung Dan Kepuasan Konsumen yang dilakukan pada Taman Rimba Provinsi Jambi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Deskriptif dengan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Adapun hasil dari analisisnya menerangkan bahwa secara langsung, variabel destination image memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variable kepuasan konsumen dengan kontribusi sebesar 91,9%. Pengunjungan juga akan puas dengan adanya destination image yang dibarengi dengan layanan yang baik dan terintegrasi dengan image wisatawan. Hasilnya juga menunjukkan bahwa secara langsung, variabel destination image memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variable motivasi berkunjung wisatawan dengan kontribusi sebesar 0,591. Variabel destination image pada hasil uji analisis jalur, secara langsung berpengaruh signifikan terhadap dua variable secara simultan dengan kontribusi sebesar 0, 651 atau dalam persentase sebesar 65,1%. Sedangkan selebihnya 35,9% dapat dijelaskan oleh variable lainnya. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengunjung memiliki penilaian positif mengenai Taman Rimba sebagai destinasi pariwisata dapat menumbuhkan motivasi berkunjung sehingga merasa konsumen merasa puas.
Analysis of the Impact of Covid- Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 on Sales Volume, Revenue, Income (Case Study of Vegetable Traders at Angso Duo Market, Jambi): Analysis of the Impact of Covid-19 on Sales Volume, Revenue, Income (Case Study of Vegetable Traders at Angso Dua Market, Jambi) Etik Winarni; Iwan Eka Putra; Hario Tamtomo; Muhammad Arif
ILTIZAM Journal of Shariah Economics Research Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): Iltizam Journal of Shariah Economics Research
Publisher : Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/iltizam.v5i2.1007


This study aims to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on the volume of vegetables, revenue, and income traded by traders before and during Covid-19 at the Angso Duo Market Jambi. The data analyzed using the paired t-test analysis generally examines the difference between two observations. This kind of test is carried out on the subject being tested for the situation before and before the process, or the subject of a similar (similar) pair. Paired t-test in this study, will test whether there are significant differences in the observed variables at the beginning of the observation period and the end of the observation period. The basis for decision making is if the significance level > 0.05, then Ho is accepted, if the significance is <0.05 then Ha is accepted. From the results of the analysis and research discussion From the results of the analysis and discussion of research, the average sales volume of vegetables before Covid-19 was 224,235kg/month and during Covid-19 the volume was 131,285kg/month. This shows that there is a real and significant difference in the volume of vegetable sales before and during Covid-19 at the Angso Duo Jambi Market. Meanwhile, the average vegetable sales revenue before Covid-19 was IDR 68,045,977.01 and during Covid-19 it was IDR 34,816,091.95. This shows that there is a real and significant difference in vegetable receipts before and during Covid-19 at the Angso Duo Jambi Market. And the average vegetable sales income before Covid-19 was IDR 20,452,873.56 and during Covid-19 the income was IDR 72,990,804.59. This shows that there is a real and significant difference in vegetable receipts before and during Covid-19 at the Angso Duo Jambi Main Market.