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Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia Vol 18, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia - Juni 2021
Publisher : Direktorat Jenderal Peraturan Perundang-undang, Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54629/jli.v18i2.783


Kemajuan teknologi dalam bidang informasi dan komunikasi selalu mengalami dinamika yang mentransformasikan kehidupan konvensional memasuki era digital. Dewasa ini, dikenal suatu inovasi bisnis digital yang mengandalkan jaringan internet untuk dapat bertransaksi dalam dunia virtual, yaitu e-commerce. Adapun kemudian, terdapat marketplace sebagai pemain besar dalam era ekonomi digital yang memfasilitasi pelaku usaha atau online shop untuk bertransaksi dengan konsumen.  Hal tersebut menandakan perubahan dari sarana yang bersifat konvensional menuju virtual. Dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji pentingnya peran pemerintah dalam mengawasi kegiatan transaksi pada e-commerce melalui inovasi standardisasi marketplace.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif yang menerangkan berbagai ketentuan dalam perundang-undangan berupa data sekunder, yaitu terdiri dari beberapa bahan hukum serta riset pustaka secara daring. Dilakukan pula pengkajian bahan pustaka berupa kasus, analisis dan perbandingan hukum yang berkaitan dengan penelitian sebagai dasar pemikiran dalam pemberian inovasi yang tepat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan inovasi berupa mekanisme standardisasi marketplace yang disebut Insem atau Indonesian National Standard for e-Commerce on Marketplace. Mengingat belum adanya regulasi yang merespon secara komprehensif terkait ekonomi digital dalam bidang marketplace serta adanya kebutuhan berupa perpindahan kondisi dari caveat emptor ke caveat venditor sebagai bentuk penjaminan keamanan bertransaksi. Maka, dilakukan pula studi perbandingan pada Singapura dan Tiongkok mengenai mekanisme pengawasan pemerintahnya yang telah diselaraskan untuk diterapkan di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, eskalasi ekonomi digital dapat segera terwujud dengan tercapainya kondisi caveat venditor secara sempurna di Indonesia. 
Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Usaha Penggilingan Padi “Wadah Rejeki” di Desa Sekarwangi Kecamatan Rawamerta Kabupaten Karawang Rizki Fauzi; Kuswarini Sulandjari; Suhaeni Suhaeni
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 7 No 8 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.556 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5785399


Rice (Oryza sativa) is a the main food crop commodity for Indonesia. Post harvest handing of rice is one of the important factors in increasing value through good quality, including rice milling. The purpose of this study was to: determinethe cost and the “ Wadah Fortune” rice mill business. This research is a quantitative research with primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques: interviews, observatioans, documents and notes. The analytical technique used is financial analysis, with the criteria of Net Present Value, Internal Rate Of Return, Net B/C Ratio, Payback Period and sensitivity analysis. The results of the study: the income obtained by the Wadah Fortune RMU business was Rp. 25.2020.251.543 and the analysis of financial calculations obtained the NPV value Rp. 946.544.956, Net B/C ratio of 2.87, IRR 19% and payback periode of 4 years. This means that the Wadah Fortune milling business is feasible to run. Sensitivity analysis if the production decrease by 10% results in an NPV value of Rp. 184.142.380, IRR 8% is still considered feasible, but the Net B/C ratio of -1.23 is not feasible while the PP (payback periode) gets 7 years. Sensitivity analysis of a 15% decrease in selling price results in NPV value of -Rp638.010.469, a Net B/C Ratio of -0.97 and IRR of -28% and a 13 year PP (Payback Periode) is not feasible.
Protection of Data Privacy in The Era of Artificial Intelligence in The Financial Sector in Indonesia Sinta Dewi Rosadi; Siti Yuniarti; Rizki Fauzi
Journal of Central Banking Law and Institutions Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Bank Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21098/jcli.v1i2.18


The concept of privacy has broad ramifications, and it is implemented in a number of disciplines, ranging from philosophy to computer science, political science and legal science. This paper covers the impact of artificial intelligence on privacy protection, especially in the finance sector. Privacy protection is associated with control over information about personal data, also known as private information. This research is a normative legal research of analytical nature, and it is conducted by studying and interpreting theoretical matters relating to the principles, conceptions, doctrines and legal norms pertaining to the problems. The results of this research show that the concept of privacy in the era of artificial intelligence in Indonesia is best achieved by combining comprehensive rules with self-regulation to serve as a balancing agent between laws and technology in order to control and fulfill the protection of personal data in the era of artificial intelligence.