Atika Atika
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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Equalita: Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/equalita.v1i1.5157


Abstract: The rise of sexual violence cases and immoral acts experienced by women recently, convinced Khaled's ideas about women which based on him are important to be appreciated and developed. The research method used is library research which is combined with the analysis of studies related to Khaled's thought. The results of this study contributes to the development of science in: first, Khaled's scientific contribution which describes the idea of the position of women in Islam which is featured in the book In the Name of God. Khaled's thoughts enrich knowledge and discourse on contemporary Islamic legal thoughts. Through this book, Khaled adds to our insights that Islamic thought can also be applied in everyday life. Secondly, it contributes to the Study of Haditth which provides understanding and enlightenment on a variety of traditions that need to be understood textually and contextually. Debates related to the arguments originating from the Hadith should be studied deeply, so that the implied meaning can be conveyed appropriately.Keyword: Interpretation of women's verses, religious fatwa, gender bias Abstrak: Maraknya kasus kekerasan seksual dan tindakan asusila yang dialami kaum perempuan pada saat ini meyakinkan bahwa gagasan Khaled tentang perempuan penting untuk diapresiasi dan dikembangkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah library research dengan cara menganalisis kajian-kajian yang berkaitan dengan pemikiran Khaled. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, yakni: pertama, kontribusi keilmuan Khaled yang mendeskripsikan gagasan tentang posisi perempuan dalam Islam yang ditampilkan dalam buku Atas Nama Tuhan. Pemikiran-pemikiran Khaled memperkaya pengetahuan dan wacana pemikiran-pemikiran hukum Islam kontemporer. Melalui buku ini, Khaled menambah wawasan kita dalam pemikiran Islam yang juga dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kedua, kontribusi bagi Studi Hadits yang memberikan pemahaman dan pencerahan atas beragam hadis yang perlu dipahami secara tekstual dan kontekstual. Perdebatan-perdebatan terkait dengan dalil-dalil yang bersumber dari Hadis hendaknya dikaji secara mendalam agar makna yang tersirat dapat tersampaikan secara tepat.Kata Kunci: Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Perempuan, Fatwa Keagamaan, Bias Gender
Segmentasi dan Positioning Jasa Pendidikan di MAN Yogyakarta III Atika Atika; Imam Machali
MANAGERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol 1 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.045 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/manageria.2016.12-01


This research discusses about the segmentation and the position of education services in order to determine its implementation in Islamic Educational Institutions. This is a qualitative research with the primary respondent for all the school community who are involving in the marketing process. This research used phenomenological approach, while the data was collected using observation method, indepth interviews, documentation and triangulation. The results indicates that: (1) MAN Yogyakarta III defines market segmentation by applying multiple segmentation approach, namely: (a) demographic segmentation, (b) geographic segmentation, (c) psychographic segmentation, (d) psychological segmentation, and (e) benefit segmentation. (2) MAN Yogyakarta III determines the position of educational services in the academic field with the development of the brand “Madrasah of The Champions” that leads to the vision of MAYOGA, namely Ultraprima. Market segmentation is the first thing that must be accomplished by the madrasah to achieve optimum marketing results, followed by positioning. Position or image formed by the institutions has a dominant role in influencing public attitudes toward madrasah.
Kepemimpinan Sekolah dalam Situasi Krisis Covid-19 di Indonesia Ali Murfi; Irwan Fathurrochman; Atika Atika; Nora Saiva Jannana
MANAGERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (450.447 KB) | DOI: 10.14421/manageria.2020.51-07


Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is shaking the world. This massive event triggered by infectious disease is beyond the predictions of many people, even practitioners, and experts in the field of crisis management. Now all sectors are affected, including the world of Education. Academic leaders respond by moving their educational activities and those related online. The decision to pivot into distance learning is made quickly. This research focuses on highlighting how the headmaster's leadership in carrying out crisis management in the Islamic School of Al-Azhar Cairo Yogyakarta by going through the stages, namely 1) Before the Crisis, 2) During the Crisis, 3) After the Crisis. This research uses a qualitative method with the type of case study. The results showed that Before the Crisis stage was carried out by implementing the Covid-19 Prevention Literacy policy. The stages during the crisis are carried out with (a) Health Talk, (b) Learning from Home Policy, and (c) Video and Podcast Challenge. After the crisis phase, the principal develops a collaborative approach to leadership, evaluating, and controlling the various effects of the crisis to prevent future crises. Crisis management is needed so that schools can be better prepared to deal with crises and reduce their impact so that the learning process and managerial activities can continue to run productively.