Heni Rusnayati
Jurusan Pen.Fisika

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Wahana Elektronik Pendidikan Fisika Vol 1, No 3 (2013): WePFi
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA UPI.

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ABSTRAK Profil Aktivitas dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa dengan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Produktif Penelitian berjudul “Profil aktivitas dan prestasi belajar siswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kreatif dan produktif” ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih rendahnya prestasi belajar siswa serta untuk mengetahui aktivitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA-Fisika di sekolah yang dijadikan tempat penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil aktivitas dan prestasi belajar siswa setelah diterapkannya Model Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Produktif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan desain one group pretest posttest design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas X salah satu SMA di kota Bandung yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes prestasi berupa soal-soal berbentuk pilihan ganda serta lembar observasi Aktivitas belajar siswa dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan Model Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Produktif. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara menghitung skor gain yang dinormalisasi. Hasil analisis data diperoleh rata-rata gain yang dinormalisasi sebesar 0,60, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa setelah diterapkan Model Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Produktif  berada pada kategori sedang.Hasil untuk profil aktivitas belajar siswa yaitu untuk pertemuan ke- 1 besarnya persentase rata-rata aktivitas visual adalah 65,5%, untuk pertemuan ke- 2 adalah 68,5% dan untuk pertemuan ke- 3 adalah 80%. Untuk profil aktivitas lisan, besarnya persentase rata-rata pada pertemuan ke- 1 adalah 41,3%, untuk pertemuan ke- 2 adalah 49,7% dan pada pertemun ke- 3 sebesar 52,3%. Sedangkan untuk profil aktivitas motorik, besarnya persentase rata-rata pada pertemuan ke- 1 adalah 69,7%, pada pertemuan ke- 2 adalah 71% dan pada pertemuan ke- 3 sebesar 79%. Kata kunci: Model Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Produktif, Aktivitas Belajar, Prestasi Belajar.      ABSTRACT Profile Activities and Student Achievement with Application of Creative and Productive Learning Model The study entitled "Profile Activities and Student Achievement with Application of Creative and Productive Learning Model" is motivated by low student achievement and to determine the students learning activities in science subjects-Physics in school to be a place of research. This study aims to determine the activity profile and student achievement after the implementation of Creative and Productive Learning Model. The method used in this study is a quasi experiment with the design of one-group pretest-posttest design. The samples in this study were the students of class X one high school in the city were taken by purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out in this study using achievement test questions in the form of multiple choice and student activity sheets observation and observation sheets keterlaksanaan Creative and Productive Learning Model. Data analysis was performed by calculating the normalized gain scores. Results of data analysis, the average normalized gain of 0.60, so it can be concluded that the increase in student achievement after application of Creative and Productive Learning Model in middle category.The results for the profile of students learning activities for the 1st meeting of the percentage of the average visual activity was 65.5%, for the meeting of 2 is 68.5% and for the 3rd meeting is 80%. For oral activity profiles, the percentage of the average at the meeting to-1 is 41.3%, for a meeting to-2 was 49.7% and in pertemun 3rd at 52.3%. As for the profile of motor activity, the percentage of the average at the meeting to-1 is 69.7%, at a meeting of the 2nd is 71% and at the meeting of the 3rd at 79%. Keywords: Creative Learning and Earning, Learning Activity, Learning Achievement.
Wahana Elektronik Pendidikan Fisika Vol 1, No 3 (2013): WePFi
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Fisika, Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA UPI.

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ABSTRAK Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Experimenting and Discussion (ED) dalam Pembelajaran terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika dan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa SMP Hasil belajar fisika pada tingkat SMP kelas VIII tampaknya masih rendah, dari hasil studi pendahuluan nilai rata-rata UTS siswa masih rendah, yaitu 5,2. Selain itu sikap ilmiah siswa masih minim berkembang, seperti sikap ingin tahu, teliti, kerjasama, berpikir kritis, dan objektif. Sehingga dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh metode Experimenting and Discussion  (ED) terhadap hasil belajar fisika dan sikap ilmiah siswa SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif-deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMPN 4 Bandung pada tahun ajaran 2012-2013 dengan sampel siswa kelas VIII-F sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VIII-C sebagai kelas kontrol. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sample. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes ranah kognitif berupa soal pilihan ganda 20 soal untuk pretest-posttest, angket sikap ilmiah diakhir pembelajaran pada kelas eksperimen, dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan metode. Berdasarkan penelitian ini ternyata siswa yang mendapat pengaruh dari penerapan metode Experimenting and Discussion  (ED) mendapatkan hasil belajar fisika yang lebih baik dengan rata-rata 6,03 dibandingkan kelas konvensional dengan rata-rata 4,5 dan dari hasil uji T (Independent Sample T-Test) dengan taraf signifikansi 5%, ternyata nilai signifikansi nya 0,0000 atau lebih kecil dari 0,05, hal ini menunjukan dengan penerapan metode Experimenting and Disscussion (ED) dalam pembelajaran, berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap hasil belajar pada ranah kognitif.  Sikap ilmiah siswa dapat berkembang dengan baik, dengan pencapaian rata-rata 82% (sangat baik), meliputi aspek sikap ingin tahu, sikap bekerjasama, sikap refleksi kritis, sikap respek terhadap data, dan sikap ketekunan. Kata kunci : experimenting, discussion, hasil belajar, sikap ilmiah  ABSTRACT Influence The Experimenting and Discussion (ED) Method on Learning Outcomes of Physics and Scientific Attitudes at Junior High School Students Learning outcomes of physics at the junior high school in class VIII apparently still low, the results of a preliminary study of the average value of mid-semester students is still low at 5,2. Besides the scientific attitude of students was minimal developed, such as the curious attitude, meticulous, collaboration, critical thinking, and objectivity. So this research is to find out how to influence the Experimenting and Discussion (ED) method on learning outcomes of physics and scientific attitudes at junior high school students. This research is quantitative-descriptive. The population was students in class VIII Junior High School 4 Bandung in the academic year 2012-2013 with a sample of eighth-grade students as an experimental class F and class VIII-C as a control class. Sampling was conducted with a purposive sample technique. The instrument research that used was a cognitive domain test, it was a 20 multiple choice questions for the pretest-posttest, scientific attitude questionnaire was given at the end of learning of the experimental class, and observation sheets to evaluate methods ED. Based on this study, students who are under the influence of Experimenting and Discussion (ED) method get better learning outcome of physics with an average of 6.03 compared to the conventional class with an average of 4.5 and the results of  T- tests (Independent Sample T-Test ) with a significance level of 5%, it turns out its significance value of 0.0000 or less than 0.05, suggesting that the application of the experimenting and disscussion (ED) method in learning, significantly influence the cognitive learning outcomes. Scientific attitude of students was develop well, with average achievement 82% (very good), covering aspects curiosity, co-operation, critical reflection, respect for evidence, and perseverance. Keywords : experimenting, discussion, learning outcomes, scientific attitude
Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 2, No 2 (2001): Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v2i2.393


Hydrophilic properties of organic polymer such as Poly (2-Vinylpyridine- Co-Styrene) have been found to have a correlation with other physical properties especially the electric resistivity. In this work, we have studied one of the physical properties of a polymer material, Poly (2-Vinylpyridine- Co-Styrene), that is the electric resistivity. It was studied on the basis of its relation with the concentration, temperature, humidity and the distance between their electrodes. The sample fabricated consists of two types of consentration: 0.03 gr/ml and 0.05 gr/ml with the distance between the two electrodes are 0.40 mm and 0.80 mm respectively. Towards these samples, we investigated the resistance coefficient for every 2% change in humidity for both drying and watering processes. From the experiment we obtain the following results: 1) There is hysteresis during the watering and drying processes indicating the continuity of resistance of this material, 2) Sample with smaller distance of electrodes performs better than that of the longer ones, 3) Sample fabricated from solution with higher concentration performs better than that of the lower ones, 4) Room temperature plays a significant role on the performance of the polymer material between the associated electrodes. These results could be used as a stepping-stone toward the more advance research leading the determination of film stability, resistancy upon temperature variation etc, so that this polymer material could be further developed into the humidity sensor device material.Key words: Hydrophilic, electric resistance, humidity sensor and polymer.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 2, No 2 (2001): JPMIPA: Volume 2, Issue 2, 2001
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v2i2.34918


Hydrophilic properties of organic polymer such as Poly (2-Vinylpyridine-Co-Styrene) have been found to have a correlation with other physical properties especially the electric resistivity. In this work, we have studied one of the physical properties of a polymer material, Poly (2-Vinylpyridine-Co-Styrene), that is the electric resistivity. It was studied on the basis of its relation with the concentration, temperature, humidity and the distance between their electrodes. The sample fabricated consists of two types of consentration: 0.03 gr/ml and 0.05 gr/ml with the distance between the two electrodes are 0.40 mm and 0.80 mm respectively. Towards these samples, we investigated the resistance coefficient for every 2% change in humidity for both drying and watering processes. From the experiment we obtain the following results: 1) There is hysteresis during the watering and drying processes indicating the continuity of resistance of this material, 2) Sample with smaller distance of electrodes performs better than that of the longer ones, 3) Sample fabricated from solution with higher concentration performs better than that of the lower ones, 4) Room temperature plays a significant role on the performance of the polymer material between the associated electrodes. These results could be used as a stepping-stone toward the more advance research leading the determination of film stability, resistancy upon temperature variation etc, so that this polymer material could be further developed into the humidity sensor device material.