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UAD TEFL International Conference Proceedings of the 4th UAD TEFL International Conference
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/utic.v1.202.2017


Indonesia is an archipelago country with thousand-pretty blessed islands with large hinterland surround. Regarding the fact, many of Indonesian believes that their ancestor is seafarer. Many Indonesian live from sea. They live from everything provided by the wealth of the seas. Fortunately, the government realizes this fact and they believe that maritime potential of country could be explored well for the sake of people’s wealth and welfare. This is done by their commitment to growing up and securing maritime higher education by following the international standard of IMO which is called as STCW 2010 Manila amendment. Data was stated that in this recent year, the world needs more than 69.241 qualified seafarers for each five years later. As the consequences, English is an obligatory to achieve. Maritime English which is more specific in the English subject would be an essential knowledge as well as skill in line with the issues. In the global maritime world, this competence should be effectively mastered by each seafarer as broad opportunity of qualified seafarers is always open for both national and international shipping companies. In this study, the writer obtain the knowledge and the data to support the paper by interviewing and sharing questionnaires to the senior seafarers who have excellent experiences at sea and in land who already signed off board from their sea projects. The results show that Maritime English teaching is absolutely needed because global maritime job opportunities in the recent year and in the future are engaging.
Kahoot in Maritime English Teaching: Its Impact on Nautical Science Cadet’s Oral Reproduction and Vocabulary Sri Sartini
English Language Teaching Educational Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/eltej.v3i1.1667


This type of research was Participatory Action Research using the Denzin and Lincoln (2005) model which consists of the Kahoot pre-action cycle and post-action cycle. This study aimed to examine the use of Kahoot Platform in Maritime English learning. It improved the speaking skill of nautical science cadets by the increasing number of maritime vocabularies as an indication. The results of this study described that the use of Kahoot quiz made learning experienced in the classroom very interactive, interesting, and effective, because of the two cycles carried out increased from the beginning of the cycle to the next cycle marked by the increasing number of correct answers done by the cadets. Thus, their vocabulary mastery increased as well. Kahoot not only increased vocabularies that supported cadet’s speaking skill initiated by the correct oral reproduction, but also increased cadet’s enthusiasm in learning Maritime English. In conclusion, the use of online gamification-based Kahoot quiz toward nautical science cadets at Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta had a significant impact on vocabulary mastery for effective communication skills.
Cadets’ Perception and Effectivity of Quiz-Based Maritime English Teaching in V-Class During Covid-19 Pandemic Time Sri Sartini; Yudhanita Pertiwi; Yudhi Setiyantara; Itsar Hartadi
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/25409190.332


Education across Indonesia has declared a lockdown temporarily due to Covid 19 pandemic. E-learning was forced to be conducted to fulfil the education objectives. Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta (STIMARYO) as one of academic institutions was impacted and had to search new alternatives for its academic delivery. Virtual class named as V-class as a Moodle-based platform was the way forward. This study was aimed to gain an effective information on cadets’ perception toward the implementation of V-class specifically on the use of Maritime English Quiz-based instruction. Further it aimed to find correlation between cadet’s perception on V-class and cadet’s final score on quiz. The respondents were 45 cadets of Nautical Science and Ship Machinery Departments of Academic year 2020/2021. Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation test were performed to analyze the collected data. The study revealed that cadet’s perception on STIMARYO V-class through the quiz-based instruction in Maritime English was satisfying. Thus, it led them to be self-directed learners that affected their learning motivation. Although it was medium correlation of r =0,464, p=0,004, it proved that cadet’s perception contributes to their learning success. Eventhough some drawbacks were also existed, in pandemic situation, they were normal to occur.
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 14 No 22 (2016): Bahari Jogja, Edisi Februari 2016
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.675 KB) | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v14i22.86


In the English Language Teaching (ELT) process, the four basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening should be drilled continuosly to get the maximum goal of English learning objective. However, mostly the lecturer or the teacher could not concern to the development of those skills due to some constraints. Classroom factor, strategy factor, student’s factor, lecturer’s factor may hamper the development of those skills at once. Regarding the curriculum, mostly lecturer will catch up to student’s writing skill which involves the mastery of grammatical knowledge and reading competence at class. Somehow, the important of the development of speaking and listening or communication ability is neglected. This research focusses to find the essential role of language laboratory to enhance student’s communication ability. It is hoped that the use of laboratory facility will enable and help lecturer or teacher to highlight their student’s communication ability as well not only their writing and reading skills as a whole. This study applies descriptive qualitative method and It uses theory of Wallace (1991) to analyze the data. The research is conducted in Yogyakarta Maritime Academy. The respondents are the the students of nautical science semester II of Academic year 2015/2016. The key instrument in this research is the researcher herself. Researcher collects the data by observing the teaching-learning process of English class in laboratory several times and then conducts twice in-depth interviews with the students at the end of the class. The data is analyzed through categorization based on the continuous comparison technique. To get the trustworthiness, researcher uses triangulation technique. The result of the research shows that through the abundant variety of teaching technique and media as well as the facilities offered by language laboratory, it could give improtant role in the development of student’s speaking skill or student’s communication ability compared to the use of facilities in the classical room usage..
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 14 No 23 (2016): Bahari Jogja Edisi Juli 2016
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.167 KB) | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v14i23.91


This research was conducted in an attempt to investigate teaching strategies concerning to both student-centered learning strategy and teacher-centered learning strategy. It is concerned toward teaching strategies implemented by the EFL lecturer, similarities and differences of teaching strategies applied, and problems encountered by the teachers in implementing the strategies. The settings of this research were Yogyakarta Maritime Academy with Nautical Science students Academic year 2015/2016 as the object of the study. The subjects of this research was the author who taught Maritime English Subject. This research was designed as a qualitative-quantitative research. The data were collected through questionnaire, observation, and document study. Data were analyzed by using Williamson (2008) and Celce-Murcia( 2001) EFL teaching strategies. Based on the data analysis, this study identified some findings. Student-centered learning approach which uses back-chaining drill was different in the implementation with that of teacher-centered learning approach using direct instruction. Back-chaining drill left enthusiatic experiences for students in learning process. The problems which occured were also different. In back-chaining mostly the problem was at the beginning of the activities and it led to enthusiastic and interesting material. However in direct instruction, it left monotonous activities.
Enhancing Maritime Term-Based Communication Through Communicative Activities Amongs Students In Yogyakarta Maritime Academy Sri Sartini
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 16 No 2 (2018): Juli
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (688.799 KB) | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v16i2.149


This research is aimed at getting to know the problem of cadets in Nautical Science Study Program academic year 2016/2017 in their second semester grade upon their way to master communication skill especially in the practice of using Maritime term-based communication. Knowing the problem, researcher scaffold the cadets as many as 30 cadets with the typically teaching and learning process which is much concerned to the learners. This research was conducted in an action research where it included some cycles that is teaching and learning cycles, diagnostic cycle, treatment or scaffolding and taking a conclusion. The result of the study shows that communicative approach taught by Maritime English lecturer which emphasizes cadets to speak is not that simple to be practically given to them. It is due to the different native speaking country or cultural background that does not customize them to speak up. Scaffolding them by implementing the use of Standard Marine Communication Phrases in class combined with the type of teaching approach which higlight to student-centered learning is proven giving better achievement of teaching and learning process.Thirteen out of the twenty three cadets or it is more than a half percentage of the class achieved better skill in communication in English especially in maritime context by the use of Standard Marine Communication Phrases.
Frase Standar Komunikasi Maritim Dalam Simulasi Komunikasi Berbahasa Inggris Di Atas Kapal Sri Sartini; Lusina Arbety Junirwani
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 17 No 1 (2019): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (625.607 KB) | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v17i1.199


This article is a result of a research in which it belongs to a type of classroom action research. The research was done with the purpose to know how far Standard Maritime Communication Phrases might affect the ability of communication in English both for the purpose of internal and external communication on board vessel toward Nautical science cadets at Yogyakarta Maritime Academy academic year 2016/2017. This research used Kemmis and Mc.Taggart (1988) research approach where there were three main cycles which were preceded with one pre cycle and one post cycle during the research. Each cycles consisted of three meeting period which included the action of planning, conducting, observing, and reflecting. Those four steps were used to get to know the improvement achieved by the subject of the research regarding the usage of SMCP upon their communication ability on board vessel using English for the purpose of making internal and external communication on board. The result of the research showed that out of the four cycles conducted (pre cycle, cycle I, cycle II, cycle III) and post test known that there were significant improvement on the student’s ability of communication which was proven by score improvement they got in every cycle. Besides, the average score of the class also increased time by time and from one cycle to the next cycles. Hence, it is concluded that the use of SMCP might help cadets of Nautical science to increase their communication ability both in making internal and external communication on board vessel.
Perguruan Tinggi Kemaritiman Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0 Wegig Pratama; Sri Sartini
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 17 No 2 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.775 KB) | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v17i2.212


This paper is aimed to investigate the massive development of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and its challenges in particular for Indonesian Maritime Higher Education by conducting literature review towards some related journals. The result shows that each of Maritime Higher Education in Indonesia should have good readiness and strategies to cope with this era in any reason and condition. Digital-Based Curriculum conversion, upgrading in the learning infrastructure and tools, as well as qualifying human resources are the key points.
Flouting Maxim in External Radio Communication Aboard Vessel Sri Sartini; Yudhanita Pertiwi
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 19 No 2 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v19i2.273


Along with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, vessels as means of transportation at sea have progressed a lot. There is a part of activities aboard vessel which determines the effectiveness of every voyage of the vessel which is communication aboard vessel. Communication which occurs intensively and properly leads to effective communication. In radio communication committing flouting maxim of conversation could not be avoided. The radio communication context plays significant role to interpret the meaning of the speech itself. This study aims to determine the conversational implicature used aboard vessel and the flouting maxims which arise especially from the external radio communication. The design of the research was descriptive qualitative in which the data were taken from the radio communication among cadet’s radio communication practice in bridge simulator. The finding shows that the four types of maxim flouting were committed by the duty officers on radio communication. The highest maxim flouted was flouting maxim of quantity as much as 36,3%. The less frequent maxim to be flouted was maxim of manner and quality as much as 18,2%. The other 27,3% was the occurrence of flouting maxim of relevance. The rationales behind the flouting maxims were also revealed in this study to get the knowledge and best practices onboard radio communication.
Analisis Proses Bongkar Muat Oil Product Pada Kapal Tanker Sri Sartini; Marcelina Wahyu Setiawati; Tomy Agus Samarta; Asep Cahyono
Majalah Ilmiah Bahari Jogja Vol 20 No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Maritim Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33489/mibj.v20i1.290


Muatan Oil Product termasuk ke dalam muatan berbahaya yang membutuhkan perhatian khusus dan kehati-hatian dalam penanganannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan muat bongkar oil product pada MT.Sharon guna mendapatkan praktik kegiatan muat bongkar yang aman dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan proses bongkar dan muat MT Sharon. Sementara itu teknik pengumpulan data didapatkan melalui penelitian lapangan field research dengan penggabungan metode observasi, dokumentasi, interview mendalam, dan studi Pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses muat dan bongkar di MT. Sharon dilaksanakan dengan prosedur yang teliti dan detail penuh kehati-hatian. Penanganan muatan telah mengacu Manual Book sesuai ISM Code sehingga risiko bahaya yang mengancam keselamatan jiwa dan kerusakan pada lingkungan maupun kapal dapat dihindari.