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Islamic Boarding School Design Firmansyah Firmansyah; Wowo Adizar Darwin; Husna Izzati
Jurnal Arsitektur Archicentre Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Arsitektur Archicentre
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Sains dan Teknik (F-INTEN)

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The term Islamic Boarding School may be familiar to our ears. The existence of Islamic Boarding Schools has recently mushroomed and has become an attraction for some people. Boarding School is a pre-university level boarding school where all students live in dormitories that have been provided for the duration of their education. We all know that socializing in this millennial era is a scourge for parents, especially for those whose children are in their teens, the presence of the Islamic Boarding School is the answer to these problems, not just a choice but also a need for parents "at the time of now" to send their children to advanced levels. This design carries the concept of tropical architecture, which provides answers/adaptations of building forms to the influence of the tropical climate. The low environment has specific characteristics caused by the sun's heat, high humidity, rainfall, wind movement, and so on. This design is done by looking for literature studies and precedents that will later be used as a reference in designing and analyzing problems, then making comparative studies to create harmony with the function of the building. This design is expected to be a design illustration that can be developed again in the future.
Konsultasi Desain Rencana Pengembangan MDTA An-Nuur Pada Yayasan An-Nuur Andiyan Andiyan; Husna Izzati; Shendy Irawan; Nutrian Galupamudia; Wowo Adizar Darwin
Dikmas: Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat dan Pengabdian Vol 2, No 4 (2022): December
Publisher : Magister Pendidikan Nonformal Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/dikmas.2.4.1095-1110.2022


Keberhasilan pembangunan suatu bangsa sangat tergantung pada kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM). Tanpa SDM yang berkualitas mustahil bagi suatu bangsa dapat mencapai kemajuan dalam segala bidang kehidupan. Ketersediaan SDM yang berkualitas tentunya merupakan tanggung jawab fundamental bagi suatu lembaga pendidikan. Hal tersebut bukanlah perkara yang mudah dan sederhana tetapi persoalan yang memerlukan upaya yang serius dan sungguh-sungguh dalam menanganinya. Dalam metode  ini peneliti membagi penelitian menjadi 3 tahapan, Tahap Persiapan Penelitian, Tahap Pelaksanaan Penelitian, dan Tahap akhir. ada tahap persiapan penelitian peneliti melakukan observasi, mengindentifikasi masalah,menetukan rumusan masalah, dan mengumpulkan studi literatur sebagai acuan di lanjutan dengan tahap pelakasanaan penelitian pada tahap ini peneliti melakukan survei lokasi, dokumentasi, dan analisa variable penelitian dan tahap akhir adalah mengumpulkan data ,mengolah data, menganalisa dan menarik kesimpulan. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan perlu ditunjang oleh sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, Ruang Kelas Baru (RKB) dan meubelair yang permanen, serta lingkungan belajar yang nyaman, bersih dan asri sehingga tumbuh rasa bangga dan percaya diri pada siswa dan mereka akan merasa betah selama berada di madrasah tersebut. Mencermati harapan-harapan diatas dan melihat kondisi riil Madrasah Diniyyah Takmiliyyah Awaliyah An - Nuur yang sudah berkiprah selama 29 Tahun dalam membina dan mendidik para siswa sebagai calon-calon pemimpin bangsa di masa mendatang. Kami merasakan tantangan yang sangat berat, sementara kondisi sarana dan prasarana yang ada memprihatinkan. kegiatan PKM ini bermaksud untuk membantu dalam penyampaian gagasan untuk keperluan proposal bantuan dana untuk pengadaan ruang kelas baru (RKB) dan meubelair di Madrasah Diniyyah Takmiliyyah Awaliyah An - Nuur, berikut melengkapi sarana dan prasarana penunjang pembelajaran, sehingga Madrasah Diniyyah Takmiliyyah Awaliyah An - Nuur di harapkan tidak tertinggal oleh madrasah-madrasah setingkatnya, dan mampu menyongsong tantangan kehidupan di masa depan yang lebih kompleks dan berat.
Designing Parahyangan Animation Center Futuristic Architecture Theme Sandi Solehudin; Arief Perdana Putra; Wowo Adizar Darwin
Jurnal Arsitektur Archicentre Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Arsitektur Archicentre
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Sains dan Teknik (F-INTEN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (648.611 KB)


The improvement of activity animation industry is developing step by step, alongside various new advancements that help the current liveliness progress. Activity is chosen because it can be a way to convey data through movies so that it is clearer. Meanwhile, modern advancement in Indonesia is rather slow so it is overwhelmed by the outside nations that occupied the developing areas first. However, in recent times, the domestic activity industry has grown through the movement of conveying social, cultural, and historical themes. Although constrained in terms of adequate, the human resources in Indonesia can be said to be very satisfactory. Therefore, this planning can be relied upon to enable all kinds of activeness sports in Indonesia as well as activities to get to know a wider area. Using the concept of the Smart Building approach can help support the creation of animations, which can help present an interesting perception with the use of efficient power for animation production.
Filosofi Sunda dalam Konsep Lanskap Bangunan Kolonial di Kota Bandung Husna Izzati; Andiyan Andiyan; Wowo Adizar Darwin
ARSITEKTURA Vol 21, No 1 (2023): Arsitektura : Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur dan Lingkungan Binaan
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/arst.v21i1.70709


Bandung has a unique landscape and is also a historic city with colonial architectural characteristics. The formation of Bandung City, could not be separated from the influence of colonialism, marked by the construction of Jalan Raya Pos. Colonial city planning was carried out by making a master plan, some with the south-north axis of the landscape concepts, but philosophically the south-north axis has been applied since the Regent of Bandung built the pendopo area. This fact raises the question of whether the concept of colonial buildings also adopts the concept of Sundanese philosophy. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and inductive logic analysis to produce generalized conclusions. From the results of this study, it was found that there was an influence of environmental contextual aspects, considerations of morphological forms, and political aspects in designing the landscape of colonial buildings in Bandung city.