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Changes in Production Modes and Intellectual Relations in Managing the Behavior of Oil and Gas Labors in Muara Badak District: Perubahan Mode Produksi dan Relasi Intelektual Dalam Pengaturan Prilaku Buruh Migas di Kecamatan Muara Badak Nalendro Priambodo; Sri Murlianti; Martinus Nanang
Progress In Social Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): January 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psd.v1i1.17


ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify the pattern of changes in the mode of production of people who work as farmers and fishermen in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, especially Muara Badak District after the entry of the oil and gas industry in the region, and analyze how intellectual relations are in regulating the behavior of oil and gas workers along with the social, economic and political impacts. raised. This type of qualitative research uses the Grounded Theory approach. The results of this study indicate that changes in the way people produce from agriculture, plantations, and traditional fisheries in Muara Badak District have been accompanied by a mechanism for releasing social ties to land and sea through intermediary policies that are pro to the formation of industrial commodities for market interests and result in a decline in the domestic industry due to dependence. in the oil and gas industry. This dependence also gave birth to an intellectual layer and a working class that served the interests of the plantation, aquaculture and oil and gas-based industries. The process of its journey was accompanied by the emergence of various kinds of class conflicts, which gave rise to types of organic intellectuals who tried to fight back against the exploitation that occurred. ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasikan pola perubahan mode produksi masyarakat yang berprofesi sebagai petani dan nelayan di Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, khususnya Kecamatan Muara Badak setelah masuknya industri migas di wilayah tersebut dan menganalisis bagaimana relasi intelektual dalam pengaturan prilaku buruh migas beserta dampak sosial, ekonomi dan politik yang ditimbulkan. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan Grounded Theory. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perubahan cara masyarakat berproduksi dari pertanian, perkebunan dan perikanan tradisional di Kecamatan Muara Badak ikut dibarengi dengan mekanisme pelepasan ikatan sosial dengan tanah dan laut melalui perantara kebijakan yang pro terhadap pembentukan komoditas industri untuk kepentingan pasar serta mengakibatkan kemunduran industri domestik akibat ketergantungan pada industri migas. Ketergantungan ini juga melahirkan lapisan intelektual dan kelas buruh yang mengabdi pada kepentingan industri berbasis perkebunan, pertambakan dan migas. Dalam proses perjalalanannya juga dibarengi dengan kemunculan berbagai macam konflik kelas sehingga memunculkan jenis intelektual organik yang berusaha melakukan perlawanan balik terhadap eksploitasi yang terjadi.
Social Network Group Kube Mekar Sari Kelurahan Guntung, Bontang City: Jaringan Sosial Kelompok Kube Mekar Sari Kelurahan Guntung, Kota Bontang Putri Damayanti; Martinus Nanang
Progress In Social Development Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): July 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psd.v1i2.22


ABSTRACT: KUBE is one of the programs launched by the Bontang city government in poverty reduction. KUBE in Bontang City was first formed in 2013. Based on data from the Bontang City Social Service in 2018, the number of KUBE in Bontang City reached 282 groups. The large number of KUBE can be a big hope for the local government in improving the welfare of the community. However, the implementation of the KUBE program in the city of Bontang has not met the government's expectations. This is made clear by the large number of KUBE in the city of Bontang that are not developing or moving towards independence. However, in the city of Bontang there is one KUBE that stands out the most, namely Mekar Sari. KUBE Mekar Sari is the best group at city, provincial to national levels. This study aims to determine how the process behind the success of KUBE Mekar Sari in achieving independence and the success of KUBE Mekar Sari can be seen from two sides, namely social and economic, and there are several factors that KUBE independence has a network of connections with each other. ABSTRAK: KUBE merupakan salah satu program yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah kota Bontang dalam hal penanggulangan kemiskinan. KUBE di kota Bontang pertama kali dibentuk pada tahun 2013. Berdasarkan data Dinas Sosial kota Bontang pada tahun 2018, jumlah KUBE di kota Bontang mencapai 282 kelompok. Kuantitas KUBE yang tergolong banyak dapat menjadi harapan besar bagi pemerintah setempat dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Akan tetapi implementasi program KUBE di kota Bontang belum sesuai dengan harapan pemerintah. Hal tersebut diperjelas dengan banyaknya jumlah KUBE di kota Bontang yang tidak berkembang atau bergerak menuju kemandirian. Meskipun demikian, di kota Bontang terdapat satu KUBE yang paling menonjol dibanding dengan yang lainnya yaitu Mekar Sari. KUBE Mekar Sari adalah kelompok terbaik tingkat kota, provinsi hingga nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses di balik keberhasilan KUBE Mekar Sari dalam mencapai kemandirian dan keberhasilan KUBE Mekar Sari dapat dilihat dari dua sisi yaitu sosial dan ekonomi, dan ada beberapa faktor kemandirian KUBE memilki jaringan koneksi satu sama lain.
Social Hermeneutics Study On the Meaning of Jihad by Students of Mulawarman University: Studi Hermeneutika Sosial Tentang Makna Jihad Menurut Mahasiswa Universitas Mulawarman Langgeng Saputra; Sri Murlianti; Martinus Nanang
Progress In Social Development Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psd.v2i1.23


ABSTRACT: Jihad has been an integral part of Islamic discourse from its early days until today. This research was conducted to determine variations in the meaning of jihad that developed in Mulawarman University students. I use Paul Ricoeur's theory of Social Hermeneutics to explain how the process of interpreting meaning from a text. Ricoeur views that text has a life of its own regardless of the author's intention or intent (text autonomy). In interpreting the text, Ricoeur also argues that understanding and explanation are not two contradictory methods of interpreting the text. The workings of Paul Ricoeur's social hermeneutics include three factors, namely the world of text, the world of presenters, and the world of readers, whereas in this paper there are only two factors, namely the world of text and the world of readers. Jihad in al-Qur'an is repeated 41 times in 23 verses and by Ibn Al-Qayyim it is divided into four meanings, namely jihad against lust, jihad against Satan, jihad against infidels, and hypocrites, and jihad against injustice and wickedness. Meanwhile, readers only divide jihad into two meanings, namely jihad against lust and war jihad. In the process of interpreting, readers are greatly influenced by the trajectories of life that they have been through. This can be seen from the many meanings of jihad they express, namely war, defending, doing good, effort/strength, being serious, preaching, and enthusiasm. ABSTRAK: Jihad merupakan bagian integral wacana Islam sejak masa awal kedatangannya hingga sampai saat ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui variasi makna jihad yang berkembang pada Mahasiswa Universitas Mulawarman. Teori Paul Ricouer tentang Hermenutika Sosial saya gunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang bagaimana proses menafsir sebuah makna dari sebuah teks. Ricouer berpandangan bahwa teks memiliki kehidupannya sendiri terlepas dari intensi atau maksud pengarang (otonomi teks). Dalam menginterpretasi teks, Ricoeur juga berpendapat bahwa pemahaman dan penjelasan bukanlah dua metode yang bertentangan dalam menafsirkan teks. Cara kerja hermenutika sosial Paul Ricoeur mencakup tiga faktor yaitu dunia teks, dunia pemateri dan dunia pembaca sedangkan dalam tulisan ini hanya ada dua faktor yaitu dunia teks dan dunia pembaca. Jihad dalam al-Qur’an terulang 41 kali dalam 23 ayat dan oleh Ibn Al-Qayyim dibagi menjadi empat makna, yakni jihad melawan hawa nafsu, jihad melawan setan, jihad memerangi kaum kafir dan kaum munafik serta jihad melawan kezaliman dan kefasikan. Sedangkan pembaca hanya membagi jihad dalam dua makna yakni jihad melawan hawa nafsu dan jihad perang. Dalam proses penafsirannya, pembaca sangat dipengaruhi oleh trajektori kehidupan yang mereka pernah lalui. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya makna jihad yang mereka ungkapkan, yaitu perang, membela, melakukan kebaikan, usaha/kekuatan, bersungguh-sungguh, dakwah serta semangat.
Makna Emic Simbol-simbol Perkawinan Adat Dayak Beuaq Kenohan dan Perkawinan Katolik Hiasintus Habibie; Martinus Nanang
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 1, NO. 1, JUNI 2017
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.021 KB)


This study aims to describe the Kenohan Benuaq Dayak customary wedding rituals and compare them with the Catholic Church wedding from the aspects of the use of symbols, values and meanings embedded in the symbols. The research was done in the village of Tanjung Jan, the Sub-district of Tanjung Isuy, Kutai Barat, using qualitative method. The research found out the kinds of symbols used in the customary wedding rituals, their emic meanings and searched the similarities with the ones used in the Catholic Church wedding. Fundamentally, in marriage, the Kenohan Benuaq respect the same values as respected by the Catholic Church: love and fidelity.