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Karakterisasi Spesies Averrhoa yang Tumbuh di Kota Kediri Berdasarkan Pendekatan Palinologi Dwi Wahyuni; Hari Untarto Swandono
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 8, No 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bjib.v8i2.2939


Averrhoa is a member of the Oxalidaceae family and has four types, namely Averrhoa carambola, Averrhoa bilimbi, Averrhoa leucopetala, Averrhoa  dolichocarpa.. Among the four types of averhoa, the most commonly found growing and planted in Kediri's yards were Averrhoa carambola and Averrhoa bilimbi. Cultivation of this plant is usually done by vegetative and generative with seeds. Pollen has long been used as an indicator in plant taxonomy, because in pollen there are many secret characters. This study aims to determine characterization Averrhoa species that grow in Kediri City based on a palinological approach. The result of this research is Averrhoa pollen that grows in Kediri City has almost the same characteristics, namely very small size, spheroidal Prolate shape, trizonocolpate aperture and isopolar polarity. The similarity is so great because the environmental conditions in which these two types of plants grow are the same. The difference in the character of pollen that grows in Kediri City lies in its ornamentation. In Averrhoa carambola ornate Perforate-Foveolate and Averrhoa bilimbi with reticulate character. This difference in ornament is due to the fact that these two types of plants have different species.
Sosialisasi “Generasi Muda Sadar Vaksinasi” Rosa Juwita Hesturini; Hari Untarto Swandono
Journal of Community Engagement and Empowerment Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatah Bhakti Wiyata Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Latar belakang : Corona virus 2019 (covid-19) yang terjadi di Indonesia tidak kunjung berakhir dengan jumlah kasus dan angka kematian yang terus meningkat, adanya reinfeksi dan mutasi virus. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut, masyarakat diwajibkan melaksanakan protokol kesehatan lebih ketat dan melaksanakan vaksinasi. Namun kesadaran dan kesediaan masyarakat untuk menerima vaksinasi covid-19 cukup rendah dengan persentase yaitu 45,7%. Penolakan vaksin ini terjadi karena berbagai alasan yaitu diantaranya tidak yakin keamanannya, tidak yakin efektif, takut akan efek samping dan lain sebagainya (Marwan, 2020; Kemenkes, 2021). Dengan adanya fakta tersebut maka dilakukan sosialisasi dengan sasaran yaitu remaja/dewasa berusia 18 tahun keatas sehingga meningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran untuk melaksanakan vaksinasi di masyarakat dapat meningkat dan terbentuk herd immunity. Metode : Sosialisasi kepada masyarakat remaja/dewasa di Desa Bandar Lor dilakukan secara on line/daring agar tidak membuat kerumunan dengan protokol kesehatan yang tepat. Hasil dan kesimpulan : Pemahaman urgensi vaksinasi dan peningkatan keinginan masyarakat remaja/dewasa mengenai vaksinasi di Desa Bandar Lor meningkat dari rata-rata 52% menjadi 76%. Masyarakat remaja dapat memahami pentingnya vaksinasi covid-19.
Karakterisasi dan Potensi Ekstrak Daun Paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) sebagai Penolak Nyamuk Aedes aegypti Dwi Wahyuni; Hari Untarto Swandono; Herlinda Mawardika; Mega Yuliya Prana
Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Vol 11, No 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, FSTT, Mandalika University of Education, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/bioscientist.v11i2.8844


The paitan plant (Tithonia diversifolia) contains alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and phenolics which have the potential to prevent Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). This plant also has various insecticidal activities. In society, there are many mentions of the paitan plant, so people need to know the characteristics of this paitan plant. The aim of this research is to determine the morphological characterization and specific fragments of the paitan plant, as well as to determine the activity and effective concentration of the ethanol extract of paitan leaves as a repellent for the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Two types of methods were used, namely descriptive qualitative for observing morphology, specific fragments, pollen, and phytochemical screening, and experimental methods for mosquito repellent testing, and calculating the protective power of the ethanol extract of paitan leaves. The results obtained are flowers consisting of two shapes, namely ribbon flowers in the outer circle, infertile, and tube shapes in the inner circle. Stomata are anomocytic type, while trichomes are non-glandular multicellular type. Pollen characteristics, namely small size, colpate, number 3, aperture shaped trizonocolpate with echinate ornamentation. The screening results for the ethanol extract of paitan leaves were positive for containing metabolite compounds, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids and phenolics. The results of the mosquito repellent test showed that the higher the concentration of the extract, the fewer mosquitoes that landed. Calculation of protective power shows that the most effective concentration in repelling mosquitoes is 15%, namely 93.64%. The conclusion is that paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) leaf extract has potential activity as a repellent against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes with the most effective concentration being 15%.