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Endang Prangdimurt
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Potensi Beras Analog sebagai Alternatif Makanan Pokok untuk Mencegah Penyakit (Degeneratif Potency of Rice Analogue as Staple Food Alternative to Prevent Degenerative Diseases) Slamet Budijanto; Nur Fathonah Sadek; Nancy Dewi Yuliana; Endang Prangdimurt; Bambang Pontjo Priyosoeryanto
JURNAL PANGAN Vol. 25 No. 1 (2016): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v25i1.307


Perubahan gaya hidup telah menempatkan penyakit degeneratif sebagai penyebab kematian utama, baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya pencegahan penyakit ini dapat dilakukan melalui pengaturan pola makan. Pembuatan beras analog selain bertujuan untuk mendukung program diversifikasi pangan, tetapi juga dapat dirancang dari bahan-bahan tertentu (seperti sorgum, bekatul, dan kedelai) agar memberikan manfaat fungsional khusus bagi kesehatan. Beras analog telah diteliti memiliki aktivitas hipokolesterolemik, nilai indeks glikemik yang rendah, serta menghambat proliferasi sel kanker kolon secara in vitro. Aktivitas tersebut selain berasal dari komponen fitokimia yang terdapat pada bahan-bahan tetapi juga dapat muncul akibat proses pengolahan, seperti terbentuknya pati resisten maupun terlepasnya komponen aktif dari matriks pangan. Hanya saja penambahan komponen fungsional terkadang memberikan dampak yang tidak diinginkan pada atribut sensori. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan beras analog fungsional dari segi sensori harus terus dilakukan supaya dapat diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat.The changes of lifestyle nowadays bring degenerative diseases as the most leading cause of death, both in worldwide and Indonesia. It has been very well known that incident of the diseases could be prevented through food diet. Not only aimed to support the government’s diversification program, rice analogue development could be designed from certain materials (such as sorghum, rice bran, and soybean) to provide specific functional health benefit. Some reports showed that rice analogue has low glycemic index, as well as its activity in lowering cholesterol level and inhibiting the proliferation of in vitro colon cancer cell. The activity was expected to come from the phytochemical compounds naturally present in the ingredients and might also arise during the processing, such as the formation of resistant starches as well as the release of the active compounds from food matrix. However, the addition of functional ingredients sometime impacted on undesirable sensory attributes. Therefore, all sensory attributes of functional rice analogue should be improved to achieve the increment of public acceptance.