Arwin Sabar
Kelompok Keahlian Pengelolaan Lingkungan,Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa No 10 Bandung, 40132.

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Permasalahan dan Strategi Pembangunan Lingkungan Berkelanjutan Studi Kasus: Cekungan Bandung Wangsaatmaja, Setiawan; Sabar, Arwin; Prasetiati, Maria Angela
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol 1, No 3 (2006)
Publisher : Geological Agency

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.515 KB) | DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v1i3.18

Abstract problems occurring in the Bandung Basin are resulted from improper management pertaining to land and spatial planning, including landuse policy and control. Arising environmental problems are covering disturbance of watershed hydrological function, surface and groundwater quality and quantity, solid waste, and air quality. Environmental studies in the Bandung Basin have been implemented by landuse change interpretation, surface water regime measurements, water quality, solid waste management, and air quality. Landuse change has occurred where some vegetation areas, such as forests and paddy fi elds, have decreased for 54% in one hand, and developed area has increased into 223% in the other hand. Watershed degradation is indicated by run off coeffi cient increasing from 0.3 in 1950 to 0.55 in 1998. Flow regime has also changed by presence of a maximum extreme discharge increasing tendency from 217.9 m3/sec in 1951 to 285.8 m3/sec in 1998, and minimum extreme discharge decreasing tendency from 6.35 m3/sec in 1951 to 5.7 m3/sec in 1998. Groundwater productivity index continued decreasing from 0.1 million m3/unit in 1900 to 0.0188 million m3/unit in 2002. Environmental problem has also occurred in a solid waste management sector where an average level of service is only 43.7%, and air pollution by motor vehicle and industrial emission, such as PM10, NOx, CO2, SO2, Pb, and acid rain phenomena have also occurred. Fresh water supply level of service in the Bandung Basin only covers 43% of the total needs. Watershed degradation occurring in the Basin needs a management system recovery, administrative based-management that shifted to ecological based integrated watershed management. Effort and strategy required include the policy and institutional reassembling, pollution control, land rehabilitation and conservation, and community empowerment.  
Management Optimization of Saguling Reservoir with Bellman Dynamic Programming and “Du Couloir” Iterative Method Marselina, Mariana; Sabar, Arwin; Salami, Indah R S; Marganingrum, Dyah
Forum Geografi Vol 30, No 1 (2016): July 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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The increasingly growth of population and industry sector have lead to an enhanced demand for electrical energy. One of the electricity providers in the area of Java-Madura Bali (Jamali) is Saguling Reservoir. Saguling Reservoir is one of the three reservoirs that stem the flow of Citarum River in advance of to Jatiluhur and Cirata Reservoir. The average electricity production of Saguling Reservoir was 2,334,318.138 MWh/year in the period of 1986-2014. The water intake of Saguling Reservoir is the upstream Citarum Watershed with an area of 2340.88 km2 which also serves as the irrigation, inland fisheries, recreation, and other activities. An effort to improve the function of Saguling Reservoir in producing electrical energy is by optimizing the reservoir management. The optimization of Saguling Reservoir management in this study refers to Government Regulation No. 37/2010 on Dam/Reservoir Article 44 which states that the system of reservoir management consisting of the operation system in dry years, normal years, and wet years. In this research, the determination of the trajectory guideline in Saguling operation was divided in dry, normal and wet years. Trajectory guideline was conducted based on the electricity price of turbine inflow that various in every month. The determination of the trajectory guideline in various electricity price was done by using Program Dynamic Bellman (PD Bellman) and “Du Couloir” iterative method which the objective to optimize the gain from electricity production. and “Du Couloir” iterative method was development of PD Bellman that can calculate the value of gain with a smaller discretization until 0,1 juta m3 effectively where PD Bellman just calculate until 10 million m3.  Smaller discretization can give maximum benefit from electricity production and the trajectory guideline will be closer to trajectory actual so optimization of Saguling operation will be achieved.
Rainfall Variability and Landuse Conversion Impacts to Sensitivity of Citarum River Flow Marganingrum, Dyah; Sabar, Arwin; Roosmini, Dwina; Pradono, P
Forum Geografi Vol 27, No 1 (2013): July 2013
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v27i1.5074


The objective of this study is to determine the sensitivity of Citarum river flow to climate change and land conversion. It will provide the flow information that required in the water resources sustainability. Saguling reservoir is one of the strategic reservoirs, which 75% water is coming from the inflow of Upper Citarum measured at Nanjung station. Climate variability was identified as rainfall variability. Sensitivity was calculated as the elasticity value of discharge using three-variate model of statistical approach. The landuse conversion was calculated used GIS at 1994 and 2004. The results showed that elasticity at the Nanjung station and Saguling station decreased from 1.59 and 1.02 to 0.68 and 0.62 respectively. The decreasing occurred in the before the dam was built period (1950-1980) to the after reservoirs operated period (1986-2008). This value indicates that: 1) Citarum river flow is more sensitive to rainfall variability that recorded at Nanjung station than Saguling station, 2) rainfall character is more difficult to predict. The landuse analysis shows that forest area decrease to ± 27% and built up area increased to ± 26%. Those implied a minimum rainfall reduction to± 8% and minimum flow to ± 46%. Those were caused by land conversion and describing that the vegetation have function to maintain the base flow for sustainable water resource infrastructure.
Management Optimization of Saguling Reservoir with Bellman Dynamic Programming and “Du Couloir” Iterative Method Marselina, Mariana; Sabar, Arwin; Salami, Indah R S; Marganingrum, Dyah
Forum Geografi Vol 30, No 1 (2016): July 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v30i1.1682


The increasingly growth of population and industry sector have lead to an enhanced demand for electrical energy. One of the electricity providers in the area of Java-Madura Bali (Jamali) is Saguling Reservoir. Saguling Reservoir is one of the three reservoirs that stem the flow of Citarum River in advance of to Jatiluhur and Cirata Reservoir. The average electricity production of Saguling Reservoir was 2,334,318.138 MWh/year in the period of 1986-2014. The water intake of Saguling Reservoir is the upstream Citarum Watershed with an area of 2340.88 km2 which also serves as the irrigation, inland fisheries, recreation, and other activities. An effort to improve the function of Saguling Reservoir in producing electrical energy is by optimizing the reservoir management. The optimization of Saguling Reservoir management in this study refers to Government Regulation No. 37/2010 on Dam/Reservoir Article 44 which states that the system of reservoir management consisting of the operation system in dry years, normal years, and wet years. In this research, the determination of the trajectory guideline in Saguling operation was divided in dry, normal and wet years. Trajectory guideline was conducted based on the electricity price of turbine inflow that various in every month. The determination of the trajectory guideline in various electricity price was done by using Program Dynamic Bellman (PD Bellman) and “Du Couloir” iterative method which the objective to optimize the gain from electricity production. and “Du Couloir” iterative method was development of PD Bellman that can calculate the value of gain with a smaller discretization until 0,1 juta m3 effectively where PD Bellman just calculate until 10 million m3.  Smaller discretization can give maximum benefit from electricity production and the trajectory guideline will be closer to trajectory actual so optimization of Saguling operation will be achieved.
Prospek Kontribusi DAS Cikapundung Memenuhi Laju Permintaan Sumber Air Baku Metropolitan Bandung Sabar, Arwin
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.181 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v14i2.3944


Among major problems occurring in urban development, the most critical issue is the limitation of water resources as raw water for drinking water supply, especially its existing quantity. The groundwater contribution to fulfil raw water requirements in metropolitan bandung is realatively decreasing, The Cikapundung River, is an alternative source for raw water, is being used as primary raw water for several decades in Bandung. Using statistical method, research has shown that the distribution of minimum flow of the three flow stations could not meet the total demand in dry months. Station Cigulung-Maribaya, Station Cikapundung-Maribaya, and Cikapundung-Gandok usually experienced an extreme dry condition in September. The minimum flows for those three stations for a 20 years repeating period are 0.226 m3/sec, 0.893 m3/sec and 0.336 m3/sec, respectively. The dam that has been constructed up stream of The Cikapundung River is expected to increase the capacity of Station Maribaya up to 0.608 m3/sec, which could then impact the total raw water supply for Pakar Water Treatment Plant. Concurrently, the construction of dam at Station Gandok is targeted to increase the raw water supply up to 0.604 m3/sec. Those means giving solution for migrating groundwater to surface water utilization.Keywords: daily minimum flow, monthly minimum flow, reservoirPermalink:[How to cite: Sabar, A., 2006, Prospek  Kontribusi  DAS Cikapundung  Memenuhi Laju  Permintaan Sumber  Air Baku  Metropolitan Bandung, Jurnal Media Komunikasi Teknik Sipil, Volume 14, Nomor 2, pp. 169-178]