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Laga-Laga : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan Vol 6, No 2 (2020): Laga-Laga: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/lg.v6i2.795


Penelitian ini diterapkan kepada siswa/i SMA Muhammadiyah Padangpanjang, bertujuan untuk membantu siswa agar mampu mengembangkan potensi dirinya di bidang musik karena sebelumnya seni musik kurang mendapatkan perhatian khusus dibandingkan dari kegiatan lainnya. Disisi lain, instument musik tersebut banyak yang tidak dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya, oleh sebab itu peneliti memberikan sebuah penerapan ensambel lagu A Million Dreams dalam bentuk ensambel. Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan prilaku yang dapat diamati. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan “Action Reasearch” dan didukung oleh metode penerapan lainnya; metode ceramah, metode demonstrasi, dan metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, peserta didik dapat  memainkan lagu A Million Dreams melalui instrumen musik, dapat menyeimbangkan bunyi instrumen yang berbeda secara bersama, dapat menggunakan tempo dan dinamik yang tepat serta dapat bermain instrumen instrumen; Lyra, Gitar, Pianika, Perkusi dengan teknik yang baik. Pada akhirnya para siswa/i mampu mempertunjukkan Lagu A Million Dreams dengan format ensambel musik campuran di lapangan terbuka SMA Muhammadiyah.
RANGKIANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22202/rangkiang.2021.v3i2.5461


Training of Qasidah Sanggar Seniors Group "Durian Sabatang" Jorong Durian Kamang Mudik Kab. Agam is an activity of community service, which aims to build and develop Islamic life in society based on Islamic values as praised by Allah SWT because it seems that some people abandon the teachings of Islam. This devotion is also based on the lack of knowledge of artists in Qasidah. Methodologically this devotion is qualitative, meaning that the Qasidah activity data obtained on the ground is done through research observations that are useful for knowing, understanding, and studying in depth. So that accurate results are obtained to be given the next training well according to the science, ability and ability of participants. It is then described in writing through words and compiled in a scientific report. Methods used: survey methods, lecture methods, demonstration methods, imitation methods, practice methods, and question and answer methods. The results that have been achieved in the form of reports, and the show uploaded to youtube named emridawati. Specifically, the achievements of this training are, Qasidah players get knowledge and professional playing skills as evidenced through Qasidah performances at Tirtasari Jorong Sonsang attractions, such as: giving birth to a good sound aesthetic, stable tempo, can start and close the show while singing and maintaining cohesiveness in playing together. The show received an audience response to be re-displayed at a later time.
RANGKIANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22202/rangkiang.2019.v1i2.3834


The training of tie-dye handicraft was the activity of community service toward the community of “Durian Sabatang” studio in Kamang Mudik village, Kamang Magek Sub-district, Agam District, Sumatera Barat. This training aims at empowering village people with their potentials so they can be trained with tie-dye skill. This training is also one of efforts to boost village people’s economy, whether the results of this training can be sold to the neighboring villages (tourism “Bantoroyo, Tirtasari”) or to the market. Methodologically, this community service was categorized as qualitative design so its data that were collected through observation were then described in the form of written/oral words. Hence it was very useful to know, comprehend, and study the data collected during the activities of this community service in order to obtain accurate results of this community service scientifically. These results were then described and arranged into scientific report according to the format of LPPMPP ISI Padangpanjang. This community service used the techniques of observation, interview, and documentation and the methods of lecture, demonstration, and practice.Result achieved in this community service was the high enthusiasm of the teenagers in “Durian Sabatang” studio highly trained during it. It can be seen from these teenagers’ work result namely creating table cloth, bag, shawl, blouse, shirt, handkerchief, and pillowslip by applying the technique of tie-dye into the white fabric of primissima, cotton, weaving, and calico. For the coloring, five kinds of Batik dye with the composition of blue (AS-D+BBB), pink (AS-BS+S.R), yellow (AS-G + M.B), orange (AS + M.GG), and red (AS + M.B). This training was fully conducted with good patience, seriousness, precision, and cooperation so the participants were successful in making the products. This good result has made the participants want to buy additional Batik materials and colors for retraining.
Laga-Laga : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Laga-Laga: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/lg.v7i2.2077


The Sound of Crusades merupakan sebuah komposisi musik ilustrasi yang dibuat untuk mengekspresikan dan menghadirkan suasana perang salib melalui musik kepada para pendengarnya. Penggarapan komposisi ini berasal dari peristiwa perang salib, yaitu perang agama antara umat Islam dengan Kristen Eropa selama dua abad (akhir abad ke-11 sampai abad ke-13). Musik ini diolah dengan menggunakan perangkat elektronik seperti; hardware dan software untuk memproduksi musik multimedia, diantaranya; komputer, speaker monitor, midi controller, headset monitor, software Digital Audio Workstation, Virtual Studio Technology dan Virtual Studio Technology Instrument serta fitur Automation, Velocity dan Fx. Musik ini tergolong musik programa, dimana di dalamnya terdapat adegan dan cerita dengan visual slide gambar. Komposisi musik ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian sesuai dengan alur cerita yang terjadi pada perang salib. Hasil akhir dari komposisi musik ilustrasi ini, berupa visualisasi video yang berisikan slide ilustrasi gambar perang salib.
Arts Education Management in Higher Education Emridawati Emridawati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.338 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/ijeba.1.1.32-35


Arts education in every educational institution can be said far from part of societies and decision makers’ thinking even it is far from art educators. In general, the potencial of arts education in educationalinstitutions can only seenfrom one side, that is as the developmentof artistic capability. That is whymany policies and ideas that are produced or uttered are not advantageuos for the students’ future needs. Worrying about this phenomenon of the arts education, it is important to discuss it more carefully and more deeply by employing the following management techniques: destination principle, profit principle, achievement principle, integrity principle, unity principle, and friendship principle. Besides, management is also needed to see the change of human resource development such as; planning, organizing, actuating, and controling. Through the above functionsmanagement is expected to be able to give solutionsto face the competitive future. One of the important elements that isrelated to the education strategy is environment setting in that studying in higher education reallygivesencouragement to every student.
Interpretasi dan Ekspresi Solis Violin: Repertoar Concerto In A Minor, Zapin Kasih dan Budi, Rangkaian Melati dan Amazing Grace (Solis Violin Interpretation and Expression: Concerto In A Minor Repertoire, Zapin Kasih dan Budi, Rangkaian Melati and Amazing Grace) Arsenius Edi Susilo; Emridawati Emridawati; Yon Hendri; Martarosa Martarosa
MUSICA : Journal of Music Vol 2, No 1 (2022): MUSICA : JOURNAL OF MUSIC
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/musica.v2i1.2320


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk analisis interpretasi dan ekspresi solis violin dalam pertunjukan Concerto in A Minor, Zapin Kasih dan Budi, Rangkaian Melati dan Amazing Grace.  Arikel terkait interpretasi ini penting untuk dilakukan sebagai upaya bagi seorang penyaji dalam membawakan repertoar dengan mengedepankan aspek interpretasi terhadapa karya yang dimainkan. Repertoar Concerto in A Minor merupakan repertoar zaman barok dengan teknik yang meliputi Staccato, Appoggiatura, Arpeggio, Trill, Double Stop dan legato. Repertoar Zapin Kasih dan Budi yang tergolong musik Melayu, menggunakan teknik trio/triplet, legato dan grenek atau triller. Repertoar Rangkaian Melati yang tergolong musik keroncong, menggunakan teknik cengkok (gruppeto), gregel (mordent), mbesut (glissando), trill, Appoggiatura, Legato dan Staccato. Sedangkan repertoar Amazing Grace merupakan musik zaman barok, dengan teknik Sextuplet, Doublestop, vibrato, legato, dan arpeggio. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini ialah analisis interpretatif terhadap karya dalam pertunjukan. Hasil dari artikel ini menyajikan interpretasi dan ekspresi solis terhadap karya yang diwujudkan melalui pemahaman terhadap zaman, style dan teknik dari masing–masing repertoar.ABSTRACTThis article aims to analyze the interpretation and expression of the violin soloist in Concerto in A Minor, Zapin Kasih and Budi, Melati Series and Amazing Grace performances. This article related to interpretation is important to do as an effort for a presenter in bringing a repertoire by prioritizing the interpretation aspect of the work being played. The Concerto in A Minor repertoire is a baroque repertoire with techniques that include Staccato, Appoggiatura, Arpeggio, Trill, Double Stop and legato. Zapin Kasih and Budi's repertoire, which is classified as Malay music, uses trio/triplet, legato and grenek or triller techniques. The repertoire of the Melati series, which is classified as keroncong music, uses the techniques of cengkok (gruppeto), gregel (mordent), mbesut (glissando), trill, Appoggiatura, Legato and Staccato. Meanwhile, Amazing Grace's repertoire is music from the baroque era, with the techniques of Sextuplet, Doublestop, vibrato, legato, and arpeggio. The method used in this article is an interpretive analysis of works in performances. The results of this article present a solo interpretation and expression of the work that is realized through an understanding of the times, styles and techniques of each repertoire.
Bentuk Pertunjukan Group Gandang Tambua dan Talempong Pacik Sanggar Bukik Junjuang Sirih Nagari Paninggahan Kabupaten Solok Aan Nursyam; Nofridayati Nofridayati; Yusnelli Yusnelli; Emridawati Emridawati; Hamzaini Hamzaini
SENDRATASIK UNP Vol 11, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (905.608 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/js.v11i3.119513


The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the form of performances of the Gandang Tambua and Talempong Pacik music groups at the Bukik Junjuang Sirih Nagari Paninggahan Studio. The research method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative. The result showed that the Gandang Tambua and Talempong Pacik Bukik Junjung Sirih music groups performed at various event and events such as accompanying the Datuk/Pangulu appointment procession, wedding parades (Anak Daro and Marapulai), Qur’an Khatam parades, independence day events and Minangkabau music festival. The performances of the Gandang Tambua and Talempong Pacik groups Bukik Junjung Sirih consisted of several Talempong motifs, namely Cak Dindin, Siamang Tagagau, and several motifs of the Gandang Tambua game, namely Siontong Tabang  and Hoyak Tabuik. 
Laga-Laga : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Laga-Laga : Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/lg.v5i1.770


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses dan hasil penerapan teknik memainkan pianika dalam bentuk ensambel pianika pada lagu Kampuang Nan Jauah Di Mato di SDN 07 Teladan Bukittinggi. Secara metodologis penelitian ini berbentuk jenis kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan action research. Kualitatif dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku siswa/i yang diamati. Pendekatan action research digunakan untuk penerapan tindakan pembelajaran yang diteliti dengan tujuan peningkatan mutu atau pemecahan masalah, dan mengamati tingkat keberhasilannya. Kemudian diberikan tindakan lanjutan bersifat penyempurnaan tindakan dan penyesuaian situasi, sehingga diperoleh hasil yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini juga didukung dengan metode penelitian lainnya; metode ceramah, metode demonstrasi, metode eksperimen, dan metode imitasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penerapan teknik memainkan pianika kepada peserta didik adalah peserta didik mampu mempraktekkan teknik penjarian pada pertunjukan ensambel pianika dengan lagu Kampuang Nan Jauah Di Mato dan pada kegiatan drumband
Nilai Estetik Pertunjukan Gondang Borogong dalam Upacara Pernikahan Di Desa Kepenuhan Barat Kecamatan Kepenuhan Kabupaten Rokan Hulu (The Aesthetic Value of Gondang Borogong Performances in a Wedding Ceremony in West Kepenuhan Village, Kepenuhan District, Rokan Hulu Regency) Rima Wanti Sabilah HRP; Wilma Sriwulan; Emridawati Emridawati
MUSICA : Journal of Music Vol 2, No 2 (2022): MUSICA : JOURNAL OF MUSIC
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/musica.v2i2.2802


Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki dan menganalisis bentuk pertunjukan dan nilai estetik yang muncul dalam pertunjukan Gondang Borogong pada upacara pernikahan di Desa Kepenuhan Barat, Rokan Hulu. Saat peneliti mendefenisikan dan menghasilkan data, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif serta menggunakan teori: estetika Djelantik dan Monroe Beardsley. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertunjukan Gondang Borogong selalu ditampilkan dalam upacara pernikahan dan dimainkan oleh lima orang pemain musik terdiri dari: satu ogong, dua gondang, dan dua calempong. Membawakan lagu wajib berjudul Nayong Lalu yang merupakan lagu persembahan sebagai pengiring silek, salah satu materi pokok dari proses penikahan. Penelitian ini juga menemukan, bahwa pertunjukan Gondang Borogong serat dengan nilai-nilai estetik antara lain: nilai estetis pemain atau seniman, nilai estetik alat musik, nilai estetik lagu, nilai estetik kostum, nilai estetik waktu dan tempat pertunjukan, serta nilai estetik penonton. Disamping itu, nilai-nilai estetik ini memiliki kesatuan hubungan yang saling bersinergi dan tidak terpisah dari pertunjukan Gondang Borogong pada upacara pernikahan.ABSTRACTThis study aims to investigate and analyze the form of performance and aesthetic values that appear in the Gondang Borogong performance at a wedding ceremony in Kepuhan Barat Village, Rokan Hulu. When researchers define and generate data, researchers use qualitative methods and apply theory: Djelantik and Monroe Beardsley aesthetics. The results of this study indicate that the Gondang Borogong performance is always performed in wedding ceremonies and is played by five musicians consisting of: one ogong, two gondang and two calempong. Performing the obligatory song titled Nayong Lalu which is a tribute song as an accompaniment to silek, one of the main materials of the marriage process. This study also found that Gondang Borogong fiber performances have aesthetic values, including: the aesthetic values of the players or artists, the aesthetic values of musical instruments, the aesthetic values of songs, the aesthetic values of costumes, the aesthetic values of the time and place of performance, and the aesthetic values of the audience. Besides that, these aesthetic values have a unified relationship that is synergized with each other and is inseparable from the Gondang Borogong performance at the wedding ceremony.
HOW ESSENTIAL IS THE PROTECTING MANTRA IN THE PERFORMING ARTS IN THE SOUTH COASTAL COMMUNITY? (Seberapa Penting Mantra Pelindung dalam Seni Pertunjukan di Masyarakat Pesisir Selatan?) Irdawati Irdawati; Emridawati Emridawati; Ibnu Sina; Yon Hendri; Delfi Enida
SAWERIGADING Vol 29, No 1 (2023): Sawerigading, Edisi Juni 2023
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/sawer.v29i1.1192


This research highlights the function of an antidote or protector for the Pesisir Selatan populace during performance art. Based on prior research findings, it determines that spells possess a structure and function that serves as an antidote. At the same time, mantras contain cultural and religious values. The mantras recited by Minang shamans in their native language are based on verses from the Qur'an and employ the words of Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW. These mantras serve as a means of expressing belief while maintaining the unity and divinity of Allah SWT. A soft tone characterizes the recitation and employs ideational language to convey ideas and thoughts, reflecting the supernatural powers of the sources and containing hopes and requests. The present study employs a descriptive methodology with a phenomenological orientation, explicitly examining the phenomenon of utilizing mantras to counter adverse effects within a given community. The research involves an analysis of the structure and contextual presentation of mantras as observed within the Minang community. Furthermore, the study involved interviews with informants who served as experts in mantras, providing descriptions of factual or empirical linguistic phenomena present in individuals' daily experiences. The study's findings, which involved interviews with multiple informants, indicate that chants believe to possess magical properties, specifically the ability to avert a negative outcome. AbstrakPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang fungsi penawar atau pelindung bagi masyarakat Pesisir Selatan pada seni pertunjukan. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian sebelumnya, telah ditetapkan bahwa mantra memiliki struktur dan fungsi yang berfungsi sebagai penawar racun. Pada saat yang sama, mantra mengandung nilai-nilai budaya dan agama. Mantra yang dibacakan oleh dukun Minang dalam bahasa asli mereka didasarkan pada ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an dan menggunakan kata-kata Allah SWT dan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Mantra-mantra tersebut berfungsi sebagai sarana mengungkapkan keyakinan dengan tetap menjaga keesaan dan ketuhanan Allah SWT. Nada lembut mencirikan pembacaan dan menggunakan bahasa ideasional untuk menyampaikan ide dan pikiran, mencerminkan kekuatan supranatural dari sumber dan mengandung harapan dan permintaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif dengan orientasi fenomenologis, khususnya mengkaji fenomena penggunaan mantra untuk melawan efek negatif dalam suatu komunitas tertentu dalam seni pertunjukan. Penelitian ini melibatkan analisis struktur dan kontekstual penyajian mantra-mantra yang diamati dalam masyarakat Minang di Pesisir Selatan. Selain itu, penelitian ini melibatkan wawancara dengan informan yang berperan sebagai ahli mantra, memberikan deskripsi fenomena linguistik faktual atau empiris yang hadir dalam pengalaman sehari-hari individu. Temuan penelitian, yang melibatkan wawancara dengan banyak informan, menunjukkan bahwa nyanyian diyakini memiliki sifat magis, khususnya kemampuan untuk mencegah hasil negatif.