Dian Mardi Safitri
Industrial Engineering Departement Trisakti University Jl. Kyai Tapa no 1 Jakarta, 11440

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Human Reliability Assessment dengan Metode Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique pada Operator Stasiun Shroud PT. X Safitri, Dian Mardi; Astriaty, Ayu Rachma; Rizani, Nataya C.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.904 KB)


Human realibility is a big tricky problem. Human failure rates depend on three main factors, namelyintrinsic, work environment, and stress. PT. X is a supplier for PT. LG Indonesia manufacturing productsmade from plastics. Human Realibility Assesment is conducted using HEART methods (Human ErrorAssessment and Reduction Technique). In the first phase, task analysis on operators’ activities is done usingHierarchical Task Analysis (HTA). The largest Human Error Probability was found when Operator No. 1did not insert the flash side carefully. The value of this probability is 0.53424. This factor is concluded as themain cause to shroud defectives, which results in customer penalyzing the company.
Human Reliability Assessment dengan Metode Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique pada Operator Stasiun Shroud PT. X Safitri, Dian Mardi; Astriaty, Ayu Rachma; Rizani, Nataya C.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.904 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jrsi.v4i1.1388.1-7


Human realibility is a big tricky problem. Human failure rates depend on three main factors, namelyintrinsic, work environment, and stress. PT. X is a supplier for PT. LG Indonesia manufacturing productsmade from plastics. Human Realibility Assesment is conducted using HEART methods (Human ErrorAssessment and Reduction Technique). In the first phase, task analysis on operators’ activities is done usingHierarchical Task Analysis (HTA). The largest Human Error Probability was found when Operator No. 1did not insert the flash side carefully. The value of this probability is 0.53424. This factor is concluded as themain cause to shroud defectives, which results in customer penalyzing the company.
J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 3, No.3, September 2008
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.464 KB) | DOI: 10.12777/jati.3.3.184-190


Penelitian pendahuluan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko ergonomi yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa operator perakitan daun sirip diffuser di PT X menghadapi risiko ketidaknyamanan dan cedera pada tubuh bagian pinggang, bahu kiri dan pegelangan tangan kiri. Intervensi ergonomi dilakukan dengan memperbaiki metode kerja dan perancangan meja perakitan yang ergonomis. Dalam perancangan fasilitas kerja, Fuzzy AHP digunakan untuk memilih konsep terbaik dari rancangan meja perakitan. Hasil perhitungan dengan Fuzzy AHP didapatkan bahwa konsep 11 memiliki bobot terbesar (44.5%). Maka, konsep 11 akan dijadikan dasar untuk merancang meja perakitan. Konsep 11 memiliki spesifikasi : rangka terbuat dari alumunium, alas permukaan terbuat dari kayu, fixture terbuat dari alumunium, pijakan kaki terbuat dari kayu dan posisi peralatan terletak di posisi atas. Usulan perbaikan ini kemudian diimplementasikan pada stasiun perakitan daun sirip. Hasil dari implementasi dan evaluasi dengan skor REBA menunjukkan penurunan tingkat risiko menjadi  2 (Low). Selain itu keluhan pekerja terhadap tubuh bagian pinggang, bahu kiri dan pegelangan tangan kiri dapat tereliminasi dan terjadi penurunan presentase keluhan. Perbaikan metode kerja menghasilkan keseimbangan aktivitas tangan kiri dan tangan kanan dan penurunan waktu siklus setiap unitnya.  Kata Kunci : Fasilitas kerja, REBA, Intervensi ergonomi   Preliminary reaserch to identify ergonomic risk that have been done show that the leaves fin diffuser operator assembly in PT X facing risk injury on the body belt, left shoulder, and left wrist. Ergonomic Interventions undertaken to improve the working methode and design of the ergonomic table assembly. In the design of working facilities, fuzzy AHP is used to select the best concept of the draft table assembly. Result of calculations with fuzzy AHP was found that the oncept of 11 have the largest weight (44.5%). Then, the concept of 11 will be the basis for designing a table assembly. The concept of 11 has a specification: frames made of aluminum, the surface layer made of wood , fixture made of aluminum, stirrup made of wood and the position of the equipment located in the top position. Proposed improvement are then implemented on the leave fin assembly station. Results from the implementation and evaluation with REBA score Indicates a decrease in risk level become 2(low). Addition, complaints of workers against the body length, left shoulder, and left wrist can be eliminated and decreasing percentage of complaints. Improvement methods offer the best balance of activity of the left hand and right hand and a decrease in cycle time per unit.Keywords :work  facility, REBA, Ergonomic Intervension
Penilaian Keselamatan Divisi Fuel Tank terhadap Perilaku Tidak Aman pada Pekerja Faradilla, Arnes; Awod, Usamah Makky; Safitri, Dian Mardi
Semesta Teknika Vol 23, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


PT Batarasura merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi Fuel Tank. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan yaitu terjadi penurunan produktivitas kerja dan meningkatnya jumlah kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai keselamatan di perusahaan dan mengetahui dimensi keselamatan yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tingginya angka kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner NOSACQ-50 untuk menilai iklim keselamatan dan metode Correspondence Analysis untuk menentukan dimensi iklim keselamatan yang berpengaruh terhadap kecelakaan kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi iklim keselamatan yang paling berpengaruh yaitu tidak adanya pelatihan tentang bahaya kecelakaan kerja dan kurangnya komunikasi antar pekerja. Pekerja sering mengabaikan keselamatan kerja disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya menerapkan disiplin keselamatan kerja. Selain itu, perusahaan seharusnya memiliki komunikasi yang baik terhadap pekerja dan training yang tepat untuk meningkatkan motivasi pekerja dalam membangun sikap keselamatan kerja yang baik PT Batarasura is one of the factories that produce the Fuel tank. The problems of this factory are decreasing of productivity and increasing of the accident. The purpose of this research is to assess of safety in the factory and knowing of safety dimension which may influencing of high accident. This research uses the NOSACQ-50 questionnaire to assess the safety climate and Correspondence Analysis to determine which dimension that influencing the factory's accident. The result stated that the safety climate dimension, which acts as high as the factory's accident, is there is no learning and lousy communication. The worker often ignores safety because worker doesn't know about the importance of safety. On the other hand, the factory doesn't have any regulations when the worker is ignoring safety. So, the factory must have good communication and proper training, especially in security, to increase worker motivation to do the safety act.
Penilaian Keselamatan Divisi Fuel Tank terhadap Perilaku Tidak Aman pada Pekerja Faradilla, Arnes; Awod, Usamah Makky; Safitri, Dian Mardi
Semesta Teknika Vol 23, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/st.v23i2.9196


PT Batarasura merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi Fuel Tank. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan yaitu terjadi penurunan produktivitas kerja dan meningkatnya jumlah kecelakaan kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai keselamatan di perusahaan dan mengetahui dimensi keselamatan yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tingginya angka kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner NOSACQ-50 untuk menilai iklim keselamatan dan metode Correspondence Analysis untuk menentukan dimensi iklim keselamatan yang berpengaruh terhadap kecelakaan kerja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi iklim keselamatan yang paling berpengaruh yaitu tidak adanya pelatihan tentang bahaya kecelakaan kerja dan kurangnya komunikasi antar pekerja. Pekerja sering mengabaikan keselamatan kerja disebabkan oleh kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya menerapkan disiplin keselamatan kerja. Selain itu, perusahaan seharusnya memiliki komunikasi yang baik terhadap pekerja dan training yang tepat untuk meningkatkan motivasi pekerja dalam membangun sikap keselamatan kerja yang baik PT Batarasura is one of the factories that produce the Fuel tank. The problems of this factory are decreasing of productivity and increasing of the accident. The purpose of this research is to assess of safety in the factory and knowing of safety dimension which may influencing of high accident. This research uses the NOSACQ-50 questionnaire to assess the safety climate and Correspondence Analysis to determine which dimension that influencing the factory's accident. The result stated that the safety climate dimension, which acts as high as the factory's accident, is there is no learning and lousy communication. The worker often ignores safety because worker doesn't know about the importance of safety. On the other hand, the factory doesn't have any regulations when the worker is ignoring safety. So, the factory must have good communication and proper training, especially in security, to increase worker motivation to do the safety act.