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PEMBERIAN BANTUAN HUKUM KEPADA MASYARAKAT MISKIN DALAM PERKARA PIDANA (Suatu Penelitian di Kabupaten Pidie) Fitria Fitria; Rizanizarli Rizanizarli
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang Hukum Pidana Vol 1, No 1: Agustus 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstrak - Tersangka atau terdakwa yang disangka atau didakwa melakukan tindak pidana yang diancam dengan pidana mati atau ancaman pidana lima belas tahun atau lebih atau bagi orang yang tidak mampu yang diancam dengan pidana lima tahun atau lebih dan tidak mempunyai penasihat hukum sendiri, pejabat yang bersangkutan pada semua tingkat pemeriksaan dalam proses peradilan wajib menunjuk penasihat hukum bagi mereka. (Pasal 56 UU No.8 Tahun 1981). Saat ini masih terdapat kendala dalam pemberian bantuan hukum kepada masyarakat miskin.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mekanisme dalam mengajukan bantuan hukum, kendala yang dihadapi oleh organisasi bantuan hukum dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh organisasi bantuan hukum dalam pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan hukum kepada masyarakat miskin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme pemberian bantuan hukum dapat dilakukan dengan mengajukan permohonan secara tertulis, menyerahkan dokumen yang berkenaan dengan perkara, melampirkan surat keterangan miskin dari keuchik. Kendala yang dihadapi ialah kurangnya pendanaan, kurangnya pengawasan, kurangnya koordinasi antara pihak penyidik dan pengadilan dengan advokat, kurangnya pemerataan dalam penunjukan advokat.Upaya yang dilakukan ialah mengalokasikan dana, meningkatkan ketersediaan pemberi bantuan hukum, serta meningkatkan sumber daya manusia.Kata Kunci : Penyedia Bantuan Hukum, Masyarakat Tidak Mampu, Bantuan Hukum. Abstract - A suspect or an accused is suspected of or accused having committed an offense which liable to a death penalty or imprisonment of fifteen years or more or for those who are destitute who are liable to imprisonment of five years or more who do not have their own legal counsel, the official concerned at all stages of examination in the criminal justice process shall be obligated to assign legal counsel for them (Article 56 of Act. Number 8 Year 1981).In reality there are still problems in the provision of legal aid to poor people. The purpose of the research thesis is to explain the mechanism in asking for legal counsel and the problem that are faced by the legal aid institute and the efforts taken by the legal aid institute in the implementation of legal aid to poor people.The data in this research were obtained through field and libraries research. The results of the research thesis is showed that the mechanism of assistance the law can be done by filing a petition in writing, delivered the document regarding these matters, attach a letter to the needy from the Geuchik. The problem faced is the lack of funding, lack of supervision, the lack of coordination between the investigators and the court with advocates and appointing advocates unevenly. Efforts is to allocate funds for the implementation of legal aid for the poor, increase the availability of legal aid for the poor and improve human resources.Keywords : Providing, Poor, Legal Counsel.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang Hukum Pidana Vol 1, No 1: Agustus 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (124.988 KB)


Abstrak - Tahap penyimpanan dan pengamanan barang bukti kayu sitaan hasil tindak pidana pembalakan liar telah sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku.Namun proses penyimpanan barang bukti disimpan dibeberapa tempat karena belum adanya rumah penyimpanan barang bukti dan sitaan. Prosedur pelaksanaan pelelangan kayu sitaan hasil tindak pidana pembalakan liar selama ini sudah sesuai dengan aturan hukum yang berlaku seperti tahapan pelimpahan, pembentukan panitia lelang dan adanya izin lelang.Hambatan dan upaya dari pelaksanaan pelelangan kayu sitaan hasil tindak pidana pembalakan liar harus menunggu proses lelang yang lama sehingga membuat barang tersebut rusak atau membusuk sehingga nilai jualnya tidak sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Disarankan segera dibangun atau didirikannya rumah penyimpanan barang bukti sitaan dan rampasan, mengintensifkan patroli di hutan, memberi pemahaman akibat hukum dari tindakan penebangan secara liar.Sudah seharusnya proses lelang yang dikeluarkan itu jangan terlalu lama sehingga kayu atau barangnya itu tidak membusuk dan nilai jualnya tetap tinggi seperti yang diinginkan.Kata Kunci : Penyimpanan, Kayu Sitaan, proses dan kendala.                Abstract - The result showed that the stage of storage and security of evidence of confiscated timbers derived from crime acts and illegal logging had been in accordance with the applicable procedures, but, in the processof saving the envidence and confiscated goods. The procedures of the auction for comfiscated timber from illegal loggin was in comformity with the rule of law such as the stages of devolution, the establishment of auction committee and the auction permit. The obstacles and the efforts of the implementation of thr auction process in which it made the timbers demage or rot so that its sae value was not as expected. It is suggested that the authorities build or the establish homr storages of evidence of confiscated goods seized from criminals, intensify patrols in the forest, provide an understanding of the legal consequences of illegal logging actions, and the auction process should be done immediately so that the timbers or goods do not decompose. And the sale value of the goods is still high as desired.Keyword: Storage, confiscated wood, Process and Obstacle
Counseling Analysis of Criminal Actions on the Judge's Decision Number 55 / PID.B/2015/PN-BNA AND 79/PID.B/2013/PN.SKA. Rini Mihartika; Rizanizarli Rizanizarli; Suhaimi Suhaimi
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3466


In light of the arrangements of Article 143 section (2) letter B of the Criminal System Code that the material necessities of the public prosecution should portray cautiously, obviously, and the criminal demonstration that is being accused of referencing the overall setting of the wrongdoing being perpetrated. Notwithstanding, in the choice No.55/PID.B/2015/PN-BNA and the Surakarta Locale Court Choice Number 79/PID.B/2013/PN.SKA the unmistakable components alluded to in the article have not been satisfied just as in the legitimate contemplations of the adjudicator's choice. , which doesn't plainly hold back the juridical realities uncovered at the preliminary. Since the appointed authority can't choose a case outside of the public investigator's prosecution. This composing plans to see and discover how the appointed authorities' contemplations in these 2 cases made the adjudicators just interested in 1 criminal demonstration and how the adjudicator settled on concursus. To accomplish this objective, the scientist utilizes a regulating legitimate exploration technique that leaves from lawful issues with a similar strategy. This review utilizes optional information sources comprising of essential lawful materials, auxiliary lawful materials that incorporate authority archives, books, and examination brings about the type of reports. The information was examined by subjective strategies. The outcomes showed that the appointed authority was considered unseemly in considering his choice where the sentence got by the litigant was not equivalent with what activities the respondent had submitted against the choice No.55/PID.B/2015/PN-BNA and the Surakarta Locale Court Choice Number 79/PID .B/2013/PN.SKA. It is suggested that the Public Examiner (Prosecutor) should be more cautious in setting up his arraignment as per Article 143 section (2) of the Criminal Technique Code. Similarly, the appointed authority in giving his choice. It is trusted that the appointed authority in giving the choice should contain juridical realities by considering the realities uncovered at the preliminary, so the choice given by the adjudicator doesn't contain blunders in settling on the choice, so nobody is hurt and upsets the general population by the appointed authority's choice.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang Hukum Pidana Vol 7, No 2: Mei 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstrak – Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan menjelaskan faktor penyebab Prajurit Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) melakukan tindak pidana desersi dan pertanggungjawaban pidana oleh Prajurit Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) yang melakukan tindak pidana desersi. Diketahui bahwa faktor penyebab Prajurit Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) melakukan tindak pidana desersi karena kurangnya kedisiplinan, namun secara umum disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal dan internal, faktor eksternal antara lain adalah perbedaan status sosial, terlibat perselingkuhan, jenuh dengan peraturan, mempunyai banyak hutang, dan tidak tahan dengan keadaan ekonomi orang lain. Faktor internal antara lain adalah tidak sanggup melaksanakan perintah atasan, kurangnya pembinaan mental, krisis kepemimpinan, pisah keluarga. pertanggungjawaban pidana oleh Prajurit Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) yang melakukan tindak pidana desersi adalah dengan menjalani pidana pokok yaitu penjara dan pidana tambahan yaitu pemecatan dari dinas militer sesuai dengan putusan majelis hakim. Diharapkan kepada pelaku tindak pidana desersi untuk disiplin dalam dinas militer dan fokus terhadap pekerjaannya sebagai abdi negara dan Orditur dalam menuntut terdakwa desersi serta Majelis Hakim dalam memvonis pelaku tindak pidana militer dengan putusan yang maksimal dalam pidana pokok sehingga tindak pidana desersi tidak terjadi lagi.Kata Kunci: Pertanggungjawaban Pidana, Tentara Nasional Indonesia, Tindak Pidana Desersi