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Nilai Indeks Glikemik dan Indeks Transit Usus Tepung Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume.) pada Mencit Putih Laksmitawati, Dian Ratih; Prilasari, Sharon Alia; Marwati, Umi
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v9i2.577


To prevent hyperglycemia, people need alternative source of carbohydrate with low glycemic index. Porang bulbs from Amorphophallus muelleri Blume plant is rich on glucomannan, that could prevent elevation of blood glucose level. The aim ofthis study is to determine aglycemic index and intestinal transit index of porang bulbs flour. Glycemic index determined by glucose tolerance test method and intestinal transit index determined by measuring the intestinal transit distance of mice administered 1,5 kg BW intragastically the porang suspense. Forty-five minute later mice was given carbo absorben as a marker. At 15 minute later mice was sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the distance of charcoal marker was measure from pillory. The results shows that porang has glycemic index 85 compare with glucose 100 and treatment with porang flour caused the intestinal motility was faster (intestinal transit index -0,42) rather than wheat four (0,32). Its mean that, porang flour shorten the retention time of chymus in intestinum s0 it will inhibit the absorbtion of'glucose. To prevent hyperglycemia, people need alternative source of carbohydrate with low glycemic index. Porang bulbs from Amorphophallus muelleri Blume plant is rich on glucomannan, that could prevent elevation of blood glucose level. The aim ofthis study is to determine aglycemic index and intestinal transit index of porang bulbs flour. Glycemic index determined by glucose tolerance test method and intestinal transit index determined by measuring the intestinal transit distance of mice administered 1,5 kg BW intragastically the porang suspense. Forty-five minute later mice was given carbo absorben as a marker. At 15 minute later mice was sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the distance of charcoal marker was measure from pillory. The results shows that porang has glycemic index 85 compare with glucose 100 and treatment with porang flour caused the intestinal motility was faster (intestinal transit index -0,42) rather than wheat four (0,32). Its mean that, porang flour shorten the retention time of chymus in intestinum s0 it will inhibit the absorbtion of'glucose.
Kadar Makronutrien Dan Nilai Indeks Glikemik Tepung Umbi Suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus) Dengan Dan Tanpa Difermentasi Dian Ratih Laksmitawati; Umi Marwati; Vergie Indriani
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.733 KB) | DOI: 10.35814/jifi.v17i1.699


Low-glycemic indexed foods are increasingly in demand. The glycemic index value is influenced by macronutrient composition. Fermentation can change macronutrient levels of foods. This study aims to analize the effect of lactic acid bacteria fermentation on macronutrient content (protein, fat, carbohydrate) and glycemic index of suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus) tuber flour. Tuber were thinly sliced, fermented with 10% lactic acid bacteria T1-2 isolated from previous studies, then incubated at room temperature for 4 days. The fermented tuber was then made into flour. The fermented suweg flour was tested to determine the glycemic index using experimental mice. Macronutrient levels of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are chemically determined. The results showed that during the lactate acid bacteria fermentation process 0-4 days there was an increase of lactat acid bacteria viability from day 0 to day 2 (3,64x108- 20,38x108 cells / ml) and decreased after day 2 (14,63x108- 7,91x108 cells / ml), the total acid count increased (0,2066% -1,2599%) as the pH decreased (5,43-4,37). The determination respectively result of protein, fat and carbohydrate contents of fermented suweg fluor was 7,41%, 0,46% and 0,38% and 6,05%, 0,38% , 82,15% in non fermented suweg fluor. The glycemic index value of fermented suweg flour was 64,6 and 69,4 in non fermented fluor. Based on statistical test, macronutrient content (fat, carbohydrate, protein) and glycemic index showed no significant difference between fermented and non fermented suweg fluor (P> 0,05). Fermentation of the lactic acid bacteria on suweg tuber for four days had no effect on the glycemic index and carbohydrate, fat and protein levels on the tubers.
Pengaruh pelatihan pembuatan minuman probiotik serta efikasi diri terhadap minat usaha kelompok masyarakat pendiri bank sampah di kota Depok Umi Marwati; Laili Savitri Noor; Dian Ratih Laksmitawati; Liliek Nurhidayati
AKURASI: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol 4 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : LPMP Imperium

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36407/akurasi.v4i2.491


This study aimed to determine the effect of counseling and training on the manufacture of probiotic-based health drinks as well as the self-efficacy ability of members of the community group waste management in the city of Depok on the interest in the probiotic beverage business. The 68 respondents included members of the Dahlia Pirus waste bank group (Pondokjaya Village, Cipayung District), Mekar Peduli waste bank (Krukut Sub-district, Limo District) and the Villa Tanah Baru waste bank (Tanah Baru, Beji). This activity involves students. The research method uses multiple regression analysis. The research results show that training has a positive and significant effect on business interest, but self-efficacy has a negative and insignificant effect on business interest.
SULUH: Jurnal Abdimas Vol 4 No 1 (2022): SULUH: Jurnal Abdimas Agustus
Publisher : FEB-UP Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/suluh.v4i1.3293


Salah satu upaya peningkatan daya tahan tubuh adalah meningkatkan kesehatan saluran cerna dengan minuman kesehatan probiotik. Pembuatan minum kesehatan ini memerlukan teknik sederhana yang dapat dipraktekkan pada kelompok masyarakat. Masyarakat penggerak bank sampah adalah kelompok masyarakat yang peduli lingkungan melalui kegiatan pemilahan sampah sesuah konsep 3R (reuse, reduce dan recycle). Sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan potensi diri dalam kesehatan dan ekonomi dilakukan inisiasi ekonomi kreatif melalui penyuluhan dan pelatihan produksi minuman probiotik selama 2 hari. Kegiatan partisipasi aktif terdiri dari edukasi dan praktek langsung. Hasil menunjukkan edukasi meningkatkan pemahaman responden mengenai kesehatan produk probiotik dan perhitungan dasar bisnis sebanyak 12 persen. Sebanyak 100% kelompok responden yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok berhasil membuat minuman probiotik menggunakan peralatan hibah dari kegiatan ini. Kegiatan ini berpotensi meningkatkan kesehatan dan ekonomi masyarakat penggerak bank sampah. Diperlukan dukungan standarisasi produksi dan pendampingan berkelanjutan oleh para akademisi dan pemerintahan khususnya di wilayah kota Depok.
Pengaruh Fermentasi Umbi Suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus) Terhadap Kadar Makronutrien Dan Nilai Indeks Glikemik Mencit Dian Ratih Laksmitawati; Umi Marwati; Vergie Indriani
Kartika : Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi Vol 6 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26874/kjif.v6i1.124


Bahan pangan berindeks glikemik rendah makin diminati masyarakat. Salah satu karbohidrat sebagai bahan pangan adalah umbi suweg. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh fermentasi bakteri asam laktat pada kadar makronutrien (protein, lemak, karbohidrat) dan indeks glikemik tepung umbi suweg (Amorphophallus campanulatus). Umbi suweg diiris tipis, difermentasi dengan 10% isolat bakteri asam laktat T1-2,isolat bakteri dari penelitian sebelumnya, kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu ruangan selama 4 hari. Hasil fermentasi kemudian dibuat tepung. Tepung suweg terfermentasi diuji untuk menentukan indeks glikemik menggunakan mencit percobaan. Kadar makronutrien karbohidrat, lemak dan protein ditentukan secara kimia.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan selama proses fermentasi BAL 0-4 hari terjadi peningkatan viabilitas BAL dari hari ke-0 sampai hari ke-2 (3,64x108- 20,38x108 sel/ml) dan mengalami penurunan setelah hari ke-2 (14,63x108-7,91x108 sel/ml), jumlah total asam semakin meningkat (0,2066%-1,2599%) seiring dengan pH yang menurun (5,43-4,37). Hasil penetapan kadar protein tepung suweg terfermentasi BAL 7,41%  dan tanpa fermentasi BAL 6,05%. Kadar lemak tepung suweg terfermentasi BAL 0,46% dan tanpa fermentasi BAL 0,38%. Kadar karbohidrat tepung suweg terfermentasi BAL 81,7% dan tanpa fermentasi BAL 82,15%. Nilai indeks glikemik tepung suweg terfermentasi BAL 64,6 dan tanpa fermentasi BAL 69,4. Berdasarkan uji statistik, kadar makronutrien (lemak, karbohidrat, protein) dan indeks glikemik menunjukkan tidak beda nyata (P>0,05).Fermentasi BAL 10% pada tepung suweg selama 4 hari dengan tidak berpengaruh pada nilai indeks glikemik dan kadar makronutrien karbohidrat, lemak dan protein. Kata kunci: Fermentasi, Bakteri Asam Laktat, umbi suweg, makronutrien, indeks glikemik.