Herdi Sahrasad
Faculty of Philosophy and Civilizations, and Center for Islam and State Studies, University of Paramadina, Jakarta

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Jurnal Kawistara Vol 3, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM

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What happens with ‘’Reformasi’’ (the Reform Movement/ Era)? After tha fall of Soeharto’s New Order regime, Indonesia come into chaotic situation with many religious and ethnic conflicts. Separatism has erupted and corruption has been so rampant. The “door” of democracy opens, and both Islamists and nationalists take part in the political game. The results have been, however, transactional politics, bad governance and uncertainty. A question should be raiseed: is it irreconcilable between the nationalists and the islamists? What is happening when the political games are plyed by both parties is basically the competition of corruption. They are stealing “people resources and welth of the nation”. Islamists do the same as the nationalists stealing power (corruption). The business world is corrupted. Businessmen are in collusion with politicians, rulers, and bureaucrats. They do not care anymore about the fate of the people and the country.
Maritime Terrorism Network: Threat and Security in Contemporary Southeast Asia Sahrasad, Herdi; Chaidar, Al; Akmal, M.; Ali, Saifullah; Amalia, Nanda; Quthni Effida, Dara
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 26, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.26.1.2274


Southeast Asia is a region that is vulnerable to terrorism. Of the total terrorism cases that occurred in the world, 50 percents occurred in this region. Mindanao is one of the regions in Southeast Asia that since a long time ago has been the basis of world-class terrorism. This situation is getting worse due to the presence of terrorist groups with a strong tradition of maritime piracy. The nexus between terrorism and piracy makes the issue of maritime terrorism in Southeast Asia a regional security concern. Abu Sayyaf Group is a terrorist group in the Southern Philippines that is very well-known but difficult to map. This makes the Abu Sayyaf a source of prolonged tension in the Southern Philippines in particular and in the Southeast Asia region in general. This study is a field observation that uses descriptive analysis to reveal the details of the Abu Sayyaf and the issue of terrorism in Mindanao.
Rivalitas Iran-Saudi-Turki dan Kekhawatiran Ideologis Kaum Wahabi Indonesia terhadap Kesepakatan Nuklir Iran-AS Chaidar, Al; Sahrasad, Herdi
Journal of Islamic World and Politics Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (439.419 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jiwp.1101


The Iran-US agreement on nuclear power has made watershed in Iran-West relations, in which all of nuclear weapons of Iran should be disconnected and frozen so that only the Israelis held a nuclear power in the Middle East.Teheran always says its nuclear activities are for peaceful purposes. Nowadays the international sanctions on Iranian lifted, and Iran is more powerfull to enhance its posture in international arena.This agreement has caused ideological anxiety among the Wahabis with implications that the Wahabis are not happy and they do not like with the strengthening of Iran politically and culturally in globalized world. The Wahabis’ Ideological interests will be erodedto a certain degree with the agreement which would seriously divide the Islamic world by by Sunni-Shia rivalry. However, the rise of Turkey which competed with Iran and Saudi in the political arena of Middle East, would open the Wahabis eyes in Indonesia that maybe Turkey is the hope of the future.
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 27, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.27.2.3739


Al-Qaeda's infiltration into the Southeast Asian region is inseparable from the existence of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). Some Jamaah Islamiyah cadres are veterans of the Afghanistan War. Historically Al-Qaeda under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden has trained the military skills of Jamaah Islamiyah cadres to help the Afghan jihadists fight Soviet communism until the Soviets defeated and left Afghanistan. Then Al-Qaeda succeeded in entering Indonesia through the Jamaah Islamiyah network and its cells in Southeast Asia by mobilizing key actors and radical actions. In Indonesia, Jamaah Islamiyah with the support of Al-Qaeda succeeded in carrying out a series of bomb attacks including Bali Bomb (2002), Kuningan Bomb (2004), JW Marriot and Ritz-Carlton Bomb Jakarta (2009). The strategy of the Al-Qaeda movement in Indonesia does not appear openly by forming an underground organization (clandestine). Its existence exists but in the form of a Formless Organization (OTB) for the security of its organization. Their infiltration through these networks has succeeded in bringing in their radical ideology and movements in Indonesia in particular and in the Southeast Asian region in general.
Aceh Anthropological Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aaj.v3i2.2776


This article explain about  terrorist’s bombing toward a Roman Catholic cathedral in Jolo, southern Philippines, Sunday 27 January 2019 morning. At least 22 people were reportedly killed tragically and nearly 50 others were injured. The suicide bombing of the husband and wife exploded during Sunday Mass in Jolo is the first bomb explosion was carried out by a woman from inside the church who smashed benches, smashed windows and left the body of the victim at the Catholic church located in Jolo. The first explosion occurred at Jolo Cathedral in Sulu Province. The second bomb exploded outside the church after the congregation left to save themselves. The second bomb was carried out by a man who was the husband of the first bomber. This Jolo  suicide bombing mimics the suicide bombing of a family of 8-9 May 2018 in Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Nobody thought that the perpetrators came from one whole family. Officers revealed that the bombers in the three churches were the families of Mr. Dita Oepriyanto and Mrs. Puji Kuswati. These parents invited their four children to take action in three different churches. Their four children have a very young and young age. Yusuf Fadil's son (18), Firman Halim (16), daughter of Fadhila Sari (12), and Pamela Riskita (9). The familial terroist bombing in Jolo dan Surabaya is a reflection that our world today is 'a world full of the thrill of underground revenge, inexhaustible and never satisfied in an explosion'. The present is a age of anger
MOTHER AS WEAPON: REFLECTION ON FAMILIAL SUICIDE TERRORISM IN INDONESIA Sahrasad, Herdi; Tabrani, Dedy; Chaidar, Al; Zakaria, Mursyidin; Ansari, Teuku Syahrul
Aceh Anthropological Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aaj.v3i1.2783


The article describes about the nuclear family (keluarga batih) suicide bombings. This kind of terrorism called the familial terrorism which carrying out the nuclear family. The world is shocked by the sacrifice of the lives of those who struggle pragmatically to achieve the paradise promised by God. However, a familial suicide bombing left a mark of significant lessons and explanations so that the world community understood why all this happened. So that the phenomenon of family suicide bombing shifts the landscape of extreme violence that occurred in Indonesia, which was previously dominated by men and the action is usually carried out alone or in groups in action, and does not involve family members especially children. Women are also considered to be adept at manipulating situations so that opponents are not easily suspected for security reasons. And do not forget, the trend shows that in Indonesia (Southeast Asia) terrorist threats involving women tend to increase, whether in the form of actions of married couples or with children, the tendency of such terrorism is 'trending'. Therefore, going forward, if this reflection is not too missed, civil society and the state must strive to prevent, be alert and overcome the increasing role of women in acts of terrorism because of the strong trend that women's roles are increasingly optimized and maximized by the terrorist actors in this sadistic, dramatic and brutal action.
Reviewing Al-Qaeda's Infiltration in Indonesia: A Historical Reflection Sahrasad, Herdi; Syukur, Yanuardi; Tabrani, Dedy; Chaidar, Al
Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan Vol 27, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LP2M - Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ws.27.2.3739


Al-Qaeda's infiltration into the Southeast Asian region is inseparable from the existence of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). Some Jamaah Islamiyah cadres are veterans of the Afghanistan War. Historically Al-Qaeda under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden has trained the military skills of Jamaah Islamiyah cadres to help the Afghan jihadists fight Soviet communism until the Soviets defeated and left Afghanistan. Then Al-Qaeda succeeded in entering Indonesia through the Jamaah Islamiyah network and its cells in Southeast Asia by mobilizing key actors and radical actions. In Indonesia, Jamaah Islamiyah with the support of Al-Qaeda succeeded in carrying out a series of bomb attacks including Bali Bomb (2002), Kuningan Bomb (2004), JW Marriot and Ritz-Carlton Bomb Jakarta (2009). The strategy of the Al-Qaeda movement in Indonesia does not appear openly by forming an underground organization (clandestine). Its existence exists but in the form of a Formless Organization (OTB) for the security of its organization. Their infiltration through these networks has succeeded in bringing in their radical ideology and movements in Indonesia in particular and in the Southeast Asian region in general.
Aceh Anthropological Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aaj.v4i2.3119


Program counter-discourse (kontra wacana) adalah program yang berusaha menciptakan “a way of thinking that opposes an institutionalized discourse”. Selama ini wacana kaum fundamentalis, kaum radikal hinga kelompok-kelompok teroris sudah terlembaga sedemikian rupa di Indonesia melalui proses yang panjang dalam sejarah sosial politik negeri ini. Teka-teki yang muncul atas motif apakah yang mendasari makin maraknya kaum profesional yang berkecukupan tergiur untuk menjadi tentara Negara Islam Irak dan Suriah (NIIS) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) belum juga terpecahkan secara komprehensif. Hingga saat ini, sudah sekitar 518 warga negara Indonesia diduga bergabung dengan ISIS dan menurut catatan Sidney Jones dari Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), sudah lebih dari 800 warga negara Indonesia yang sudah berangkat dan bergabung dengan gerakan “teroris” tersebut di Suriah. Oleh karena itu, perlu membangun kontra wacana sebagai benteng untuk membendung upaya “cuci otak” yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab.  Program ini tentu saja tidak akan berjalan tanpa dukungan dari berbagai pihak terkait, terutama pihak-pihak yang paham dengan permasalahan ini. Padahal, di sisi lain, upaya dan program nyata untuk memerangi terorisme yang bersifat straight-forward dan sistematis seharusnya terus digalakkan dan terlembaga. Harapannya, program kontra wacana ini dapat mereduksi dan menghantam ideologi-ideologi yang menyimpang yang selama ini dianut oleh gerakan-gerakan sosial politik keagamaan.
PROGRAM RATIFIKASI KONVENSI PBB TENTANG DAFTAR HITAM ORGANISASI TERORIS DI INDONESIA Chaidar, Al; Sahrasad, Herdi; Zulkarnaen, Iskandar; Rahman, Fauzi A; Kadir, Muntasir Abdul
Aceh Anthropological Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/aaj.v2i2.272


Untuk secara efektif menangani ancaman teroris saat ini, kita harus mulai dengan cara pemahaman yang unik di mana jihadisme ternyata mendorong kekerasan, dan dilanjutkan dengan menilai mana negara-negara Barat yang memiliki kekuatan nyata sekaligus kerentanan nyata dalam pendekatan mereka terhadap terorisme. Pada dekade belakangan ini dan sejak 11 September 2001, jelas bahwa kita tidak hanya perang melawan teror tapi prinsipnya terhadap ide-ide jihad yang mengilhaminya. Dengan melihat ke belakang sejak lima tahun terakhir, dan khususnya dua tahun terakhir sejak ISIS mengumumkan khilafah, bisa dikatakan bahwa jihad jauh dari kata statis dengan berbagai ketegangan yang memiliki kecenderungan untuk beradaptasi dan berkembang. Seiring serangan yang baru-baru ini terjadi di Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino dan Orlando menunjukkan bahwa para pebuat kebijakan tidak menganggap secara serius kekuatan ide jihad. Hal ini jelas terlihat ketika pemerintah AS melalui program Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) dari laporan Homeland Security Advisory Council merekomendasikan tidak menggunakan kata-kata seperti “jihad” dan “syariah,” karena takut mengobarkan sebuah narasi “kita lawan mereka.“ Padahal ancaman jihad hanya dapat benar-benar diatasi jika kita peduli untuk memahami bahwa ide-ide jihad memegang peranan dalam mendorong aksi kekerasan. Jihadisme perlu di-packing kembali dari konsep tradisional untuk mengeksploitasi situasi politik dunia Islam terutama di Timur Tengah. Ini berdasarkan fakta ketika ide-ide jihad secara meyakinkan berubah wujud dengan cepat menjadi ancaman fisik kinetik.
The Response of Southeast Asian and Indonesian Islamists to the Futuh of the Taliban: A Reflection Sahrasad, Herdi; Byhaqi, Imron; Chaidar, Al; Mulky, Mohamad Asrori; Dar, Mai
AL-TAHRIR Vol 21, No 2 (2021): Islamic Studies
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v21i2.3531


This article explains the purpose of establishing the Taliban, namely to restore peace, enforce sharia law, and maintain the Islamic character of Afghanistan. However, in responding to the futuh (the revolution, the victory) of the Taliban victory in Afghanistan on 15-17 August 2021, the Indonesian and Southeast Asian Islamists show differences.  Indonesian Islamists and some radical Islamists in Southeast Asia, for instance, such as sympathizers supporting ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) actually show the opposite attitude. IS or better known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) considers the Taliban as a sworn enemy and branded them as infidels even though they have the same belief.  The Taliban reject terrorism, even fighting ISIS terrorism and the like. In general, however, the Islamists in Indonesia show no euphoric response to the fall of Kabul instead of a plain hope that the Taliban government is able to rebuild a sovereign, inclusive, dignified, just and prosperous Afghanistan.