muhammad dachlan
Balai Litbang Agama Makassar

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Harmoni Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020): Juli-Desember 2020
Publisher : Research and Development Center for Guidance for Religious Societies and Religious Services, the Research and Development and Education and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (MORA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32488/harmoni.v19i2.367


The cultivation of nationalism is very important for the younger generation, including students throughout the archipelago. National pride is the basic capital to build a nation state regardless of ethnicity, language, and religion followed by high school students. This article aims to determine 1) the national perception of Christian students in Central Sulawesi, Kab. Poso; 2) and explore what factors shape the national perceptions of Christian students in the region. By using the quantitative description method, in this study the following findings were obtained: The sense of state defense from the research sample is known to be 91%, maintains the Pancasila ideology 91%, is proud of the NKRI 92%, respects the red and white flag 94%, respects differences in 99%, coexists with other tribes 98%, respects religion and beliefs 100%, congratulate 97% of different religions. Based on the data about these perceptions, it can be seen that; First, students in Poso District have positive perceptions of nationalism (nationalism). Second, students still have a vulnerable national view, especially when connected with attitudes towards the basic existence of statehood. Third, students still have a vulnerability to religious issues, where religious sentiment can be a trigger for conflict. Fourth, students still hold the view that the life of the nation and state can only be strengthened if its citizens uphold the philosophy of the nation (Pancasila) within the framework of a unitary state.
Building Harmony Through Religious Counseling (The Religious Harmony Portrait in North Mamuju) Muhammad Dachlan; Nur Laili Noviani; Mustolehudin Mustolehudin
ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol. 19 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/esensia.v19i1.1491


The religious counselor in North Mamuju has a significant role in building harmony in their area. The religious harmony in North Mamuju can be said quite harmonious. We knew this condition by looking at the indication of the religious counselor’s role on guiding and counseling the society. Through qualitative study, this research found some results. First, the moderate counseling model by moslem counselor is proven to improve religious harmony in society. Second, the affection method in Christian doctrine is proven can wreathe the Christian people in develop themselves naturally around moslem society. While in Hindu, the Tri Hita Kirana is used as a model to build religious harmony. The Tri Hita Kirana consists of the concept of relationship with God, with human, and also nature. Through those three model, the religious harmony can be achieved by emphasizing the believing-other attitude also respect and appreciate each other in social and nation life.[Penyuluh agama sebagai ujung tombak Kementerian Agama dalam membangun harmoni di masyarakat memiliki peran penting. Melalui penelitian kualitaif di Kabupaten Mamuju Utara, diperoleh tiga temuan sebagai berikut. Pertama, model penyuluhan secara moderat oleh penyuluh agama Islam, terbukti dapat meningkatkan kerukunan di masyarakat. Kedua, metode kasih dalam ajaran Kristen, mampu menjalin umat kristiani mengembangkan diri di tengah masyarakat muslim secara wajar. Sedangkan dalam agama Hindu, model untuk membangun kerukunan adalah dengan melaksanakan Tri Hita Kirana, yakni hubungan kepada Tuhan, manusia, dan alam. Melalui ketiga model tersebut, kerukunan akan dapat tercapai jika antarumat beragama mengedepankan sikap saling percaya, saling menghormati, dan saling menghargai dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara.]