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Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through English Spelling Bee Games Putri Tria Pratiwi; Fera Zasrianita; Ali Akbarjono
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Educat
Publisher : Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jadila.v2i2.193


This research aims to enriching students vocabulary mastery by using spelling bee games. The population of this research was the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 15 Kota Bengkulu with consisted of 180 students into seven classes, namely VII A – VII F. After ensuring with the purposive sampling, two classes were finally chosen as the sample of this research: VII D as the experimental class and VII E as the control class. Both of classes consisted of 30 students with almost homogenous score. This research had been conducted at SMP Negeri 15 Kota Bengkulu. This research employed a Quasi-Experimental method. The Experimental class treated by using Spelling Bee strategy, while the control class was using the conventional ways. The pre-test was given to the two groups before giving the treatment. The result of pre-test showed the mean score of experimental class was 60.17 and the control class was 59.83. After giving the treatment, post-test was given. The result of post-test showed the mean score of experimental class was 76.00 and the control class was 69.83. in addition, the result of independent sample T-test (0.094) showed that t-count was smaller than t-table (2.00172) and sig (2-tailed) was higher than 0.05 (0.925 > 0.05). In other words, Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected. In summary, it could be stated that students’ who were taught vocabulary by using Spelling Bee was more effective than using the conventional ways. So, it can be concluded that Spelling Bee has positive effect to the Seventh Grade Students’ at SMP Negeri 15 Kota Bengkulu in vocabulary Mastery.
The Use of Brainstorming Strategy to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability Hapri Octarina; Syamsul Rizal; Fera Zasrianita
Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Educat
Publisher : Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jadila.v2i2.200


The purpose of this study to investigate whether brainstorming strategy can improve the students’ speaking ability. The subject of research was XI IPA 2 in Academic year 2020/2021. The design of this research is classroom action research (CAR). The researcher evaluates the students’ speaking in five forms those are, Pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Before doing cycle 1 the researcher gave speaking test of pre-cycle, based on the result the test in pre-cycle; the researcher gave treatments of action 1 and action 2 they are planning, implementing, observing and reflecting to see improvement of students’ speaking ability after the treatments were given. The brainstorming strategy can improve the students’ speaking ability in two cycle. Then the researcher find out there is a significance difference between the mean score of students’ speaking ability in cycle 1 (62,24) and the mean score of students’ speaking ability in cycle 2 (75,68). There is impact of cycle 2 and the result can achieve the criteria of success. By comparing the means, the researcher concluded that improvement students’ speaking ability through brainstorming strategy is an effective to develop students’ speaking skill. Therefore, English teacher are encourage to teach speaking through brainstorming strategy.
Pemerolehan Bahasa Indonesia Anak Usia 2,5 Tahun Dalam Kajian Fonologi, Morfologi, dan Sintaksis Fera Zasrianita
Jurnal Hawa : Studi Pengarus Utamaan Gender dan Anak Vol 2, No 1 (2020): Juni
Publisher : UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/hawapsga.v2i1.2964


This paper aims to study and describe the language acquisition system from the age of 2 years 3months to the age of 2 years 6 months, specifically covering phonology, morphology, and syntax. The research method used in this study is qualitative method by studying case study. After analyzing the acquisition of language in Syafiq, starting from the acquisition of phonological, morphological, and syntactic obtained: 1. A normal child can be used as phonemes, and limited words according to the environment and the objecs that are around it. Besides that, the words that came out were still fragmented and the words were still slipped. 2. The words produced have started to increase and star from nouns and verbs. The development of the treasury has begun with abstract nouns. While nouns and verbs are also obtained due to the repetition of the acquisition of friends, brothers, or parents. 3. Syafiq was able to compose simple words, ranging from one, two to three words, and finally make sentences. Simple sentences that are spoken are still completed in a simple order and not yet finished. It is also undeniable that a normal child will be able to acquire first language when his nerves and brain tissue are not difficult during his growing period. Psychological and nutritional development also environment plays an important role in children’s motoric growth.