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Journal : MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering

Product Delivery Distribution Route Design at UD. XYZ Use the Saving Matrix Method to Minimize Distribution Costs Asyifa Freda Salsa Billa; Nova Indah Saragih; Prafajar Suksessanno Muttaqin
MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Motivection : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Indonesian Mechanical Electrical and Industrial Research Society (IMEIRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.221 KB) | DOI: 10.46574/motivection.v4i3.164


One of the problems that frequently happen in distribution management is the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). VRP aims to create an optimal route, which has a minimum total distance to meet consumer demand. This problem is being experienced by UD. XYZ which causes cost overruns. The purpose of this study is to design product distribution routes to minimize distribution costs at UD. XYZ. The method used is a saving matrix with a dynamic program approach, nearest neighbor, and nearest insertion. Furthermore, the analysis of the sensitivity of the load and fuel is carried out. The saving matrix method with a dynamic program approach is able to reduce the distance traveled per week from 184.44 km to 136.65 km. In addition, the dynamic approach is also able to reduce distribution costs by 15.16% or Rp. 36,559.35 per week with distribution costs for the existing condition of Rp. 241.096.60 to Rp. 204.537.25. Salah satu permasalahan yang sering dialami dalam manajemen distribusi adalah Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). VRP bertujuan untuk membuat suatu rute yang optimal, yaitu memiliki total jarak minimum dalam memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Permasalahan ini sedang dialami oleh UD. XYZ yang menyebabkan pembengkakan biaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang rute distribusi produk untuk meminimasi biaya distribusi pada UD. XYZ. Metode yang digunakan saving matrix dengan pendekatan program dinamis, nearest neighbor, dan nearest insertion. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis sensitifitas muatan dan bahan bakar. Metode saving matrix dengan pendekatan program dinamis mampu memperkecil jarak tempuh per minggu yang semula 184,44 km menjadi 136,65 km. Selain itu pendekatan dinamis juga mampu menurunkan biaya distribusi sebesar 15,16% atau Rp36.559,35 per minggu dengan biaya distribusi kondisi saat ini Rp241.096,60 menjadi Rp204.537,25.
Minimization of PT XYZ Interior Fabric Inventory Costs With Continuous Review (s, S) And Periodic Review (R, s, S) Based on ABC Analysis Athiyyah Ayuningputri; Nova Indah Saragih; Prafajar Suksessanno Muttaqin
MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Motivection : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Indonesian Mechanical Electrical and Industrial Research Society (IMEIRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.333 KB) | DOI: 10.46574/motivection.v4i3.168


Good inventory management can plan, control, and manage the company's inventory to consumer demand. Poor inventory management has a significant impact on the company. Excess raw materials will affect high inventory costs, and a lack of raw materials will impact dissatisfied consumers. Therefore it is necessary to have a valid inventory policy. This research aims to minimize PT XYZ's inventory costs using the Continuous Review and Periodic Review methods. The research was conducted by taking data from PT XYZ and then doing ABC analysis, normality test, Continuous Review and Periodic Review methods, and sensitivity analysis. The results showed that the most optimal inventory policy for minimizing inventory costs is the continuous review method (s, S). The results of this study can be used as a reference in determining inventory policies to minimize costs. Manajemen persediaan yang baik mampu merencanakan, mengendalikan, serta mengelola persediaan perusahaan terhadap permintaan konsumen. Pengendalian persediaan yang buruk sangat berdampak bagi perusahaan. Kelebihan bahan baku akan berdampak pada tingginya biaya persediaan dan kekurangan bahan baku akan berdampak pada tidak puasnya konsumen. Oleh karena itu perlu ada kebijakan persediaan yang tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk meminimasi biaya persediaan PT XYZ menggunakan metode Continuous Review dan Periodic Review. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil data dari PT XYZ lalu dilakukan analisis ABC, uji normalitas, metode Continuous Review dan Periodic Review serta analisis sensitivitas. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kebijakan persediaan dalam meminimasi biaya persediaan yang paling optimal adalah Metode continuous review (s,S). Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menentukan kebijakan persediaan untuk meminimasi biaya.
Risk Management Analysis in Container Yard Development Projects in Eastern Indonesia Prafajar Suksessanno Muttaqin; Nia Novitasari; Erlangga Bayu Setyawan
MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Motivection : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Indonesian Mechanical Electrical and Industrial Research Society (IMEIRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.263 KB) | DOI: 10.46574/motivection.v5i1.183


A container yard is a place for storing containers, a place for cleaning, and repairs, as well as a place for carrying out container surveys. Currently planning the construction of a container yard in Eastern Indonesia is being carried out. In its construction, a container yard requires large investment costs due to many factors such as the difficulty and high cost of transporting raw materials, permits that require planning, to the need for proper business processes in order to provide smooth operational activities by minimizing risk. The purpose of this study is to identify the risks and causes of risks involved in the container depot development project in Eastern Indonesia using the quantitative risk assessment (QRA) method, so as to provide the most influential risk management recommendations. The research succeeded in identifying 24 risks and 24 causes of risk. Furthermore, from the calculation results, it was concluded that there were 9 most influential risks. Depo kontainer merupakan tempat penyimpanan kontainer, tempat pembersihan, perbaikan, serta tempat untuk pelaksanaan survei kontainer. Saat ini sedang dilakukan perencanaan pembangunan depo kontainer di Indonesia Timur. Dalam pembangunanya, depo kontainer membutuhkan biaya investasi yang besar yang disebabkan banyak faktor seperti sulit dan tingginya biaya transportasi bahan baku, perizinan yang membutuhkan perencanaan, hingga kebutuhan akan adanya proses bisnis yang tepat agar dapat memberikan kelancaran pada aktivitas operasional dengan meminimasi risiko. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengindenfitikasi risiko dan penyebab risiko yang terdapat pada proyek pembangunan depo kontainer di Indonesia Timur dengan metode quantitative risk assessment (QRA), sehingga dapat memberikan usulan penanganan risiko yang paling berpengaruh. Penelitian berhasil mengidentifikasi 24 risiko dan 24 penyebab risiko. Lebih lanjut dari hasil perhitungan disimpulkan ada 9 risiko paling berpengaruh.
Operational Risk Analysis of Steel Warehouses Using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (Case Study: PT JKL Cold Rolled Coil Warehouse) Budi Santosa; Prafajar Suksessanno Muttaqin; Syifa Intan Sukmawati
MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Motivection : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Indonesian Mechanical Electrical and Industrial Research Society (IMEIRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46574/motivection.v6i1.315


PT. JKL is a subsidiary of PT SBJ (SKJ Group) which is engaged in the logistics or distribution of goods from the port to the customer's warehouse or from the buffer warehouse to the customer's warehouse. One of the services provided by PT JKL is warehouse management for PT SKJ products, namely Cold Rolled Coil (CRC). This research aims to identify risks and causes of risks in cold rolled coil warehouse management operations, so that it can provide suggestions for handling risks in warehouses. This research uses the failure mode and effect analysis method which can identify effects or impacts that are likely to occur in CRC warehouse management. The use of the FMEA method in this research resulted in 7 indicators and 22 sub-indicators of operational risk at the PT JKL warehouse. Apart from that, there are four critical indicators that need to be prioritized because the RPN value is lower than the critical value (70,7). These indicators are supervision of inbound activities (60,85), facilities management (65,17), relationships with other company entities (65,17), and human resource management (22,36). PT. JKL adalah anak perusahaan PT SBJ (SKJ Group) yang bergerak dalam bidang distribusi barang dari pelabuhan ke gudang pelanggan atau dari gudang penyangga ke gudang pelanggan. Salah satu layanan dari PT JKL adalah pengelolaan gudang pada produk PT SKJ yaitu Cold Rolled Coil (CRC). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi risiko dan penyebab risiko pada operasional pengelolaan gudang CRC. Metode failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dampak yang berpeluang terjadi pada pengelolaan gudang CRC. Hasilnya didapatkan 7 indikator dan 22 sub indikator risiko operasional pada gudang PT JKL. Selain itu terdapat 4 indikator kritis yang perlu menjadi prioritas dikarenakan nilai RPN yang lebih rendah dari nilai kritis yaitu 70,7. Indikator tersebut yaitu pengawasan kegiatan inbound (60,85), pengelolaan fasilitas (65,17), hubungan dengan entitas perusahaan lainnya (65,17), dan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia (22,36).