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Uji Penggantian Refrigeran Chlorofluorocarbon Dengan Menggunakan Refrigeran Hidrocarbon Terhadap Konsumsi Listrik dan Penurunan Suhu Beban Pendinginan Pada Mesin Uji Lybold Didactic GMBH 733044115 Frans Palobo Sappu
Jurnal Tekno Mesin Vol. 1 No. 3 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Salah satu langkah teknis untuk menanggulangi masalah terbatasnya suplai energi listrik ini adalah upaya penghematan konsumsi terhadap energi listrik. Penghematan pada sektor refrigerasi dapat dilakukan dengan mengganti refrigeran dalam sistem mesin refrigerasi yang menggunakan refrigeran sintetik chlorofluorocarbon dengan refrigeran natural hidrocarbon.Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penggantian terhadap refrigeran chlorofluorocarbon (Freon R-12) dengan refrigeran hidrocarbon (Musicool MC-12) tanpa adanya penggantian komponen lain pada mesin uji Lybold Didactic GMBH 733044115. Analisis penelitian diarahkan pada besarnya jumlah konsumsi energi listrik dan penurunanan suhu beban pendinginan selum dan sesudah penggantian .Hasil penelitian menunjukkan menurunnya konsumsi energi listrik yang ditandai penurunan daya kompresor berkisar 5.9% hingga 8.3%, sedang penurunan suhu beban pendinginan menunjukkan nilai yang meningkat berkisar 0.3 ºC hingga 2.1 ºC lebih tinggi pada penggunaan refrigeran hidrocarbon dari pada refrigeran chlorofluorocarbon.Kata kunci : refrigeran chlorofluorocarbon, refrigeran hidrocarbon
LAJU PENDINGINAN PADA MESIN PENDINGIN MENGGUNAKAN R-12 DAN MC-12 Yuyuk Darma Putra K. Sitinjak; Frans Palobo Sappu; Hengky Luntungan
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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enMost refrigeration system using synthetic refrigeration R-12, R-22, R-134, and R-600a. Synthetic refrigeration has many good characteristics, among others, not easy to burn, no poisoned, and easy to get. However, synthetic refrigeration has negative effects for environment. It can broke  our ozone layer and make global warming. The using of hydrocarbon as refrigerant is one of the solution to handle these problems. An experiment is done using unit SN 1016-1-149-1 cooler machine in mechanical laboratory in Sam Ratulangi University in Manado. Data is taken after completed  the unit preparation. Analysis is done by comparing the cooling rate beetwen R-12 and MC-12. The average cooling rate of R-12 cooler are and respectively using air and water cooling media. In a serial of three experiments, The average electric current used in the unit are 0,75 A and 0,74 for air and water media respectively using of R-12 and Of MC-12 refrigerant . The average cooling capacity of MC-12 is . Then, faund that MC-12 cooler capacity by air and water media is bigger than R-12 cooler capacity by air and water media. Key words : R-12, MC-12, Cooler Speed
EFEKTIVITAS PENUKAR KALOR TIPE PLATE P41 73TK Di PLTP LAHENDONG UNIT 2 Harlan Egeten; Frans Palobo Sappu; Benny L Maluegha
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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One way to keep a plant operate optimally is keeping the effectiveness of the components properly. One of the components used in the production process is heat exchanger. In PLTP Lahendong unit 2 is used as a the cooler lubricant system of generator and turbine is using type of plate P41 73TK heat exchanger.This research objective is to determine the effectiveness of the heat exchanger plate type PLTP Lahendong P41 73TK. Calculation are using formulas that correspond to the type of heat exchanger plate and plate heat exchanger assuming that analyzed as a tube.Results of the calculations shows that the effectiveness of plate heat exchanger on the methods of LMTD is 83,3%, obtained by the thermal heat exchanger effectiveness of 55.6% and effectiveness based on method of NTU is 30.3%.Keywords : Effectiveness, type heat exchanger plate, LMTD method, method of NTU
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 3 No. 2 (2014): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Traditionaly heat from the sun is employ in drying. The weakness is drying time relatively too long and weather can not be controlled. The utilization of spring water in Bukit Kasih Kanonang for drying of grain is an alternative that does not depend on weather conditions. The spring water heats the plate, then hot of plate directly in contact with the grain. It is causes the grain receiving heat and evaporate the water in the grain, them the grain dried well. From this research, it can be concluded that the drying time effect on grain’s moisture content linearly. The longer the drying time, the lower the moisture content of grain. In this research, the process of drying grain with water temperature 60 0C is enough dry the grain as 2, 104 kg during 5.13 hours. Keywords : Grain, Spring Water, Bukit Kasih Kanonang
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2015): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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ABSTRACT First stage steam ejector is a part of the gas extraction system at PLTP Lahendong Unit 2 with the main function to remove non-condensable gas (NCG) collected in the main condenser continuously in order to keep the main condenser vacuum. The research aim is to determine the ability of the steam ejector actual conditions in ejecting NCG from the main condenser. Computational fluid dynamics simulations is used to analyze the flow characteristics in the steam ejector. Simulation is done by comparing the actual conditions and the factory design condition of first stage steam ejectors. Simulation resulting in the efficiency of steam ejector actual condition is 0,527 while factory design condition is 0,554, meaning there is a decrease in the efficiency by 4,87%. The simulation results show the ability of steam ejectors actual condition to eject the NCG from the main condenser is 1.402,11 kg/hr and for steam ejector factory design is 1.479,34 kg/hr. The ability of the steam ejector actual conditions is decreased by 5,22% from the steam ejector factory design conditions. Keywords: Steam Ejector, NCG, Efficiency.
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2015): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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  ABSTRACT The Function of a radiator on the car engine is to cool down the cooling fluid which arbsorbed the heat from the engine. Subsequently the heat is transferred to the air that drawned by a fan. This research aim is to calculate the efectivity of a radiator during the effort of the cooling process on the engine of Toyota Kijang type 5 K, so the engine can optimally work. This research is done at the condition of idle rotation, by recording the number of the engine rotation , the temperature of drawn and leaving the radiator. Base on the results of we may concluded that radiator works efective on the cooling process with the rotation of 1700 rpm with the efectifity number is 0.502, at rotation of 2000 rpm the efectifity number is 0.52 and at rotation of 2500 rpm the efectifity number is 0.584. Keywords : radiator, engine rotation (n), effectiveness (ϵ).
Analisis Beban Pendinginan Produk Makanan Menggunakan Cold Box Mesin Pendingin LUCAS NULLE TYPE RCC2 Topan Rombe Buntu; Frans Palobo Sappu; Benny Lokombanua Maluegha
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 6 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Refrigeration machines have become an important necessity in modern society’s lifestyle. To optimize the use of a refrigeration machine, the cooling capacity of the refrigeration machine must conform to the heat load to be tackled. This research was aimed at analysing the cooling loads of several food products, that are eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, and beer by using the cold box of Lucas Nulle Type RCC2 refrigeration machine in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of Sam Ratulangi University. The required data in this research were the mass and temperature of the food products, and also the electrical current. The value of each data was obtained from three time experiments where each experiment was conducted in 60 minutes. Data analysis, then, resulted the cooling loads and required power of each food product, as follows:  for eggplants, the cooling load is 62.91 kJ with power of 241.23 Watt; cucumbers, cooling load 41.55 kJ, power 243.10 Watt; tomatoes, cooling load 60,36 kJ, power  235,62 Watt; and beer, cooling load 18,21 kJ, power 231,88 Watt. key word: cooling load, Refrigeration machines , LUCAS NULLE TYPE RCC2
Variasi Dimensi Pipa Kapiler Sebagai Katup Ekspansi Terhadap Laju Pendinginan Pada Mesin Pendingin LUCAS NULLE TIPE RCC2 Reki Karangan; Frans Palobo Sappu; Irvan Rondonuwu
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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One component of the cooling engine that plays an important role in the reducing temperature and refining pressure is the expansion valve.This research is fair to know the rate of cooling and elecricity consumption of a T2 type thermostatic expansion valve and a capillary pipe with a constant legth of 2 m with a diameter of 0,028 inches and 0,036 inches using the Lucas Nulle Type RCC2 cooling machine. The value of the result is obtained from three experiments for each tool for one hour.Based on the observations it was found that the average cooling rate using a T2 type thermostatic expansion valve can achieve a temperature decrease of up to 2,87 oC with an electricity consumption of 201,96 watts, for each capler using a 0,028 inch diameter decrease in temperature can reach up to -0,33 oC with electricity consumption of 198,22 watts and for the use of 0,036 inch diameter capillary pipe the temperature decreases can reach up to 5,37 oC with electricity consumption of 211,31 watts. Key word : T2 type thermostatic expansion valve, capillary pipe
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Refrigeration machines already play an important role in the lives of modern society. In order for a cooling machine to be utilized optimally, the cooling capacity of the cooling machine must be in accordance with the heat load and electrical energy consumption it overcomes. This research aims to find out the performance of cooling engines in terms of cooling rate and electrical energy consumption when using R-600a refrigerant in Lucas Nulle type RCC2 cooling machines at Sam Ratulangi University Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, using temperature data from refrigerant R-600a as well as electrical current data. The observational values of the data were obtained by three prominent data, each experiment was conducted for 90 minutes on refrigerant variations.The results of observation of data for the average temperature decrease, which can reach a temperature of 4.1 ° C.  The relationship between coldbox temperature and time. R-600a refrigerant has an average temperature drop of 0.0398 °C/s. And the rate of cooling to electricity consumption when the cooling machine began to operate increased where at the starting point of 1.04 A with a temperature of 28 ° C, to the end point of 1.3 A With a temperature of 4.1 ° C the average increase in electricity consumption was 0.0038 A / s.
Revitalisasi Alat Penukar Kalor Tipe Shell and Tube Pada Laboratorium Teknik Mesin Unsrat Fandry Tumbade; Frans Palobo Sappu; Romels Lumintang
JURNAL POROS TEKNIK MESIN UNSRAT Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Poros Teknik Mesin Unsrat
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Heat Exchanger is equipment used to carry out the heat exchange process due to the difference in temperature of two types of fluids that flow but do not mix. In the Unsrat Mechanical Engineering laboratory there is a Shell and Tube type heat exchanger that has not been used for practical activities for a long time because it has been damaged. This study aims to revitalize and calculate the efficiency of the heat exchanger so that it can be used in practical activities in the Mechanical Engineering laboratory of Unsrat.               At the beginning of this research activity, it was found that several components were damaged, such as a malfunctioning hot water circulation pump, capacitor components and diodes on the power supply panel that experienced a short circuit and an incomplete thermometer. Then made repairs and modifications and replacement of several components.               After the heat exchanger is deemed to be functioning properly, then further testing is carried out to determine the efficiency value. The results of calculations and data processing obtained efficiency of 74.38%. This provides information that the revitalization of the heat exchanger is successful and can be used as a test tool in practical activities in the Mechanical Engineering laboratory of Unsrat. Keywords: Heat exchanger, Revitalization, Shell and Tube