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Al-Maslahah : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 12, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah (Syari'ah Faculty )

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.816 KB) | DOI: 10.24260/almaslahah.v12i2.552


This study is aimed at revealing, elaborating, and comparing the thought of Sunni scholars (Hanafiyah, Malikiyah, Syafi’iyah, and Hanabillah) on temporary marriage (mut’ah marriage) to Syi’ah scholars. It also compares the laws that Sunni and Syi’ah scholar used as reference for their argument. The study describes the thought of Sunni and Syi’ah scholars on mut’ah marriage. According to the findings of this study, Sunni scholars ban mut’ah marriage; they refer to Surah of Al-Qur’an: An-Nisa’ (4): 24, al-Mu’minun (23): 5-7, and ath-Thalaq (65):1. Besides, they state that there are some hadits and ijma’ that also prohibit mu’tah marriage. Meanwhile, Syi’ah scholars argue, by referring to Surah of An-Nisa, that mut’ah marriage is permitted. Further, they explain that mut’ah marriage was allowed at the early Islamic era, and was accepted either by Qur’an or by prophet PBUH. They say that mut’ah marriage was banned by Umar bin Khatab, and it was only his ijtihad. Keywords: Mut’ah marriage, sunni scholars, syi’ah scholars.
Implementasi Keputusan Munas Tarjih tentang Zakat Profesi pada Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah di Kota Pontianak Wagiyem Wagiyem
Al-Ahkam Jurnal Ilmu Syari’ah dan Hukum Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): Al-Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syari'ah dan Hukum
Publisher : IAIN Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22515/alahkam.v4i1.1089


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengkaji implementasi Keputusan Munas Tajih tentang zakat profesi pada amal usaha Muhammadiyah di Kota Pontianak. Kajian ini digolongkan sebagai penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan nara sumber Pengurus Wilayah Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Barat, Pengurus Daerah Muhammadiyah Kota Pontianak, Pimpinan Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah di Kota Pontianak, dan Pengurus Lembaga Amil Zakat. Hasil kajian ini adalah bahwa kebijakan persyarikatan Muhammadiyah Wilayah Kalimantan Barat/ Derah Kota Pontianak adalah meneruskan kebijakan pemotongan gaji pegawai di amal usaha Muhammadiyah sebagai zakat, infak dan shadaqah (zis), mengeluarkan instruksi agar dana zis yang dihimpun oleh AUM diseteorkan kepada Lazismu. Pengelolaan ziswah pada AUM di Kota Pontianak, bervariasi dan mengalami perkembangtan dari waktu ke waktu. Ada yang didistribusikan secara internal, ada pula yang awalnya didistribusikan secara internal tetapi selanjutnya sudah pula didistribusikan secara eksternal. Sejak adanya instruksi Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Barat, sebagian besar AUM telah menyetorkan zakat, infak, dan shadaqah kepada Lazismu yang didistribusikan untuk kebutuhan mendesak dan kegiatan produktif sesuai dengan pedoman yang dikeluarkan oleh Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah. Secara umum tidak ada kendala yang dihadapi dalam implementasi keputusan Munas Tarjih pada amal usaha Muhammadiyah di Kota.  Kata Kunci: zakat profesi, tarjih, amal usaha Muhammadiyah. ABSTRACT This study examines the implementation of the Munas Tajih Decree on the profession zakat of the Muhammadiyah charity in Pontianak City. This study is classified as field research with resource from Muhammadiyah Regional Board of West Kalimantan, Muhammadiyah Regional Executive of Pontianak City, Head of Muhammadiyah Business Charity in Pontianak City, and Amil Zakat Institution Board. The result of this study is that the Muhammadiyah Regional Policy of West Kalimantan / Derah Pontianak is to continue the policy of employee salary deduction in charitable efforts of Muhammadiyah as zakat, infak and shadaqah (zis), issuing instructions to fund zis collected by AUM disetited to Lazismu. The management of ziswah in AUM in Pontianak City varies and develops from time to time. Some are internally distributed, some are initially distributed internally but are subsequently distributed externally. Since the instruction of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership of West Kalimantan, most AUM have deposited zakat, infaq and shadaqah to the distributed Lazismu for urgent needs and productive activities in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Muhammadiyah Central Executive. In general, there are no obstacles faced in the implementation of the Munas Tarjih decision on the Muhammadiyah business charity in the City. Keywords: zakat profesi, tarjih, Muhammadiyah charity efforts.  
Al-Usroh Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v3i1.879


This essay is written to answer the questions set forth in the problem formulation, namely: first, what is the legal basis for the judge in deciding the case decision number 111/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Ptk? second, what is the judge's consideration in refusing to file a lawsuit because there is still a husband and wife relationship in decision number 111/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Ptk? This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data sources of this research consist of primary sources in the form of document manuscripts and secondary sources, namely KHI, Law Number 1 of 1974, Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975, books and journals that discuss the decisions of the cases studied. Furthermore, the data that was collected was analyzed with a deductive mindset to analyze the judge's decision to reject the divorce case because the plaintiff and the defendant were still having sexual relations. Based on the analysis carried out, the researchers concluded that the chronology of the divorce lawsuit against married couples who were still having sex was rejected by the Panel of Judges at the Pontianak Religious Court, in decision number 111/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Ptk it was the wife who initially proposed lawsuit because her husband who became a drug addict, was then imprisoned for six years and three months and there were constant disputes. However, in the process of the lawsuit, the plaintiff and the defendant still had a husband and wife sexual relationship. Based on this, the Majlis Hakim stated that the arguments of the plaintiff's claim for divorce were legally flawed. In the sadd az-zari'ah analysis, the judge's decision is appropriate because it aims to avoid avoiding a maslahah act that results in harm that the initial law of marriage is permissible but because there is still sexual intercourse which is feared to cause pregnancy, divorce is not allowed.
Al-Usroh Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24260/al-usroh.v3i2.950


Objectives of this study: 1) To know more clearly the Tagan practice system at the walimah urusy of the community from Selakau District of Sambas Regency in Parit Baru Village. 2) Legal firmness sourcedfrom the Qur’an, hadith, ijma', or qiyas as well as local personalities of ulama who explain the Tagan tradition in terms of the principle of dain (debt) or similar as a syara' argument. This study uses a qualitative method with the type of empirical-normative research. The techniques for collecting data are library research, interviews, observations, and documentation with primary data sources from the expert and secondary data sources from literacy references. The technique to validate the data is a reliability test with a research site in Parit Baru Village, Selakau District, Sambas Regency. The results of the study: 1) There is a tradition in Barit Baru village called Tagan, and the practice of Tagan was held by the wedding ceremony, the community donates goods, food ingredients, food, drinks, tents, sound music, etc. to the practice organizers as much as they can from the donation, where this donation must be exchanged Later with the same item while the donors are holding the wedding. 2) Tagan traditions based on the dain principle must be paid exactly as they are due, without reducing the level, price, amount and taste. However, with the times that are increasingly advancing and changing, there will of course be significant changes in the quality of the merchandise. So the Tagan should be paid at the fair price of the goods at that time and not following the previous price. The rule of Tagan crowns is permissible and does not contain the elements of usury. The law of Tagan is permissible and does not contain the elements of usury. So linearly, walimatul 'ursy which uses the Tagan tradition is halal.