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Cerita Rakyat Interaktif "Malin Kundang" Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah; Sandi Prasetyaningsih; Riki Riki; Michael Jones; Harist Setya Nugraha
JURNAL INTEGRASI Vol 13 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Integrasi - Oktober 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/ji.v13i2.3472


People are increasingly encouraged by the advancement of science and technology to use and develop technical achievements in a variety of sectors, particularly multimedia. One way to make use of interactive folklore that is suitable and enjoyable, especially for youngsters, is to produce interactive folklore. Because it is packaged in two unique and fascinating studies for its users, it is intended to be something new and not dull in the process of learning and reading for youngsters. The researcher used the folklore "Malin Kundang," which is based on West Sumatra folklore, in this study. This interactive tale was created utilizing a two-dimensional animation base. Users will be provided a story of Malin Kundang and his mother, going from young Malin Kundang to married Malin Kundang, in this interactive folklore. This interactive folklore contains numerous distinct narratives, each with a different ending and story progression, so that children will be engaged and not bored by the varied storylines and may learn from the various qualities and characters in this interactive folklore
The Implemetation genetic algorithm Timun Mas Game Indah Permatasari; Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORKING Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Journal of Applied Multimedia and Networking
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (671.501 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jamn.v3i1.653


Timun Mas Game was inspired by a fairy tales story from Cental Java. It is fairy tale of Timun Mas. This game will makes the player has an experience and missions as Mbok Sarni who is the part of the original storyline. Therefore the game genre is Role Playing Game (RPG). The game story has 2 missions, first the player needs to plant the seed of Timun and collect all magical weapons to attack Buto Ijo. In this undergraduated thesis, the author designed the first mission of Timun Mas Game, which is planting the seed of Timun Mas until it was grow up The Planting activities are watering and fertilizing seeds until it is grow up to golden Cucumber. During the planting process, there will be rats as pest that attack the growth of seed. Player need to eliminate the pest by using the hammer that provide from system. The pest is a NPC (Non Player Character) that was controlled by an artificial Intelligence using a monodevelop while the game environment is built with unity 5.4.1f1 (64-bit) game engine. The type of artificial intelligent that was used to create an intelligence system is Genetic Algorithm (GA). It has a function to maximize genes in the chromosome strength on the NPC including attack power, speed of movement, and health point of the pest which is affected by player behaviour/action. The dynamic changes of pest's strength will affected the difficulty level of the game that will be useful to make a good experience for the player as the main goal of this research.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORKING Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Journal Of Applied Multimedia and Networking
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (488.895 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jamn.v2i2.974


The development of the film industry is currently growing rapidly, it does have animpact on existing technologies especially in editing techniques, thereby causing thenumber of genres that are popping up, and one was a thriller. This can occur becausethe editing techniques facilitate the videographer to create a fictitious scenes becomelook real. Rotoscoping is one frequently used editing techniques to create it.Rotoscoping itself is a technique in film editing by means of tracing live action videofootage frame by frame with filter picture selectively from each section that is in theframe and give a more realistic impression in a film. In this final task, later made afilm genre thriller, which applies the technique of rotoscoping in Adobe After Effects.The film stresses on the side of his editing, and is expected to later can add insightinto the young film makers in the world of cinema.
Implementasi dan Analisis Teknik Color Grading dalam Pembuatan Film Dokumenter “Kampung Vietnam Batam” Muhammad Fariez Nur; Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MULTIMEDIA AND NETWORKING Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Journal of Applied Multimedia and Networking
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.183 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jamn.v3i2.1682


Pembuatan film dokumenter saat ini sudah menjadi karya yang dapat merepresentasikan subjek–subjek daerah tertentu. Seperti sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, dan sosial/lingkungan. Sebuah karya film yang disajikan biasanya bukan merupakan film murni dari hasil pengambilan awal namun sudah melalui proses editing. Salah satunya ialah proses color editing yang mana pada tahap ini biasanya disebut sebagai teknik color grading. Dalam pembuatan film dokumenter “Kampung Vietnam Batam” penulis menggunakan metode villamil-molina sebagai tahapan penyelesaian masalah. Metode ini terdiri dari 5 tahapan diantaranya development, preproduction, produksi, postproduction, dan delivery. Pada Implementasi color grading dilakukan dalam tahap productio. Selanjutnya pada tahap postproduction pengujian dilakukan dengan evaluasi pengembang melalui pengujian storyboard, kemudian pemeriksaan hasil pewarnaan yang dilakukan oleh tim internal, lalu mengalami proses perbaikan dan proses akhir setelah pengujian beta dilakukan, film akan di unggah melalui media youtube. Adapun analisis dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen pengujian kepada responden/audiens yang bertujuan untuk mendapat data objektif terhadap kualitas pewarnaan yang telah di implementasikan terhadap film ini. Sehingga menghasilkan secara keseluruhan penilaian dari hasil data statistik, didapatkan nilai total perbandingan antara pada saat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukannya color grading adalah sebesar 47% : 82%. Hal itu menunjukan bahwa rata-rata responden/audiens menyatakan setuju adanya peningkatan pada kualitas pewarnaan dalam pembuatan film dokumenter “Kampung Vietnam Batam”.
APLIKASI ISSUE TRACKING SYSTEM BERBASIS WEB (Studi Kasus: PT Mitra Kuadran Teknologi) Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah; Rina Yulius; Linargian Pratama
Teknik: Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Informatika Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Oktober : Teknik: Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Informatika
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi - Studi Ekonomi Modern

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/teknik.v2i3.121


PT Mitra Kuadran Teknologi merupakan perusahaan pengembangan perangkat lunak. Dalam aplikasi yang telah digunakan pelanggan sering ditemukan masalah yang perlu diselesaikan secepatnya. Pelanggan biasa menyampaikan pengaduan dengan mengirim pesan langsung ke programmer secara pribadi. Pelanggan terkadang perlu mengirim pengaduan yang sama beberapa kali atau ke beberapa orang untuk diselesaikan. Penanganan pengaduan seperti ini masih kurang efektif, karena proses pengaduan masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga mempengaruhi kinerja programmer dalam penyelesaian masalah. Pada tugas akhir ini, penulis akan membuat suatu aplikasi berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut. Aplikasi Helpdesk Kuadran dikembangkan sebagai aplikasi issue tracking system dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan pelanggan aplikasi untuk mendaftarkan masalah dan programmer menyelesaikan masalah. Aplikasi dibangun menggunakan metode waterfall. Metode user accpetance testing (UAT) digunakan untuk mengukur nilai penerimaan pengguna. Hasil pengujian usability atau kegunaan menggunakan metode System Usability Scale (SUS) yang dilakukan menghasilkan nilai akhir rata-rata 82.5. Nilai ini di atas nilai 68 batas persetujuan dan dianggap dapat memudahkan programmer dalam manajemen pengaduan masalah pelanggan.
Development of Website Public Complaint System Polibatam V2.0 Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah; Sinarti Sinarti; Metta Santiputri; Vicky Leonardo Manurung
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v5i2.1406


The development of technology at this time, every agency certainly tries to improve the quality of its services. The Complaint Application is an information system that aims to provide aspirations for the performance of an agency. In this case the researchers took the case of the Batam State Polytechnic, where the campus wanted to realize Bureaucratic Reform at the Batam State Polytechnic by making a website-based Polibatam Complaint Application. Initially, the website was completed in the fourth semester during the implementation of Project Based Learning. In this case, the researcher conducted research to create a V.0 Complaints application with improvements from a website that had been built previously so that a website-based Public Complaint Application design was needed that was easy to use and could see responses to aspirations and complaints. The method that the researcher uses in designing the Polibatam V2.0 Complaint Application is the Waterfall model with MySql as the Database Management System, as well as PHP, JavaScript as the programming language to be used and Laravel as the PHP Framework. The completed application is then tested using the black box testing methodology, which allows all functionalities to be executed and implemented in accordance with the previously created functional requirements
Designing An Investment Learning App for Students Using Design Thinking Approach Rina Yulius; Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah; Siskha Handayani; Ahmad Hamim Thohari
JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JISA(Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
Publisher : Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jisa.v6i1.1473


Young people's awareness of stock investment is still low. Lack of knowledge about the investment stock market is an example of financial literacy. Moreover, the development of financial applications with game elements has created a new trend in the investment field. Therefore, we proposed a playful application as a learning medium to improve young people's stock market investment knowledge. This research aims to develop a mobile his application that can be used to improve the financial literacy, especially investment literacy, of Politeknik Negeri Batam students. The study uses a design thinking approach and leverages gamification to increase user retention. A total of 50 participants contributed to this study. Tracking, observing, and identifying problems that exist in the spread of financial literacy practices among Politeknik Negeri Batam students allows us to find new ideas as solutions to existing problems. The trial conducted on the product revealed that while users found the application overall useful and aligned with their requirements, there are still areas that need improvement.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Donor Darah Palang Merah Indonesia Kota Batam Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Muchamad Fajri Amirul Nasrullah; Deasy Ovi Harsachatri; Destaria Anripal
Journal of Technology and Informatics (JoTI) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Vol. 5 No.1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Dinamika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37802/joti.v5i1.380


Ketersediaan pasokan darah yang memadai memiliki peran krusial dalam dunia medis untuk memastikan pasien mendapatkan perawatan yang tepat waktu. Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kota Batam sebagai lembaga yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan proses donor darah di wilayahnya, menghadapi tantangan dalam efisiensi koordinasi, akses informasi, dan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam kegiatan donor darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi Donor Darah PMI Kota Batam menggunakan pendekatan metodologi Waterfall dengan tujuan meningkatkan efisiensi pengelolaan donor darah, mempermudah akses informasi terkait, serta memfasilitasi partisipasi masyarakat dalam kegiatan donor darah. Metodologi Waterfall digunakan dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini, melibatkan tahapan analisis kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, implementasi, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan dirancang untuk memungkinkan PMI Kota Batam mengkoordinasikan donor darah dengan lebih efektif, memberikan informasi yang mudah diakses kepada masyarakat, dan memperluas jangkauan partisipasi dalam kegiatan donor darah. Produk yang dihasilakn diuji dengan menggunakan metode blackbox testing untuk mengetahui apakah fungsionalitas sistem dapat dijalankan dengan baik sesuai dengan skenario ujinya. Dan hasil yang didapatkan yaitu sistem dapat melakukan semua fungsionalitasnya sesuai dengan alur pengujian yang dilakukan atau dengan kata lain pengujian fungsionalitas berhasil 100%. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian usabilitas dengan menggunakan kuisioner System Usability Scale (SUS) dengan nilai yang didapatkan yaitu 70.00 dimana jika dikorelasikan dengan skala grade aplikasi berada pada grade B yang menunjukkan skor tersebut cukup baik. Dan aplikasi yang dikembangkan bisa diterima oleh pengguna tetapi masih membutuhkan peningkatan.