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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Kredit Koperasi Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product Supiyandi Supiyandi; Raja Nasrul Fuad; Eko Hariyanto; Satia Larasati
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v4i4.2367


Credit is a major part of financing economic activity. Credit is an important activity for cooperatives, because credit is a source of funds for cooperatives. Prior to commencement of lending activities, a good and thorough analysis is needed of all aspects of credit that can support the credit granting process, in order to prevent credit risks and irregularities, one of which is bad credit. Therefore it is necessary to have a system that can support decision making in providing credit. With the decision support system created, it is hoped that it can help the chairman of the cooperative in analyzing credit and reducing the level of bad credit in the cooperative. In the assessment, a good mechanism is needed, one of which can be done by using the weighted product (WP) method. The weighted product (WP) method uses multiplication to relate the attribute rating, where each attribute rating must first be ranked with the attribute weight in question. From the end result of the research conducted for the provision of credit is whether or not cooperative members deserve credit.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Kualitas Ayam Petelur Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Supiyandi Supiyandi; Eko Hariyanto; Chairul Rizal; Muhammad Zen; Saddam Husen Romadon Pasaribu
Building of Informatics, Technology and Science (BITS) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.661 KB) | DOI: 10.47065/bits.v4i1.1627


Determining the selection of quality laying hens is a decision that must be carried out so that production results will increase and the quality of the eggs produced, there are lots of criteria that must be owned for the complexity and importance of the problem requiring analytical methods rather than intuitive decisions. as a condition for obtaining the scholarship. Each laying hens must have criteria to determine the quality of laying hens. Decision Support System Determining the Quality of Laying Hens with the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method is an element that greatly influences the smooth running of the task. The division in this study will be appointed a case, namely looking for the best alternative based on predetermined criteria using the SAW (Simple Additive) method. Weighting) The research was conducted by finding the weight value for each attribute, then a ranking process was carried out which would determine the optimal alternative, namely the best quality laying hens.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Desa Menggunakan Model Prototyping Supiyandi Supiyandi; Chairul Rizal; Barany Fachri; Rian Farta Wijaya; Eko Hariyanto
KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Challenge and Opportunity For Z Generation in Metaverse Era
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/komik.v6i1.5811


North Sumatra is home to the settlement of Lau Gumba. As a hamlet, there is still information that has not been widely disseminated by electronic means of communication. Designing an information system is important as a result. The use of technology has transformed how people obtain information and data. In both public and private institutions, technology helps organize management systems and labor processes. The usage of the Village Information System is one of the uses of information technology in village life (SID). This village information system was created utilizing the prototyping process, which is common for creating village information systems. As a result, a prototype model for a website-based savings and loan application was created. For the purpose of gathering data, observations, interviews, and literature reviews were made. The administration level of access is provided by the design of the village information system, and it includes entity relationship diagrams in the database design in addition to analysis, design, coding, and testing services. The availability of a website-based village information system would make it easier for village officials to process village information data and provide information on village government in Lau Gumba Village more effectively and efficiently.Additionally, researchers introduced components of widely informed activities. As a way of information in web development in Lau Gumba Village utilizing the prototype approach in design, the village information system is outfitted with a web-based display so that users can modify the content in the system. 
Implementasi Machine Learning Pada Sistem Pemetaan Daerah Rawan Banjir Di Desa Pahlawan Kabupaten Batu Bara Zulham Sitorus; Eko Hariyanto; Fahmi Kurniawan
KLIK: Kajian Ilmiah Informatika dan Komputer Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/klik.v3i3.560


One of the areas in Batu Bara Regency, Pahlawan Village, Tanjung Tiram District, has an area of ??173.79 km² and is located in a lowland area with an altitude of 0.-4.5m which is directly adjacent to the Malacca Strait to the east. Where almost half of the area is affected by sea tides, Hero Village has a tropical climate with two seasons namely the rainy season and the dry season. The people who live in Pahlawan Village, Tanjung Tiram District. There are so many obstacles faced by the people of Pahlawan Village, including the problem of flooding which has an impact on the health and the economy of the community. Lack of counseling and knowledge, as well as public awareness of the occurrence of flooding during high tides, and when the rainy season will increase the water discharge at sea level will rise so that it can cause flooding. In this study, the implementation of machine learning was used as a mapping system for flood-prone areas in Pahlawan Village, Batu Bara District, with data analysis used using primary and secondary data, both qualitative and quantitative. Due to the occurrence of floods, and the impact of losses that affect material and non-material, it is very important to map flood-prone areas for regional development planning. Identification of potential flooding involves machine learning using the Random Forest method, taking into account the triggering factors for flooding. The Random Forest method also provides sensitivity parameters using a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve which indicates areas prone to flooding, for example, Pahlawan Village, Tanjung Tiram District