I Nyoman Sukarma
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Bhakti Persada Jurnal Aplikasi IPTEKS Vol 5 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.035 KB) | DOI: 10.31940/bp.v5i1.1353


Usaha ternak ayam broiler I Wayan Antara, sebagai mitra 1, merupakan salah satu pengusaha ternak ayam broiler yang memelihara ayam sebanyak 5.000 ekor dengan kandang ayam berjarak 300 meter dari pemukiman. Usaha ternak ini menggunakan listrik penerangan 200 watt yang disalurkan melalui instalasi kabel dimana sering terjadi gangguan pada sistem penyaluran daya listrik (berkisar 4-5 kali/bulan). Gangguan listrik yang tidak kontinyu dapat meningkatkan prosentase kematian anak ayam, sehingga pada akhirnya hasil panen ayam menurun. Solusi terhadap permasalahan mitra 1 ini adalah dengan memberikan dan memasang instalasi sistem PLTS (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya) sebagai sumber energi listrik alternatif yang mampu memberikan suplai daya untuk penerangan kandang. Di lain pihak, mitra 2 yaitu I Nyoman Wakil memiliki kandang ayam yang lebih besar dengan kapasitas ayam broiler 12.000 ekor yang terletak berkisar 200 meter dari pemukiman penduduk. Keperluan daya listrik untuk kandang ayamnya bersumber dari listrik PLN yang disalurkan dengan menggunakan kabel melalui area persawahan milik orang lain. Hal ini juga menimbulkan permasalahan terjadinya gangguan suplai daya listrik sehingga sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ayam, bahkan tingkat kematian ayam dapat meningkat. Suplai daya listrik sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan panen ayam broiler. Baik dari segi biaya operasional maupun tingkat perkembangan pertumbuhan ayam itu sendiri. Dengan pemberian sistem PLTS pada mitra 2 yang diinstalasi langsung di kandang ayam mampu mengatasi permasalahan mitra yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan produksi ayam broiler tersebut. Dari sisi manajamen bisnis usaha ternak, kedua mitra mengelolanya secara sederhana tanpa dilengkapi dengan pencatatan serta dokumentasi yang memadai. Permasalahan ini diatasi dengan memberikan pelatihan tentang manajemen usaha melalui pelatihan intensif langsung kepada mitra. Dengan pelatihan ini, kedua mitra mampu mencatat dan mendokumentasikan semua transaksi dan aktifitas yang terjadi pada usaha ternak ayam mereka. Kata kunci: energi listrik, PLTS, ayam broiler The broiler chicken business of I Wayan Antara, as the first Partner, is one of the broiler chicken businessmen who keep 5,000 chickens with a chicken coop distance of 300 meters from the residential area. This broiler chicken business used 200 watts of electricity transmitted through cable installation where disruptions to the electrical power distribution system frequently occur (4 to 5 times per month). Non-continuous electrical disturbances can increase the percentage of deaths of chicks so that in the end the chicken yield decreases. The solution to partner 1 problem is by providing and installing PVP (Photovoltaic Panel) system installations as an alternative electrical energy source in a chicken coop which capable of providing power supply for cage lighting. On the other hand, the second partner which is I Nyoman Wakil has a larger chicken coop with a capacity of 12,000 broiler chickens which are located around 200 meters from residential areas. The need for electrical power for chicken coops sourced from PLN electricity is channeled using cable through other people's rice fields. This also raises the problem of the occurrence of disturbances in the supply of electrical power which greatly affects the growth of chickens even the death rate of chickens can rise. An electric power supply is very influential on the success of harvesting broiler chickens. Both in terms of operational costs and the level of development of chicken growth itself. By giving the PLTS system to the second partner which was installed directly in the chicken coop, it was able to overcome the partner's problems and ultimately could increase the production of broiler chickens. In terms of livestock business management, both partners manage it simply without being equipped with adequate records and documentation. This problem is addressed by providing training on business management through intensive training directly to partners. With this training, both partners are able to record and document all transactions as well as their activities that occur in the chicken farm business. Keywords: Electric energy, PVP, broiler chicken
Advanced Fire & Gas Safety Control Berbasis IoT I Kadek Cahyadi Arta; I Komang Agus Hari Anggara; Andrian Febriyanto; I Made Budiada; I Nyoman Sukarma; Anak Agung Ngurah Gde Sapteka
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 21 No 2 (2022): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2022.v21i02.P04


Fire & gas safety control is a control system to secure a room / building from the danger of gas leakage or fire. In the current era, the development of building architecture requires us to always innovate in maintaining the safety of the occupants or the building itself. This research makes an Advance Fire & Gas Safety Control tool which aims to minimize false alarms, especially regarding steam. Smoke and steam can be distinguished by the level of humidity. Smoke, which is particulate matter, has a very low humidity level, while steam has a very high humidity level. This research implements NodeMCU ESP8266, MQ-2 Sensor, DHT11 Sensor, Fire Sensor, Buzzer, Firebase and Kodular, to detect fires, steam and gas leaks.