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Fitoremediasi Menggunakan Variasi Kombinasi Tanaman Kiambang (Salvinia molesta M) dan Tanaman Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes L) dalam Menurunkan Besi (Fe) dengan Sistem Batch Maryana Maryana; Sarita Oktorina; Shinfi Wazna Auvaria; Rr diah Nugraheni Setyowati
Al-Ard: Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : Department of Environmental engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29080/alard.v6i1.976


The increased industrial development can cause pollution and environmental damage. Iron metal (Fe) is an essential metal whose existence is a certain amount needed by living organisms, but in excessive amounts will cause toxic effects. To overcome this problem, an environmentally friendly technology is needed, namely phytoremediation technology using kiambang plants (Salvinia molesta M) and Kayu apu plants (Pistia stratiotes L). The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of reducing the concentration of iron (Fe) in ground water using a combination of kiambang (Salvinia molesta M) and a combination of Kayu apu plants (Pistia stratiotes L). This research method is experimental and the research approach used is qualitative analysis. The process of phytoremediation with a batch system using a Kiambang plant (Salvinia molesta M) and wooden apu (Pistia stratiotes L) as much as 300 grams (uses a variation of the amount different from the same weight (25:75) (150:150) (75:25)) in each reactor. The results showed a decline on the 12th day. In the reactor treatment group of 1 is 0.30 mg/l and efficiency at 47%, reactor 2 is 0.06 mg/l and efficiency of 93%, and reactor 3 is 0.49 mg/l and efficiency of 9%. The highest efficiency value in decreasing the concentration of iron (Fe) in groundwater using variations in the combination of Kiambang plant (Salvinia molesta M) and the wooded plant (Pistia stratiotes L) in the reactor treatment group 2 is 93% on the 12th day.
Strengthening Self Capacity of ex-Localization of Prostitution Community at Bangunsari Surabaya for Economic Independence through Asset Based Community-Driven Development (ABCD) Approach Esti Novi Andyarini; Sarita Oktorina; Hamim Rosidi
Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengembang Masyarajat (ADPEMAS) Forum Komunikasi Dosen Peneliti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/engagement.v4i2.293


The closure of Bangunsari prostitution localization had a major impact on the economic point of view and lives of the social community in the Bangunsari area and its surroundings. The efforts carried out by Surabaya City Government in providing severance pay and skills training to ex-localization of the prostitution community have not yet restored their economic conditions. The purpose of this community service is to improve the economic independence of the affected community members through strengthening their self capacity. The method used in this community service is the Asset-Based Community-driven Development (ABCD) approach. The results of this Community Service are that the community members: can finally be economically independent by developing assets through the culinary, able to market the product through social media, develop participation in community service programs that have been held, and live a better social life after the closure of prostitution localization at Bangunsari.
Evaluasi Praoperasi pada Hiperparatiroidisme: LITERATURE REVIEW Vivin Diana Putri; Eko Teguh Pribadi; Sarita Oktorina; Esti Tyastirin; Romyun Alvy Khoiriyah
ARMADA : Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 8 (2023): ARMADA : Jurnal Penelitian Multidisplin, Agustus 2023
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi 45 Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/armada.v1i8.729


Hiperparatiroidisme merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan karena sekresi berlebihan hormon paratiroid oleh kelenjar paratiroid. Hiperparatiroidisme primer terjadi akibat gangguan pada satu atau  lebih kelenjar paratiroid karena tumor jinak (adenoma), tumor ganas, atau pembesaran kelenjar  paratiroid. Metode MIP (minimally invasive parathyroidectomy) adalah metode alternatif yang lebih  menguntungkan untuk mengatasi hiperparatiroidisme primer. MIP membutuhkan evaluasi praoperasi.  Tujuan dari artikel review ini adalah untuk mengatahui macam-macam metode evaluasi praoperasi  pada hiperparatiroidisme primer. Data diambil dari sciencedirect dan dari 14 artikel penelitian yang  masuk dalam karakter inklusi didapati bahwa ada 4 metode utama yang digunakan yakni sestamibi  scintigraphy, ultrasonography, tomography, dan MRI.