Suci Ayu Latifah
Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

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Representasi Sistem Mata Pencaharian Masyarakat Indramayu dalam Novel Aib Dan Nasib Karya Minanto Suci Ayu Latifah
Madah: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Madah
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Provinsi Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31503/madah.v13i1.430


The aim of this study is to reveal the livelihood systems in Minanto's Aib dan Nasib novel. The novel tells about tumultuous village life of the rural people in Indramayu. One of them is related to typical economic system of  rural lif,i.e.  poverty problem.  Poverty seems to be the curse of life.  The study used descriptive qualitative method of which its object is Minanto’s Aib dan Nasib. Literature study and  analytical descriptive techniques were used for data analysis. The findings show the diversity of livelihood systems in the community. They are sellers, pedicab drivers, weed seekers scavengers , teachers, public transportation drivers, preachers, , farmers, farm laborers, shop keepers, migrant workers, commercial sex workers, grave diggers, hospital workers,  village health officer   leaders of neighborhood organization, distributors of migrant workers, barbers, and office workers. These jobs are  sources of livelihood . The livelihood system can be used as a life motivation that  As the world keeps turning, life must go on . Although money is not the orientation of life, but we cannot deny its existence for human life.
Wacana : Jurnal Bahasa, Seni, dan Pengajaran Vol 6 No 1 (2022): JURNAL WACANA: JURNAL BAHASA, SENI, DAN PENGAJARAN
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/jbsp.v6i1.18329


Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis bahasa politik dalam novel Kawi Matin di Negeri Anjing karya Arafat Nur. Pasalnya, stilistika penceritaan dalam novel banyak membubuhi bahasa-bahasa beraroma politik kemiliteran yang dikemas melalui bentuk kekuasaan. Novel ini bercerita pada masa pemerintahan Orde Baru, tahun perpolitikan pemerintahan Soeharto. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualititif. Objek penelitian berupa novel Kawi Matin di Negeri Anjing karya Arafat Nur. Adapun tekniknya, studi pustaka dengan teknik analisis data. Hasil temuan terhadap bahasa politik ditemukan dengan mendeskripsikan kata-kata atau kalimat beraroma politik. Pemakaian bahasa semacam ini ditujukan sebagai kode estetik dalam tindak tutur suatu kelompok sosial berdasarkan mata pencahariannya.
HUMANIS: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : LPPM UNISDA

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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of resistance of female characters in the drama script Senandung Dayang Derma by Rina Nazaruddin. The script tells the struggle of Dayang Derma's character to get freedom of speech over the slander that befell her lover Awang Mahmuda. Awang Mahmuda has been slandered to steal his stepfather's money so that his name is bad, and finally left the house. The slander was carried out by Awang Mahbungsu to get Dayang Derma as a prospective wife. Finally, the truth was revealed and Dayang Derma kept promising to hum the truth. Qualitative descriptive literature is the research method used, while literature study and content analysis are data analysis techniques. Borrowing the existentialist feminism theory of Simone de Beauvoir, the resistance of female characters is examined. Existentialist feminism is a study that reveals the efforts and efforts of women's movements in demanding gender equality with men. This movement removes the negative stigma of women who are weak, fragile, and only focus on household matters. The findings show that there are forms of resistance, such as freedom of ideology, courage to demand rights, and fighting negative stigma.
Filosofi Literasi Novel "Kontrak untuk RI 2" Karya Tri Budhi Sastrio Suci Ayu Latifah
Alinea: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajaran Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajaran
Publisher : Universitas Suryakanca

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.52 KB) | DOI: 10.35194/alinea.v11i1.1891


Penelitian novel “Kontrak untuk RI 2” karya Tri Budhi Sastrio bertujuan menggali filosofi literasi dalam teks sastra. Novel ini bercerita seorang lelaki sebagai pembunuh bayaran sedang menjalankan sebuah misi rahasia, yaitu membunuh calon wakil presiden dengan upah miliaran. Tokoh bernama Santika berelasi dengan Hui Ping menjalankan misi dari Si Penghubung. Keduanya merupakan tokoh luar biasa, dipercaya mampu menjalankan misi rahasia. Pertemuan tidak saja menjalankan tugas, melainkan berbagi ilmu pengetahuan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik studi pustaka dan analisis dilakukan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa novel banyak menyisipkan filosofi literasi berbingkai pengetahuan dan kecakapan hidup. Filosofi-filosofi literasi tersebut terimplementasi dalam literasi baca-tulis, literasi numerasi, literasi sains, literasi digital, dan literasi finansial. Hakikat dari literasi, buah pengamalan menyelesaikan persoalan hidup guna menemukan falsafah hidup.Katakunci: filosofi; literasi; sastraAbstract:This research aims to explore the philosophy of literacy in literary texts. This novel tells the story of a man as an assassin who was carrying out a secret mission to kill a vice president candidate for billions of dollars. A character named Santika worked together with Hui Ping on a mission from a contact. Both were extraordinary figures, trusted as capable to carry out a secret mission. They met not only to carry out their missions but also to share knowledge. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative. Literature study and analysis were carried out for data analysis. The result of the research shows that the novel involves a lot of philosophy of literacy as a frame of knowledge and life skills. These literacy philosophies are implemented in literacy, numeracy, scientific literacy, digital literacy, and financial literacy. The essence of literacy, its enactment solves problems to find life philosophy.Keywords: philosophy; literacy; literature
HUMANIS: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : LPPM UNISDA

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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of resistance of female characters in the drama script Senandung Dayang Derma by Rina Nazaruddin. The script tells the struggle of Dayang Derma's character to get freedom of speech over the slander that befell her lover Awang Mahmuda. Awang Mahmuda has been slandered to steal his stepfather's money so that his name is bad, and finally left the house. The slander was carried out by Awang Mahbungsu to get Dayang Derma as a prospective wife. Finally, the truth was revealed and Dayang Derma kept promising to hum the truth. Qualitative descriptive literature is the research method used, while literature study and content analysis are data analysis techniques. Borrowing the existentialist feminism theory of Simone de Beauvoir, the resistance of female characters is examined. Existentialist feminism is a study that reveals the efforts and efforts of women's movements in demanding gender equality with men. This movement removes the negative stigma of women who are weak, fragile, and only focus on household matters. The findings show that there are forms of resistance, such as freedom of ideology, courage to demand rights, and fighting negative stigma.
Sistem Organisasi Masyarakat Desa Kon dalam Novel "Haniyah dan Ala di Rumah Teteruga" Karya Erni Aladjai Suci Ayu Latifah; Muhajir Muhajir; Sutejo Sutejo
Alinea: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajaran Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajaran
Publisher : Universitas Suryakanca

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35194/alinea.v11i2.2595


A strong social system can create harmony, harmony, and peace. This kind of life is closely related to rural communities in fact suffering the same fate. This study will describe how the Kon village community organization system appears in the storytelling of the novel. The analysis uses the theory of literary anthropology. The research method uses descriptive qualitative, namely the findings of the data in the form of words and sentences in accordance with the formulation of the problem. The data collection technique used content analysis techniques sourced from the novel Haniyah and Ala di Rumah Teteruga by Erni Aladjai. The results of the research on the community organization system in the novel include (i) the kinship system; (ii) associations and associations; (iii) the state system; and (iv) the living unitary system. Portraits of community activities with their cultural environment are often found along the plot of storytelling and depictions of novel characters.Keywords: social system; anthropology; literatureAbstrak: Sistem kemasyarakatan yang kuat dapat menciptakan keharmonisan, kerukunan, dan kedamaian. Kehidupan semacam ini lekat dengan masyarakat pedesaan yang notabene bernasib sama. Penelitian ini akan mendeskripsikan bagaimana sistem organisasi masyarakat desa Kon yang tampak dalam penceritaan novel. Penganalisisan menggunakan teori antropologi sastra. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu temuan data berupa kata-kata maupun kalimat sesuai dengan rumusan masalah. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik analisis isi yang bersumber data novel Haniyah dan Ala di Rumah Teteruga karya Erni Aladjai. Adapun hasil penelitian sistem organisasi masyarakat dalam novel meliputi: (i) sistem kekerabatan; (ii) asosiasi dan perkumpulan; (iii) sistem kenegaraan; dan (iv) sistem kesatuan hidup. Potretisasi aktivitas masyarakat dengan lingkungan budayanya banyak ditemukan di sepanjang alur penceritaan dan penggambaran karakter tokoh-tokoh novel.Katakunci: sistem kemasyarakatan; antropologi;  sastra 
Relasi Harkat Kemanusiaan Sastra Lisan Asal Nama Desa Pintu Jenangan Ponorogo Suci Ayu Latifah; Ik Sekar Rachmawati; Abu Yazid
Lingua Susastra Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.939 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ls.v3i1.108


Oral literature has now penetrated into written literature to extend the life of intangible cultural heritage. In the case of oral literature, the name of Pintu Village has been written into the Babad Ponorogo book. Pintu Village is one of the 17 villages in Jenangan District, Ponorogo. The village has a story so the name is taken from that story as well. Therefore, this study aims to describe the human relations of oral literature in Pintu Jenangan Ponorogo Village. Until now, oral literature originating from Pintu Village has a strong existence. For this reason, in this study, researchers will explore the relationship between the human dignity of the Pintu Village oral literature, as well as its function for human life. The relationship of human dignity focuses on the four human relationships, namely humans with God (his creatures), humans with fellow humans, humans with themselves, and humans with nature. Interviews and observations were carried out as a form of extracting data related to the object of research. Furthermore, the analysis uses two theories, namely the interactive analysis of Kluckholn and Strodtbeck and the structural functional analysis of Talcott Parsons. The two theories will lead to the four human relations and the function of literary works as a social system. The results of data mining show that there are four human relations in the oral literature of Pintu Jenangan Ponorogo Village.