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The Validitas dan kepraktisan model pembelajaran Contextual Analysis of Science and Laboratory Problems (CANLABS) pada pembelajaran IPA Aris Singgih Budiarso; Sutarto Sutarto; I Ketut Mahardika; Pramudya Dwi Aristya Putra; Dian Nur Indah Sari; Finda Nor Laela
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v8i1.1069


The learning model about Contextual Analysis of Science and Laboratory Problems (CANLABS) is a model that provides opportunities for students to choose several natural events around them that are relevant to the material which is being studied and then explore the phenomenon profoundly in the laboratory. This study aims to analyze the validity and practicality of the CANLABS learning model for science mastery for junior high school students. The trial results of the model development were carried out in the 7th grade of the former Besuki residency (Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo, and Banyuwangi) with a total of 120 students. The sampling technique was carried out using a purposive sampling area. To measure the validity, use the model validity sheet carried out by experts through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Meanwhile, to measure practicality, an observation sheet on the implementation of the learning implementation plan was used by the observer. Based on the analysis, it was found that the content validation and construct validation respectively scored an average of 4.08 and 4.11 with the reliability of the model 96%. Meanwhile, the implementation of the learning implementation plan in preliminary activities, core activities, strengthening activities, closing, and classroom atmosphere with an average score of 3.39 is categorized as very good. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the CANLABS learning model meets the criteria of validity and practicality so that it is suitable in science learning for junior high school students.
STEM-CP (Sains, Technology, Engineering Mathematics-Contextual Problem) Based Physics Module to Increase Student Literacy Skills at Vocational High School M R Sari; Sutarto Sutarto; Sudarti Sudarti; Indrawati Indrawati; A S Budiarso
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.727 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v9i1.271


Materials in physics learning at school are considered difficult to understand, especially in the concept of fluids. Students also frequently had misconceptions. Contextual issues are required to overcome this problem. STEM-CP (science, technology, engineering, mathematics-contextual problem) is seen to help students understand the concept of fluid through contextual issues. This study aimed to develop a module based on STEM-CP (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics-Contextual Problem) in physics designed for a vocational school. This research used Quasi-Pretest-Posttest Experiment without a control class study obtained the data by using observation and testing of vocational schools in Jember. The study involved 35 students of SMK grade X. The data collected from the pretest and posttest using an open question correspond to the indicator of scientific literacy. The results showed an average of scientific literacy of students using STEM-CP based modules are in both categories in the cognitive domain and a very good product on the cognitive process.
A Concept: Enhancing Biology Learning Quality by Using Process Image Firdha Yusmar; Devin Susbandya; Eva Laila Widita; Lailiyah Maghfiroh; Jekti Prihatin; Sutarto Sutarto
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.835 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i2.12


Biology learning cannot be separated from visual activities which a part of process skill approach. Visual activities involve process and supported by images. Meanwhile, the images are something that can depute real objects and have the same character of colours and shape as the original. The process is a series activities which take place gradually and continuously to achieve a goal. As for 'process image' is the series of pictures which visualise a phenomenon or a natural fact, so that students can understand the concepts and theories of biology that deals with the pictures. This paper aimed to describe the role of 'process image' to enhance High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), retentions, process skills and learning achievements. The method of this research was analysed from some international journals about the effectiveness of process pictures in the Biology learning. Media of process image has many advantages in a visualisation of abstract concepts in the biology learning.
Student Worksheet Science Based On Process Image Of Light Concept For Learning In Junior High Schools Muh. Zainuri; Sutarto Sutarto; Supeno Supeno; Indrawati Indrawati; Jekti Prihatin
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.453 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i4.83


Student worksheet science based on process image is a printed material that presents a series of images of objects (objects, events, or phenomena), the images in the series between each other always appear to be relatively different in terms (state, position, shape, Combinations) which as a whole illustrate a coherent stage of events in a unified whole. A student worksheet is able to facilitate students in reviewing the material independently, so that materialised learning the science of student centred learning. The purpose of this study is to examine the use of student worksheet based on the image of light concept process for practical and effective junior high school student learning. This research design uses one group pretest-posttest design. The result of the research shows that learning activity is increasing up to reach 83,18%, and respondent gives a positive response with 'good' criterion. N-gain increased understanding of the concept of light by 0.628 on moderate criteria and supported with retention of 99.6%. The use of student worksheets based on the image of light concept process is practical and effective for improving students' understanding, as well as knowledge can be stored for longer in student memory.
The Effect of Video Media With Google Form on Student Learning Results in Learning Solar System in Junior High School Dita Kharisma Mustikaningrum; Sutarto Sutarto; Agustiningsih Agustiningsih
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 8, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.267 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v8i4.255


Current technological developments have influenced the field of education in both individuals and groups. Technological advances alone can support science thought processes in students. Likewise the teacher, it is recommended to be more innovative in the application of technology in learning science. The purpose of this study is the influence of the use of google form assisted video media on improving junior high school student learning outcomes. This type of research is experimental research with Post-test Only Design design. The selection of samples from 9 classes is done by drawing homogeneity tests. Data analysis techniques used in this study are statistical analysis techniques in the form of normality tests and hypothesis testing (t-test). Based on the results of the t-test analysis conducted where Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) learning outcomes are 0.027 and Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) retention of learning outcomes is 0.012 so it produces a value of less than 0.05 where it answers the hypothesis if there is a significant effect on learning outcomes and retention of student learning outcomes in Solar System learning using video forms assisted by Google forms. This study concludes that the Google form-assisted video media has a significant influence on student learning outcomes and retention of student learning outcomes, while also increasing student activity in learning science.
STEM-CP (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Contextual Problem) Based Colloid Textbook to Increase Creative Thinking Skill for Chemistry Learning in Senior High School N Hasanah; Sutarto Sutarto; Nuriman Nuriman; A S Budiarso
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (949.845 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v9i1.274


The colloid is a chemistry subject matter which is closely related to our daily life. Most of the teachers apply colloidal learning in their classroom only by requiring the students to read and memorize. It gives fewer opportunities for the students to think creatively and they also lack understanding the benefits of learning colloidal subjects. This study aimed to apply Colloid textbooks based on STEM-Cp (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Contextual problems) to train creative thinking skills for chemistry learning in senior high school. This research used the Quasi Pretest-Posttest experiment without the control class. The research instrument used was a test of creative thinking skills. The effectiveness of textbook shown that each component of creative thinking, such as fluency, flexibility, elaboration and originality thinking gets a percentage of 89.20%, 86.31%, 80, 98%, 80.09% and N-gain score of students get value ≥ 0.7 which is 72.22% of students in the high category and 27.78% of students in the medium category.
The Development Of Collision Module Based On Process Image For Physics Learning In Senior High School Fajar Lailatul Mi’rojiyah; Sutarto Sutarto; I Ketut Mahardika; Indrawati Indrawati; Jekti Prihatin
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (517.307 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i2.30


This action research explored the development of instructional material in module form based on process image which valid, practice, and effective at physics learning in senior high school. Physics contained the concepts with the fundamental categorising something into presenting on verbal so the physics concepts are usually abstract so that mental image needed. The development of this module is one of instructional material which can help the student thinking systematic about the physics concepts so that it can learn by students independently. The module must be describing the basic competencies and it will be achieved by students and served with a good language, interesting, and completed by illustration clearly. Process Image interpreted by a series of images (objects, events, phenomenon), which every image of that series always look a different combination overall describing phase stages comprehensive.The development of module in this research is using Thiagarajan design research and development 4D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) and it still at the phase Develops which the result through expert validation and action research that is a plan, action, observe, and reflection during the research. Finally, the collision module based on process image can be used in physics learning.
STEM-CP (Sains, Technology, Engineering Mathematics, And Contextual Problem)-Based Biology Textbook on Food Digestion System in High School I M Oktaviani; Sutarto Sutarto; S Hariyadi; J Prihatin; A S Budiarso
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.075 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v9i1.270


This study aimed to develop a digestive system textbook based on STMCpE for grade XI high school. The textbook is set to be a contextual textbook with problem-solving characteristics in the "Food Digestion" material. Food digestion was selected based on the consideration that it contains the scope of science related to technologies that can be engineered by considering mathematical calculations. Food digestion materials also bear contextual problems in the community regarding nutritional security. Hence, students are expected to solve problems regarding the availability of food as an appropriate source of nutrition. The STMCpE textbook was tested its validity, practicability, attractiveness, and effectivity. A pretest-posttest design was applied—quasi-experiment research method with Pretest-Posttest without the control class. Analysis of the data is used by the mixed method, which is the result of qualitative and quantitative data. The sample used was 30 students of class XI high school with problems. The result is that students' critical thinking skills are very good.
PPE Model for Misconception Remedial of Science for Junior High School Students Rumiyati Rumiyati; Indrawati Indrawati; Sutarto Sutarto; Iwan Wicaksono
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (551.369 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i2.24


This article is a result of developmental research of PPE (Peer, Tutoring, Presentation, and Evaluation) model for remedy several science misconceptions: work, kinetic energy, the potential energy of junior high school students. The research aims to describe the science misconceptions of students and the effectiveness PPE model to remedy students’ misconceptions. The research was conducted by 31 students of SMP 1 Kencong, Jember Regency, who had misconceptions of those concepts. Technique for collecting data was test and interview. The data collection were analysed qualitatively descriptive. Findings of the research were: Most of the students had three kinds of misconceptions, they said that if a body has a force, it also has work; if velocity of body increased three times, so the kinetic energy increased three times; in freely falling bodies, when an object approaches the ground, it has null kinetic energy and high potential energy. The effectiveness of the PPE model to remedy those students’ misconceptions can be seen from positive students’ responses to the implementation of the model to remedy their misconceptions and the average of the number of students’ misconceptions decrease from 100% to 15,4%. The study can be concluded that the PPE model effective for remedy students’ misconceptions of work, kinetic energy, and potential energy concepts.
The Development Of Collision Module Based On Process Image For Physics Learning In Senior High School Rony Harianto; Arif Harimukti; Sutarto Sutarto; Indrawati Indrawati
Pancaran Pendidikan Vol 6, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education The University of Jember Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.747 KB) | DOI: 10.25037/pancaran.v6i4.84


The processed image is defined as a series of images of objects, events or phenomena, which the images of one and another are relatively different in terms of circumstances, position, shape, or their combinations, as a whole describes a coherent phase and a unified whole. The aim of this research is to produce a module based on process image that appropriates for independently learning mechanics (circular motion) of students in senior high school. The appropriateness of the module is shown by validity, effectivity, and practicality of the module as a printed media that suit for learning of circular motion in high school. This research is a research and development, by using Four-D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) design. The subject of this research is students class XI senior high school. This time, we still work in two stages (define and design), so we have produced the module hypothetically.