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Jurnal THEOLOGIA Vol 28, No 1 (2017): TAFSIR DAN HADIS
Publisher : Fakulta Ushuluddin dan Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/teo.2017.28.1.1338


Abstract: This writing aims to study about the dialogue between norm and culture; in this case dialogue between Muhammad as Messenger of God with his people at that time. As we knew that all societies, including Arabic people, absolutely had their own specific tradition. When Muhammad comes to them and offering new norm, ideology and believe, it will appear the dialogue between these two traditions. The question is what is Muhammad do to respond that tradition? This article is based on library research relating to the hadith literature dealing with Muh}ammad’s respond to the tradition of Arabic people. To make the research easier, the word “al-jāhiliyyah” will be used as an entry point to look for jāhiliyyah tradition. The are four important things can be noted to explain the response of Muh}ammad to the tradition of jāhiliyyah. The first, total accommodation. The second, total refuse or total correction. The third, particular accommodation. The fourth, synchronization and modification.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji tentang dialog agama dan budaya; dalam hal ini dialog antara Nabi Muhammad dengan budaya masyarakat Arab jahiliyyah saat itu. Sebuah masyarakat, termasuk masyarakat Arab sebelum kedatangan Islam, bukanlah masyarakat yang steril dari pengaruh agama, adat istiadat, akhlak serta peraturan-peraturan hidup yang telah ada di kalangan mereka. Begitu Islam datang dengan segala norma yang ada di dalamnya, maka Islam menjadi filter bagi budaya, adat istiadat dan keyakinan yang sudah ada di kalangan masyarakat Aran pra Islam. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana respon Muh}ammad saw terhadap tradisi itu? Kajian ini didasarkan pada penelitian literatur  ḥadīth yang berisi respon Nabi terhadap tradisi masyarakat Arab saat itu. Untuk memudahkan pembahasan ini, kata “al-jāhiliyyah” digunakan sebagai entri point guna melacak hadis-hadis yang berkenaan dengan tema kajian ini. Ada empat temuan penting yang bisa dicatat berkenaan dengan respon Nabi terhadap tradisi jāhiliyyah. Pertama, tradisi yang secara utuh diakomodasi (total accomodation). Kedua, tradisi yang secara total ditolak atau total dikoreksi (total refuse or total correction). Ketiga, tradisi yang sebagiannya diadopsi tetapi sebagian yang lain ditolak  (particular accomodation). Keempat, tradisi yang secara prinsip tetap dilestarikan dengan sedikit modifikasi di sana-sini (sincronization and modification). 
De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 3, No 1: Juni 2011
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v3i1.1318


The popularity of Imam Bukhari as compiler of sunnah has an outstanding position among Muslim communities in the world. His work  al-Jami’ al-Shahih regarded as the best sunnah collection after the Quran. However,  there is not enough information about his capability on Islamic Law (fiqh). The are many questions can be offered to this case. First, is Imam Bukhari’s thought under the influence one of four Sunnites fuqaha when he was writing  al-Jami’ al-Shahih?. Second, what does he do to articulate his thought on Islamic law?.  Using explorative, verified and hermeneutical approaches, this article will show us that Imam Bukhari is not under the influence of any particular schoosl of thought in articulating his thought on Islamic law. He articulated his point of view in unique and excellent ways based on his capacity as muhaddits.Popularitas Imam Bukhari sebagai penyusun kitab Hadits memiliki posisi yang tinggi di kalangan masyarakat muslim. Kitab Al-Jami ‘al-Shahih karya Imam  Bukhari dianggap sebagai koleksi hadits terbaik setelah Quran. Namun, tidak ada banyak informasi tentang kemampuannya di bidang Hukum Islam (fiqh). Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang dapat diajukan dalam hal tersebut;  pertama, apakah pemikiran Imam Bukhari dipengaruh salah satu dari empat fuqaha Sunni saat menulis al-Jami ‘al-Shahih?. Kedua, apa yang diupayakan Imam Bukhari untuk mengartikulasikan pemikirannya tentang hukum Islam? Dengan menggunakan pendekatan eksploratif, verifikatif dan hermenetical, artikel ini akan mengungkapkan bahwa Imam Bukhari tidak berada di bawah pengaruh madhab tertentu dalam mengartikulasikan pemikirannya tentang hukum Islam. Dia mengartikulasikan pandangannya dengan cara yang unik dan execelent berdasarkan kapasitasnya sebagai muhaddits.
Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah Vol 35, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Da'wa and Communication Faculty State Islamic University Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/jid.v35.1.1232


The aim of this research is to know and analyze the influence of motivation to the performance of honorary religious counselor of Semarang. This research is conducted to all of honorary religious counselor of Semarang 2013. Research method used is descriptive method by using simple regression analysis. Sample of research is 132 of 200 honorary religious counselor of Semarang by using simple random sampling. Variable of research consists of independent variable motivation (X) and dependent variable performance (Y). The result shows motivation has positive and significance influence to the performance of honorary religious counselor of Semarang with 90,4%. Based on that result, it suggested: 1) all of honorary religious counselor is suggested to keep their motivation, 2) ministry of religious affairs to give treatment to increase the motivation of honorary religious counselor of semarang, 3) other researcher is suggested to develop the research about motivation or performance by other factors or variables.***Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja penyuluh agama honorer kota Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap penyuluh agama honorer kota Semarang yang berada di bawah naungan kementerian agama kota Semarang tahun 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis regresi sedehana. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan teknik sampling sederhana, yaitu dengan mengambil sebagian populasi sebanyak 132 dari 200 jumlah keselurahan penyuluh agama honorer. Adapun variable dalam penelitian ini adalah variabel bebas, yaitu variabel motivasi (X), dan variabel terikat, yakni variabel kinerja (Y). Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa motivasi memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja penyuluh agama honorer kota Semarang dengan pengaruh sebesar 90,4 %. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka direkomendasi-kan: 1) kepada penyuluh agama honorer agar selalu mempertahankan motivasi dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya, 2) kepada kementerian agama agar meningkatkan motivasi para penyuluh agama honorer dalam melayani masyarakat, 3) kepada para peneliti yang tertarik melakukan penelitian mengenai motivasi dan kinerja agar mengembangkan dengan faktor-faktor atau variabel lainnya.
TANIAN LANJANG Pola Tata Ruang dan Kekerabatan Masyarakat Madura Sattar, Abdul
Sabda: Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan Vol 10, No 2: 2015
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1430.659 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/sabda.10.2.%p


This study is intended to describe the meaning of the architectural pattern and family relationship among Madurese society. There are three points that will be discussed in this article. The first, the meaning behind Madurese choice in building their home in tanian lanjang. The second, the vital role of kobhung on the pattern of tanian lanjang. The third, the metamorphosis of tanian lanjang: changable and unchangable pattern. To describe all of these aspects and to know what is really meant by Madurese society, it is extremely needed to be part of this society; living with them for a temporal time is a must. The result of this research consists of three important points. The first, the meaning of house building in tanian lanjang is to present the seniority of the inhabitants. The oldest always stays in the west position and the youngest always stay in the east position. A house also becomes a private place for women and kids. Women are also the inhabitants and the owners of houses. The second, kobhung has a vital role in tanian lanjang. It is used to become the centre of all activities done by men. The third, the existence of tongghuh and kobhung is one of unchangable pattern of tanian lanjang.
Track Dating Hadith Fly Wings: A Study of Harald Motzki’s Isnad cum Matn Method and Science Mufid, Abdul; Sattar, Abdul; Rifai, Idris Ahmad
ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Vol. 24 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/esensia.v24i1.4362


This study explored and analyzed fly wings from the perspectives of hadith and science. It used a qualitative, analytical descriptive approach and integrated Harald Motzki's Isnad Cum Matn analysis with pharmaceutical studies. The research question was: How do hadith and pharmacy view fly wings? The results showed that 21 hadith books mention fly wings, including Sahih Bukhari. The hadith of the fly wings is valid, with Utbah bin Muslim as the common link (disseminator of hadith). From the perspective of pharmaceutical science, most microorganisms on flies, such as germs, viruses, and microbes, can cause diseases. However, drowning flies can neutralize these microorganisms against the fluid they perceive. This shows that science is in harmony with the hadith of the Prophet.
The Effect of Strokemash Training Method with Play Training Method on the Smash Ability of Badminton Players of SMPN 4 Koto Baru Sattar, Abdul; Prasetyo, Dian Estu; Burhan, Maldin Ahmad
The Future of Education Journal Vol 2 No 3 (2023): August
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Yayasan Pendidikan Tumpuan Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61445/tofedu.v2i3.92


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the stroke smash training method and the playing practice method on the smash ability of badminton players at SMP N 4 Koto Baru. This research is a type of quantitative research using an experimental method approach. While the form of research design used is "one-group pretest-posttest design". The population in this study were students of class VIII SMP N 4 Koto Baru with a total of 31 students. The samples in this study were male and female class VIII students who were in good health and had no history of serious illness and were willing to take part in the treatment during the research. The specified assessment that fulfilled was 19 people. The data analysis technique used in this study is the normality test and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the influence of the smash hitting training method on the smash ability of badminton players at SMP N 4 Koto Baru obtained t count of 2.1185 and t table of 1.8595 which means t count > t table. Based on the hypothesis testing criteria, namely Ho is accepted. So in this study it was concluded that there was an influence of the smash practice method on the smash ability of the badminton players of SMP N 4 Koto Baru which was accepted at a significant level of 0.05 and tested the truth in this study, the influence of the playing practice method on the smash ability of the badminton players of SMP N 4 Koto Baru gave the result t count of 3.1167 and t table of 1.8331, which means t count > t table. Based on the hypothesis testing criteria, namely Ha accepted. So in this study it was concluded that there was an influence of the playing practice method on the smash ability of badminton players at SMP N 4 Koto Baru and the truth was tested in this study. the results of the study between groups A and B had different improvement results, that group B was better than group A on the badminton smash ability of SMP N 4 Koto Baru players