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Overview of Motor Nerve Damage in People with Diabetes Mellitus Ana Nistiandani; Rondhianto Rondhianto; Muhammad Fakhrur Rozsy
Nursing and Health Sciences Journal (NHSJ) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : KHD Production

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53713/nhs.v1i3.83


Damage to motor nerves in people with diabetes increases the risk of a foot injury. This occurs because the damage results in changes in foot biomechanics, muscle atrophy, deformity, and increased pressure on the feet. So far, the examination of motor nerve damage in people with diabetes in agricultural areas such as the Jember Regency is still rarely touched by primary health services. The purpose of this study was to identify motor nerve damage in people with diabetes in the agriculture area of ​​the Jember Regency. This type of research is exploratory, descriptive, 102 respondents obtained by purposive sampling technique. Inclusion criteria in this study are age> 18 years; do not have DFU active, and did not experience amputation in both legs. Data collection uses instrument modification from MNSI (Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument) and MDNS (Michigan Diabetic Neuropathy Score). MNSI using in inspecting for deformity, while MDNS using for forms of physiological reflex damage and muscle strength. The analysis used in univariate and displayed in the frequency distribution. The results showed that the majority of respondents who suffer from DM are experienced in the middle adulthood category (71.6%), with a length of suffering more than five years (95.1%), and have a history of comorbidities (68.6%). The most common form of motor deformity damage was hallux valgus on the right and left legs (38.2%; 26.4%). Forms of motor damage in the form of muscle strength, severe damage to the abduction of the right and left legs (7.8%), and were found right or left toe extensions (1.9%; 2.9%). Motor damage in the form of no physiological reflexes was found in the right and left Quadriceps femoral (2%; 1%), and right or left leg Achilles (1%). The result of total motor damage assessment is that people with diabetes have decreased muscle strength in the right and left extremities (74.5%; 72.5%). This research shows that the majority of people with diabetes in the agricultur area of ​​the Jember Regency suffer motor nerve damage. Therefore, there is a need for preventive measures to prevent the worsening condition of people with diabetes.
Effect of Mirror Therapy on Phantom Pain Levels in Post Amputation Patient: a Literature Review Jon Hafan Sutawardana; Siswoyo Siswoyo; Wantiyah Wantiyah; Fahruddin Kurdi; Murtaqib Murtaqib; Dwi Ayu Sari; Ana Nistiandani
NurseLine Journal Vol 7 No 1 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/nlj.v7i1.29870


Background: Phantom pain after amputation is ordinary. Phantom pain is challenging to treat, so it will last a long time which will cause depression and anxiety and reduce the quality of life. There are various treatment options: pharmacological (antidepressants, anesthetics) and non-pharmacological (acupuncture, hypnosis). However, there is still no proven effective therapy, so it is necessary to try a non-pharmacological therapy that is safe, cheap, and easy, namely mirror therapy. Purpose: This study aims to determine how the effect of mirror therapy on the phantom pain of post-amputation patients. Methods: Narrative literature review of a publication registered 2017-2021 on Pubmed, ProQuest, EBSCO, and Google Scholar. Search articles using the keywords" amputation," and " phantom pain," and "mirror therapy." This study uses inclusion criteria consisting of patients who experience phantom pain, research in the form of mirror therapy intervention, there is comparison, the study design uses a randomized controlled trial and case report, with results explaining the effect of mirror therapy in Indonesian or English, and indexed by SINTA or SCIMAGO. Results: 8 articles were included in the inclusion criteria. The majority of articles had a randomized controlled trial design of 7 articles and a case report of 1 article. Four articles discuss mirror therapy, and the other four articles discuss mirror therapy with other therapies. Respondents have an age range of 15-82 years, and most are male. Conclusion: Mirror therapy is recommended to be carried out routinely and according to procedures for post-amputation patients. It has been proven to reduce pain scales in patients before and after the intervention. Nurses can use mirror therapy in the client care process during the post-amputation rehabilitation process.
Characteristic Of Demographic Neuropathy Diabetic Perifer In The Agriculture Area Ana Nistiandani; Lantin Sulistyorini; Muhammad Fakhurur Rozsy; Nuril Fauziah
JNKI (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia) (Indonesian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery) Vol 7, No 3 (2019): NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21927/jnki.2019.7(3).192-202


Jember Regency is a superior area in the agricultural sector, but it is contrary to the health conditions of the people. It was noted that Jember experienced an increase in cases of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). DM causes various complications, one of which often occurs is peripheral neuropathy. This study aims to analyze peripheral neuropathy based on the characteristics of people with diabetes in the agriculture area under the auspices of the Health Department of Jember Regency. This type of research is descriptive with the cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used is total population sampling. The number of respondents in this study was 102 people with diabetes. The instrument used was a modification of the MNSI (Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument) and MDNS (Michigan Diabetic Neuropathy Score). Univariate analysis is performed, which is presented in the form of frequency distribution tables and cross-tabulation. The results of this study indicate that all respondents experienced peripheral neuropathy (100%) in the mild (43.1%), moderate (44.2%), and severe (12.7%) categories. Domination of neuropathy by women (53.9%), has comorbidities (68.6%), middle adult age categories (71.6%), blood sugar levels 90-199 mg/dL (57.8%), and duration of DM ≥ 1 to 5 years (58.8%). A small percentage of people with diabetes who have peripheral neuropathy have a history of DFU (9.8%) and a history of smoking (32.4%). This nursing intervention is needed to prevent worsening of peripheral neuropathy.
The Description Of Diabetics’ Acceptance Stage Toward Diabetes Mellitus’ Diagnoses Ana Nistiandani; Achmad Zulfa Juniarto; Niken Safitri Dyan
JNKI (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia) (Indonesian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): MARET 2018
Publisher : Alma Ata University Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.303 KB) | DOI: 10.21927/jnki.2018.6(1).25-31


Abstract Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic condition which requires various kinds of lifetime treatment which cause grief. Grief has stages which can be passed though normally with the attainment of acceptance stage. Acceptance attainment renders a description maintaining that grief in its process is undergone normally through uncomplicated grief reaction and emotional responsiveness. A diabetics who manages to attain the acceptance stage will have a better glycemic control, while a diabetics with a low acceptance stage may experience an ineffective coping, improper self-treatment, and distress increase, all of which end up in a bad glycemic control which causes physical complications. This suggests that a description of s’ acceptance stage is important to identify. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to identify and analyze the description of diabetics’ acceptance of DM diagnoses. The method utilized is descriptive-observational, the data collected using the ‘Acceptance of Disease and Impairments Questionnaire’ (ADIQ). The analysis employed in this research is a descriptive analysis. The sampling technique used is consecutive sampling. The research result shows that, based on the diagram of ADIQ administered on 20 s, there are 30% found to be in the stage of acceptance, while there exist 70% to be in the stage of not yet attaining acceptance, which comprises denial (20%), resistance (10%), and sorrow (40%). Failure in attaining the acceptance stage is caused by the s’ still being in the states of denial, resistance, and sorrow. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that the s dominantly stay at the stage of not yet attaining acceptance. The diabetics who have attained acceptance may still be exposed to the risk of undergoing a maladaptive response which may trigger depression, anxiety, worsened physical health, self-treatment discontinuation, powerlessness, low self-esteem, social isolation, even suicidal drive. This is all caused by grief which constitutes a fluctuate condition where every diabetes can contribute to describing his or her condition at every stage. Keywords: stages of grief, acceptance, denial, resistance, sorrow
UNEJ e-Proceeding 2022: The 2nd International Student Conference 2022
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Diabetic neuropathy is a heterogeneous entity, consisting of peripheral sensorimotor and autonomic nerve dysfunction conditions. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy has a broad impact on patients, including recurrent infections, ulcers that do not heal and amputations of fingers and toes. This study aims to be able to overcome these risks, screening for neuropathy can be carried out including autonomic, sensory, and motor examinations.The research method uses a cross-sectional exploratory quantitative descriptive. The sample is 100 people using probability sampling method, namely multistage random sampling. The research locations are in 5 working areas of the Jember District Health Center (Bangsalsari, Umbulsari, Kalisat, Arjasa, and Patrang). Inclusion criteria for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients aged 18 - 65 years, diagnosed with T2DM, did not have diabetic ulcers, did not have amputation of both legs, and suffered > 1 year. The exclusion criteria were no hospitalization and no communication disorders. The research instrument used the Michigan Diabetic Neuropathy Score (MDNS), Michigan Neuropthy Screening Instrument (MNSI), screening with the Ipswich Touch Test (IpTT), screening with the Monofilament Test.T2DM respondents experienced multiple autonomic damage to the right leg (52%; 53%). Sensory damage in T2DM patients on the right and left legs showed normal results (63%). Motor damage is dominated by normal conditions on the right and left legs as much as (49%; 52%) and there is a decrease in muscle strength on the right and left (50%; 47%).Based on the results, there is still a moderate risk of T2DM patients experiencing peripheral neuropathy. The provision of nursing care in screening early conditions is an action to reduce risk and improve the patient's quality of life.
Terapi Latihan Aerobik untuk Menurunkan Tekanan Intraokular (TIO) sebagai Pencegahan Glaukoma : Literature Review Maulidya Yuniar Rahmawati; Siswoyo Siswoyo; Ana Nistiandani; Kushariyadi Kushariyadi
Bima Nursing Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2022): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32807/bnj.v4i1.913


Introduction: High IOP causes disturbing retinal ganglion cell axons’s work in sending impulses and causes visual disturbances. Restrictions on non-urgent health services due to Covid-19 pandemic caused telehealth treatments be carried out so physical examinations such as IOP measurements couldn’t be carried out, even though IOP control was important to keep visual field from narrowing. Method: Databases used: Google Scholar, PubMed, Research Gate, Science Direct, Wiley One Library, Sage Journals, Springer, Nature, Emerald, Cambridge Core, and ProQuest. Keywords entered into database, articles filtered according to inclusion criteria. Articles tested with JBI critical, and analyzed if score was >50%. Result: 7 articles mentioned a significant decrease in IOP, 1 article mentioned a non-significant decrease in IOP, and 2 articles mentioned an increase in duration and frequency of exercise associated with decrease in baseline IOP. Analysis: Aerobic exercise can reduce IOP immediately after exercise up to ±30 minutes. Although it’s temporary but if it’s done continuously it can reduce the baseline of IOP. The decrease in IOP was due to jogging on track 4.3mmHg, jogging on treadmill 3.0mmhg, running on ergometer bicycle 2.7mmhg, and running on treadmill 2.12-2.60mmHg. Conclusion: Jogging on track can lower IOP the most compared to other types of aerobic exercise.
Family needs of patients in intensive care unit a literature review Wantiyah Wantiyah; Habibatus Khoirotin Ilmiah; Rismawan Adi Yunanto; Baskoro Setiputro; Ana Nistiandani
Media Keperawatan Indonesia Vol 5, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.617 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/mki.5.4.2022.334-346


The intensive care room is a room full of pressure for the patient being treated and the family caring for it and focuses more on the physical needs of the patient so that the family feels neglected by the service. Health services do not pay attention to family needs. To identify the needs of the patient's family in the intensive care unit. We used five databases, namely Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, SpringerLink, and ProQuest using the PRISMA Flowchart for our study. The study design was cross-sectional, cohort and qualitative, year of publication 2017-2022, and discussed the needs of the patient's family in the intensive care room. A total of 13 articles were selected for analysis, examining 5 family needs, namely assurance, information, comfort, support and proximity. They were using instruments such as CCFNI, NMI, and NFNI. This instrument is proven to have been used globally to measure the needs of families in intensive care. Priority of family needs with CCFNI and NFNI instruments, namely assurance with proximity. Fulfilment of family needs using NMI instruments, information as a need that is met by health services. The priority of family needs is assurance so that it prioritizes physiological needs above other needs.
Effect of Sociodemographic Factors on Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Behavior of People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Rondhianto Rondhianto; Ana Nistiandani; Latifah Nur Jannah
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v11i1.452


Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is important in diabetes self-management to achieve better HbA1c control and decrease complications, morbidity, and mortality in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). SMBG behavior can be influenced by various factors, one of which is sociodemographic factors. This study aimed to analyze the sociodemographic factors that influence the behavior of self-monitoring blood glucose in patients with T2DM. The cross-sectional study was conducted in ten health centers in Jember Regency with a sample size of 130 respondents using multistage random sampling. The independent variable is sociodemographic factors (age, gender, marital status, education level, income level, family type, and ethnicity), while the dependent variable is SMBG behavior. The instrument used was the Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose Questionnaire (SMBG-Q). Data were analyzed by multiple logistic regression. Most respondents had SMBG behavior in the good category (64.6%). Sociodemographic factors simultaneously had an influence on SMBG behavior (p = 0.001 < α = 0.05; R2 = 0.324). The sociodemographic factor that significantly affects SMBG behavior partially is ethnicity (p = 0.001 < α = 0.05). Meanwhile, age, gender, marital status, education level, income level, and family type did not have a significant partial effect (p = 0.095; p = 0.149; p = 0.083; p = 0.359; p = 0.507; p = 0.152 > α = 0.05). The sociodemographic factor that influences SMBG behavior is ethnicity. Therefore, efforts to improve SMBG behavior must pay attention to values and culture to improve the self-monitoring blood glucose behavior of people with T2DM. Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus; self-monitoring blood glucose behavior; sociodemographic
TEKNOLOGI BERBASIS ANIMASI SEBAGAI SARANA EDUKASI ANAK DALAM MENCEGAH PENULARAN HEPATITIS AKUT DI SEKOLAH Ana Nistiandani; Lantin Sulistyorini; Siswayo; Jon Haffan Sutawardana; Mulia Hakam; Mochammad Ubaidillah
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Januari 2024
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v8i1.22516


TEKNISI is a technology that has modified its appearance in animated videos. TEKNISI is designed to increase children's knowledge to prevent transmission of acute hepatitis in the school environment. TEKNISI contains clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) material. Children under 16 years of age are the main concern of Acute Hepatitis of Unknown Aetiology (acute hepatitis). The purpose of this activity is to increase participants' knowledge of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) in preventing hepatitis transmission in schools. The method is carried out through technology-based health education called "TEKNISI". This activity is carried out in four stages: education, demonstration and re-demonstration, discussion, and evaluation. The participation of partners involved are PAUD and kindergarten children of the Al-Fitroh Jember Foundation, totaling 58 students. The results of the animated video intervention showed that 58 participants (100%) could mention PHBS to prevent acute hepatitis transmission in schools. The PHBS includes 6 steps: hand washing, drinking boiled water, bringing your eating utensils, consuming vegetables and fruit, disposing of garbage, and exercising. Thus, it is concluded that this animation-based video technology can increase the knowledge of children in the age category ≥ 3 - ≤ 7 years by 100%.  ---  TEKNISI merupakan teknologi yang dimodifikasi tampilannya dalam video animasi. TEKNISI di desain untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan anak sebagai upaya mencegah terjadinya penularan hepatitis akut di lingkungan sekolah. TEKNISI mengandung materi perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS). Anak-anak usia dibawah 16 tahun menjadi perhatian utama dari kasus Acute Hepatitis of Unknown Aetiology (hepatitis akut). Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) peserta dalam mencegah penularan hepatitis di sekolah. Metode yang dilakukan melalui edukasi kesehatan berbasis teknologi yang disebut “TEKNISI”. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan empat tahap, meliputi pemberian edukasi, demonstrasi dan re-demonstrasi, diskusi, dan evaluasi. Partisipasi mitra yang terlibat adalah anak-anak PAUD dan TK dibawah Yayasan Al-Fitroh Jember yang berjumlah 58 siswa. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian pemberian intervensi video animasi, didapatkan 58 peserta (100%) dapat menyebutkan PHBS untuk mencegah penularan hepatititis akut disekolah. PHBS tersebut meliputi cuci tangan 6 langkah, minum air yang matang, membawa peralatan makan sendiri, mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, serta olahraga. Dengan demikian, teknologi video berbasis animasi ini disimpulkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan anak PAUD dan TK pada kategori usia ≥ 3 - ≤ 7 tahun sebanyak 100%.
Edukasi Kader Kesehatan Tentang Deteksi Resiko Luka Kaki Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Di Desa Mayang Ana Nistiandani; Siswoyo Siswoyo; Elly Nurus Sakinah; Tira Anjeli Rahmah; Alvin Faizin Lisar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62411/ja.v7i1.1867


Kader kesehatan memiliki peran penting dalam deteksi dini factor risiko komplikasi penyakit di masyarakat pertanian. Namun, kader kesehatan memiliki hambatan dalam penguasaan keterampilan tersebut, terutama keterampilan deteksi dini kaki diabetik. Hal ini inline dengan tingginya jumlah kasus risiko kaki diabetik di wilayah pertanian Jember. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan keterampilan melalui pemberdayaan kader kesehatan menjadi urgensi untuk ditangani. Tujuan dari Pendidikan kesehatan ini adalah meningkatkan keterampilan kader kesehatan di wilayah pertanian melalui pemanfaatan Technology-Based Diabetic Foot Detection. Tahapan pengabdian yang dilakukan meliputi identifikasi kebutuhan mitra, pembuatan rancangan program pengabdian, pelaksanaan program dengan pelatihan pemberdayaan pada kader, evaluasi kegiatan. Metode edukasi yang dilakukan meliputi, pemutaran video animasi Technology-Based Diabetic Foot Detection, demonstrasi, diskusi, dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan rata-rata nilai pengetahuan kader tentang deteksi dini kaki diabetik sebelum dan sesudah edukasi. Hasil nilai rata-rata pengetahuan dari kader kesehatan sebelum edukasi adalah 76.67 (pretest), sedangkan hasil nilai rata-rata sesudah edukasi menjadi 95 (postest). Peningkatan nilai rata-rata pengetahuan dari kader kesehatan menunjukkan bahwa edukasi dengan pemanfaatan video animasi Technology-Based Diabetic Foot Detection berpengaruh terhadap peserta. Dengan demikian, pemberian edukasi ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kader kesehatan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan mendeteksi adanya risiko kaki diabetik.