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Crop-Livestock Integration in Farming System at Irrigation Area Case Study: Grobogan District, Central Java Prasetyo, Teguh; Setiani, Cahyati; Kartaatmaja, Sunendar
Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 12, No 1 (2002)
Publisher : Indonesian Animal Sciences Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.385 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/wartazoa.v12i1.775


Most of farmers in Central Java hold land about 0.25 − 0.3 ha. If they are only doing farming system with rice-rice-corn cropping pattern, their income per season will range from Rp 446.800 to Rp 586.000. Of course such earnings is not enough and unsuitable, so its necessary to find out some efforts for increasing farmers income. One of some alternative efforts can be carried out is diversification, i.e. developing farm enterprise which integrated with livestock. Related with that idea, we have been studying crop livestock integration in Grobogan District since November 2000. This study was carried out in order to find alternative sharing farm operation model on irrigation area which executed in group. The farmers included in this study are 454 farmers which posses land about 106.2 hectare, while livestock they breed are 180 cows for applicant in five units of stall together. Business management was carried out by one management which organized by group managers, includes farm enterprise (input, irrigation, integrated pest management, mechanic service, and marketing), livestock (input, IB service, animal health, straw treatment and selling the product), and also save-debt of money. The technology which introduced includes processing plant product technology, livestock breeding, and straw treatment for food and also ecreement of livestock for organic fertilizer. Along the production process both exertion can give input each other (internal input) by using by product and also can minimalize input from outside (low external input). Straw production of corn and rice plant which used for live stock woof are 3600 kg/ha and 4600 kg/ha respectly, meanwhile organic fertilizer that produced after 10 months observation was 216,8 tons. If the dosis of the fertilizer for rice plant/corn is 2 t/ha, so it can be used for rice plant and corn on 108.4 ha area. Up until 10 month observation, 4 calves were born and 17 catle were pregnant.   Key words: Irrigation area, crop-livestock, beef cattle, rice, corn
PEMBERDAYAAN PETANI MENUJU DESA MANDIRI BENIH Setiani, Cahyati; Wulanjari, Munir E; Prasetyo, Teguh
JURNAL RISET AGRIBISNIS & PETERNAKAN Vol 3, No 2 (2018): JURNAL RISET Agribisnis & Peternakan

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Pencapaian sasaran produksi padi pada tahun 2016 sebesar 76,23 juta ton, memerlukan upaya konkrit peningkatan produktivitas, yang salah satunya dapat dicapai melalui penggunaan benih varietas unggul bersertifikat. Dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan benih di masing-masing wilayah/desa, ditumbuhkembangkan kelompok penangkar untuk memproduksi benih, yaitu melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan petani menuju desa mandiri benih dengan pendekatan sekolah lapang. Penelitian dilakukan di dua kelompok tani yang berada di Desa Sidowayah, Kabupaten Klaten dan Desa Pucangrejo, Kabupaten Kendal. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan strategi pemberdayaan petani menuju desa mandiri benih. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat eksploratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: i) inovasi teknologi melalui pendekatan Sekolah Lapang (SL) dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan petani dalam memproduksi benih berkualitas, ii) keterbatasan modal menjadi salah satu kendala menuju desa mandiri benih, iii) pemberdayaan petani membutuhkan keterlibatan aktif dari Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan (PPL) dan Petugas Pengendali Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (PPOPT). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pemberdayaan petani menuju desa mandiri benih dibutuhkan inovasi teknologi dan akses ke sumber modal Keywords: Pemberdayaan, Inovasi Teknologi, Modal, Sekolah Lapang, Mandiri Benih
JURNAL RISET AGRIBISNIS & PETERNAKAN Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JURNAL RISET Agribisnis & Peternakan

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Pengkajian mengenai biaya transaksi dalam adopsi benih padi Varietas Unggul Baru dilakukan di Desa Tangkil, Kecamatan Sragen, Kabupaten Sragen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah pada Juni-November 2018. Tujuan pengkajian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi biaya transaksi dalam mengadopsi benih padi varietas unggul baru. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa: Faktor yang mempengaruhi besar kecilnya biaya transaksi dalam adopsi benih varietas unggul baru adalah: karakteristik petani; karakteristik teknologi, dan kepastian hasil. Keterbatasan rasionalitas petani mengakibatkan kurang dapat menangkap informasi yang diberikan oleh benih padi varietas unggul baru, sehingga diperlukan biaya informasi yang dikeluarkan oleh produsen benih/pemerintah melalui biaya pembuatan demplot/demfarm dan atau leaflet serta teknik diseminasi lain. Biaya informasi adopsi benih padi varietas unggul baru dapat lebih efektif menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Kurangnya informasi tentang karakter teknologi padi varietas unggul baru yang diterima petani merupakan salah satu penghambat adopsi, di samping faktor-faktor lainnya, seperti umur tanaman, produktivitas, ketahanan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit, rasa nasi, serta pertimbangan ekonomi seperti harga pasar atau kemudahan memasarkan. Biaya transaksi tertinggi yang dihadapi petani dalam adopsi benih padi varietas unggul baru adalah resiko kegagalan panen Pengurangan biaya transaksi dapat dikurangi seminimal mungkin melalui elemen kepercayaan, sehingga benih perlu diproduksi di desa dan atau yang berada pada komunitas petani
Analisis Tingkat Efisiensi Paket Teknologi Usahatani Padi Gogo Di Lahan Tadah Hujan Prasetyo, teguh; Setiani, Cahyati

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Abstract Usahatani padi gogo yang dilakukan di lahan tadah hujan digolongkan sebagai yang berisiko tinggi, sehingga pengembangan padi gogo di lahan tadah hujan relatif lambat. Hal ini disebabkan karena usahatani yang diterapkan saat ini dinilai belum efisien. Sehubungan dengan hal itu diperlukan kajian yang terkait dengan tingkat efisiensi paket teknologi usahatani padi gogo dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui produktivitas dan kelayakan usahatani padi gogo di lahan tadah hujan. Paket teknologi yang diintroduksikan adalah varietas unggul baru (VUB) Inpago 5, Inpago 8, Inpago 9, dan Inpari 19. Sistem tanam dilakukan secara jajar legowo dengan dosis pupuk Urea sebanyak 125 kg/ha dan Phonska sebanyak 275 kg/ha. Penggunaan pupuk organik dipenuhi dari pengumpulan faeces dan sisa pakan sapi yang dipelihara oleh petani kooperator yaitu antara 2-3 ton. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi hasil gabah kering panen, hasil gabah kering giling. Untuk menilai kelayakan setiap paket teknologi digunakan analisis R/C yaitu rasio antara penerimaan dengan total biaya yang dikeluarkan selama proses produksi. Untuk mengetahui tingkat efisiensi paket teknologi yang dikaji diukur dari persentase biaya produksi terhadap total biaya usahatani pola petani. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa gabah kering giling (GKG) bahwa padi gogo varietas Inpago 8 mendapatkan hasil tertinggi yaitu 5,52 t/ha dibandingkan 3 variates yang lain yaitu antara 4,8-5,3  t/ha GKG. Dari hasil perhitungan finansiil terhadap usahatani padi dapat diketahui bahwa R/C yang diperoleh pada usahatani pola petani lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan paket teknologi usahatani introduksi dengan VUB Inpago 5 dan Inpago 8. Paket teknologi dengan VUB Inpago 5 dan Inpago 8,  dapat dikatakan lebih efisien, karena nilai efisiensinya melebihi anggka 100 %, masing-masing adalah 114,60 % dan 120,67%, sedangkan paket teknologi dengan menggunakan varietas Inpago 9 dan Inpari 19 kurang efisien bila dibandingkan dengan pola petani. Varietas padi Inpago 8 merupakan varietas yang produktivitas dan tingkat efisiensinya  tertinggi bila dibandingkan dengan varietas yang lain. Adanya peningkatan produktivitas dan keuntungan usahatani padi Inpago 8, maka berpeluang untuk dikembangkan di lahan tadah hujan secara luas.
Crop-Livestock Integration in Farming System at Irrigation Area Case Study: Grobogan District, Central Java Teguh Prasetyo; Cahyati Setiani; Sunendar Kartaatmaja
WARTAZOA, Indonesian Bulletin of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Vol 12, No 1 (2002)
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.385 KB) | DOI: 10.14334/wartazoa.v12i1.775


Most of farmers in Central Java hold land about 0.25 − 0.3 ha. If they are only doing farming system with 'rice-rice-corn' cropping pattern, their income per season will range from Rp 446.800 to Rp 586.000. Of course such earnings is not enough and unsuitable, so it's necessary to find out some efforts for increasing farmers' income. One of some alternative efforts can be carried out is diversification, i.e. developing farm enterprise which integrated with livestock. Related with that idea, we have been studying crop livestock integration in Grobogan District since November 2000. This study was carried out in order to find alternative sharing farm operation model on irrigation area which executed in group. The farmers included in this study are 454 farmers which posses land about 106.2 hectare, while livestock they breed are 180 cows for applicant in five units of stall together. Business management was carried out by one management which organized by group managers, includes farm enterprise (input, irrigation, integrated pest management, mechanic service, and marketing), livestock (input, IB service, animal health, straw treatment and selling the product), and also save-debt of money. The technology which introduced includes processing plant product technology, livestock breeding, and straw treatment for food and also ecreement of livestock for organic fertilizer. Along the production process both exertion can give input each other (internal input) by using 'by product' and also can minimalize input from outside (low external input). Straw production of corn and rice plant which used for live stock woof are 3600 kg/ha and 4600 kg/ha respectly, meanwhile organic fertilizer that produced after 10 months observation was 216,8 tons. If the dosis of the fertilizer for rice plant/corn is 2 t/ha, so it can be used for rice plant and corn on 108.4 ha area. Up until 10 month observation, 4 calves were born and 17 catle were pregnant.   Key words: Irrigation area, crop-livestock, beef cattle, rice, corn
Analisis Tingkat Efisiensi Paket Teknologi Usahatani Padi Gogo di Lahan Tadah Hujan Teguh Prasetyo; Cahyati Setiani
Jurnal Riset Agribisnis dan Peternakan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.573 KB)


Upland rice farming carried out on rainfed land is classified as high risk, so the development of upland rice in rainfed land is relatively slow. This is because the farming that is currently being implemented is considered inefficient. In this regard, a study related to the level of efficiency of upland rice farming technology packages is needed with the aim of knowing the productivity and feasibility of upland rice farming in rainfed land. The technology packages introduced were the new high yielding varieties (VUB) Inpago 5, Inpago 8, Inpago 9, and Inpari 19. The planting system was carried out in a row of legowo with a dosage of urea fertilizer of 125 kg/ha and Phonska of 275 kg / ha. The use of organic fertilizers is fulfilled from the collection of faeces and leftover cattle feed maintained by cooperator farmers, which is between 2-3 tons. The data collected included the yield of harvested dry unhulled rice and milled dry grain. To assess the feasibility of each technology package, an R / C analysis is used, namely the ratio between revenues and total costs incurred during the production process. To determine the level of efficiency of the studied technology package, it is measured from the percentage of production costs to the total cost of farming patterns of farmers. The results of the study showed that milled dry unhulled rice (GKG) showed that the Inpago 8 variety upland rice had the highest yield, namely 5.52 t / ha compared to the other 3 variates, namely between 4.8-5.3 t / ha GKG. From the results of financial calculations on rice farming, it can be seen that the R / C obtained in farmer pattern farming is lower than the introduced farming technology package with VUB Inpago 5 and Inpago 8. The technology package with VUB Inpago 5 and Inpago 8 can be said to be more efficient because the efficiency value exceeds the estimated 100%, respectively 114.60% and 120.67%, while the technology package using Inpago 9 and Inpari 19 varieties is less efficient when compared to the farmer pattern. Inpago 8 rice variety is the variety with the highest productivity and efficiency level when compared to other varieties. With an increase in the productivity and profitability of Inpago 8 rice farming, it has the opportunity to be developed in rainfed land widely. Keywords: Efficiency, varieties, upland rice, rainfed