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The Effects of Peer Education on The Behaviors Regarding HIV/AIDS Transmission Prevention Among Street Children in Bandung City Meilianingsih, Lia; Setiawan, Ridwan; Sofyana, Haris
Health Notions Vol 1 No 2 (2017): April-June 2017
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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All adolescents are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, including street children. The behaviors of street children are much influenced by their peers. Peer education can enhance knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and skills and empower children to be responsible for protecting the health of themselves and their peers (Wahyuni, 2012). This study aims to determine the effects of peer health education on the HIV/AIDS Preventive Behaviors of Street Children in Bandung City in 2015. The research employed a quasi-experimental method with the pre-post-test control group design. The sample was 26 people for the treatment group and 26 people for the control group, respectively, taken with purposive sampling technique. Interventions began with peer educator training and then the peer educators provided health education on HIV/AIDS transmission prevention through small group discussions for 2 days. The data in this study were not normally distributed. The paired or dependent data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test, while the unpaired or independent data using Mann-Whitney test. The results of the research show that peer health education had effects on the knowledge and attitudes of the street children (p values 0.00 and 0.00, respectively); however, there was no effect of peer health education on the actions regarding HIV/AIDS transmission prevention among the street children (p value 0.09). Hence, it is advisable to conduct health promotion with peer health education method in an effort of increasing knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS transmission prevention among street children that is sustainable and integrated with the existing programs at puskesmas (Community Health Center).
ASPEK PRAGMATIK DALAM IKLAN AXIS PADA MEDIA AUDIO VISUAL Suaibah Suparman, Neneng Siti; Setiawan, Ridwan; Nugraha, Via
Parole (Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia) Vol 1, No 3 (2018): Volume 1 Nomor 3, Mei 2018
Publisher : IKIP Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (22.582 KB) | DOI: 10.22460/p.v1i3p%p.670


This study attempts to describe the pragmatic aspects contained in Axis advertising. The method used in this study used a qualitative approach with descriptive-analysis method. The purpose of this study to determine the meaning contained in Axis advertising in terms of pragmatic. The result of this research is the use of language in Axis advertisement get 4 kinds in a pragmatic aspect that is, direct speech act, an act of directive speech, an act of speech illocution, and not representative speech. In addition, the use of language in axis ads is only to attract viewers to buy their products and means that in axis ads very sparingly if used for browsing like video calls, streaming video, and upload photos.
Perancangan Electronic Catalogue Online Sebagai Media Prmosi Wisata Industri Nugraha, Satria Adhi; Gunadhi, Erwin; Setiawan, Ridwan
Jurnal Algoritma Vol 17 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Algoritma
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33364/algoritma/v.17-1.23


Kurangnya kesadaran para pelaku usaha khususnya yang berada di daerah Kabupaten Garut dalam teknologi informasi, menjadikan pemasaran produk terutama kerajinan masih kurang mejangkau pasar yang luas. Media teknologi dapat dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan promosi dalam meningkatkan daya saing produk penjualan wisata industri khususnya di daerah Garut, dimana dari tahun ketahun pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) terus bertambah dan persainganpun menjadi ketat, oleh karena itu pemasaran harus ditingkatkan. Pada penelitian ini akan merancang aplikasi electronic catalogue online sebagai media promosi wisata industri dengan metode scrum tahapan product backlog, sprint, daily stand-up, dan sprint revie. Pemodelan sistem yang digunakan adalah Unified Modeling Language menggunakan use case diagram, activity diagram dan class diagram. Adapun hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi berbasis web yang terdapat fitur register untuk mempermudah pelaku usaha dalam menyajikan produk informasi pada web, fitur pencarian untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam mencari produk yang diinginkan serta peta untuk menunjukkan lokasi dari produk yang dipilih. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini dapat menjadi wadah bagi para pelaku usaha untuk mempromosikan produknya.
Efisiensi Penyisihan Kadar Amoniak Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit dengan Proses Adsorpsi Karbon Aktif Bijih Plastik Ruhmawati, Tati; Budiasyah, Teguh; Setiawan, Ridwan
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 19, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.19.2.82-88


Latar Belakang: Tingginya kunjungan pasien akan meningkatkan kandungan amoniak limbah cair rumah sakit.Kadar amoniak yang tinggi menimbulkan pencemaran perairan. Adsorpsi karbon aktif merupakan teknologi alternatif dalam menurunkan kadar amoniak limbah cair.Tujuan penelitian ingin mengetahui pengaruh variasi waktu kontak karbon aktif bijih plastik terhadap penurunan kadar amoniak limbah cair rumah sakit.Metode: Jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan pretest-postest dengan kontrol. Populasi, seluruh air limbah yang diambil dari influent RSUD Al Ihsan Kabupaten Bandung, sedangkan sampel sebagian air limbah  yang diambil dari populasi dengan teknik pengambilan gabungan waktu.Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan uji anova.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata persentase penurunan kadar amoniak untuk waktu kontak 60 menit 18,40%, 90 menit35,07 %, dan 120 menit 48,77 %. Hasil uji Anova diperoleh nilai p 0,001 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (α 5%).Simpulan:Terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna antara variasi waktu kontak karbon aktif bijih plastik terhadap penurunan kadar amoniak limbah cair.  ABSTRACTTitle : Elimination Efficiency of Ammonia Content of Hospital Liquid Waste with Active Carbon Plastic Ore Adsorption.Background: Considerable visits from patients increases the content of ammonia within the liquid waste of the hospital which, in turn, results in water pollution. Adsorption of active carbon is an alternative technology in reducing the ammonia level of liquid waste. This research aims at revealing the contact time of active carbon plastic ore towards the degression of ammonia level of liquid waste. Method: This research was an experiment designed by pretest-posttest design with control. The population of the research was all the liquid waste taken from the influent of RSUD Al Ihsan Bandung, while the sample of the research was taken from the population by time combiningcollection technique. The collected data was then analyzed using anova. Result: The results of the research show that the average of the degression percentage for contact time of sixty minutes is 18.40%, 90 minutes 35.07%, and 120 minutes 48.77%. The value of t acquired from anova testing is 0.001, smaller than degression of ammonia level of liquid waste. Conclusion: There is a significant effect between the variation of contact time of plastic ore activated carbon to the decrease in the level of liquid waste ammonia.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 5, No 4 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (31.837 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v5i4.4969


Abstrak: Kebijakan pemerintah terkait pembelajaran daring untuk pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 menjadi masalah bagi lembaga pendidikan di Garut yang belum menerapkan sistem pembelajaran daring, di mana tenaga pendidik dan peserta didiknya belum memiliki kompetensi literasi digital yang memadai. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membangun kompetensi literasi digital sektor pendidikan. Sasaran mitra kegiatannya adalah lembaga pendidikan formal dan non formal di kabupaten Garut. Tiga puluh sembilan tim dari empat kelas paralel mata kuliah Relawan TIK melaksanakan kegiatan pelayanan berupa sosialisasi dan workshop secara luring dan daring di bawah bimbingan 4 orang dosen dan asistennya. Laporan akhir tim #RTIKAbdimas mengungkapkan kinerja relawan TIK yang berhasil menerapkan 54 teknologi informasi di lingkungan mitra, menyebarkan 62 konten digital terkait literasi digital, dan meningkatkan rata-rata pengetahuan literasi digital mitra sekitar 17,26 poin dari skor awal 60 poin. Sekitar 80% mitra kegiatannya adalah lembaga pendidikan formal, dan 20% adalah lembaga pendidikan non formal.Abstract:  Government policies related to online learning to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are a problem for educational institutions in Garut that have not implemented an online learning system, where educators and students do not yet have adequate digital literacy competencies. This service aims to build digital literacy competencies in the education sector. The target partners of its activities are formal and non-formal educational institutions in the Garut district. Thirty-nine teams from four parallel classes of ICT Volunteer courses carry out service activities in the form of socialization and workshops offline and online under the guidance of 4 lecturers and their assistants. The final report of the #RTIKAbdimas team revealed the performance of ICT volunteers who successfully implemented 54 information technologies in partner environments, disseminated 62 digital content related to digital literacy, and increased the average digital literacy knowledge of partners 17.26 points from an initial score of 60 points. About 80% of its activity partners are formal education institutions, and 20% are non-formal education institutions.